Watermark widget

Watermark widget

one low-priority widget is Watermark. This one is mostly complete in
the JS implementation, but has some flaws in the presentation.
The currenty approach of placing an absolutely positioned label over
the input (by making the parent position:relative) allows fading etc.,
but looks really bad.
Todd, can yoiu take a look at it and lead the effort here? Assume the
current implementation and theme as only a prototype. If you find a
better approach for positioning and styling the label, all the better.
Some static markup tests should do the trick.
Also, as mentioned under Open issues: "Is there anything Themeroller
could support specifically for this plugin? Are there any generic CSS
framework styles that should be applied? There are requests to add
styles for standard HTML form elements to the framework, those would
probably overlap."
I've looked through all the comments, seems like the discussion can be
removed. Would be nice if someone could confirm that I didn't miss