WebSockets and jQuery

WebSockets and jQuery

Before we get 100+ long threads about pros-and-cons of WebSockets and pros-and-cons of jQuery core using them or wrapping them in any way. Before any of that, here are a few simple facts about WebSockets, today.

  1. Q1:: Are WebSockets, actually part of HTML5 ?
    • A1 :: No ( They were developed as part of HTML5 originally. )
  2. Q2 :: Can Appache out-of-the-box support WebSockets? Can IIS ?
    • A2:: No ( WebSockets is not part of HTTP; it's a separate protocol and needs separate servers (though it can be integrated with HTTP servers in certain cases).
  3. Q3 :: Can HTTPS work over WebSockets ?
    • A3:: No (  WebSockets can be encrypted using TLS. One can not run raw HTTPS over WebSockets, though, that wouldn't make much sense.)

Please do not get this as "patronising". 
If you wish to develop a "WebSockets jQuery plugin", feel free to do it.
( I very much doubt that WebSockets will be "covered" by jQuery core, any time soon. )