Weird problem with page transition and ajax disabled

Weird problem with page transition and ajax disabled


I have been stuck for a couple of days now with my new mobile web site. I have a page that is bigger that the screen so vertical scrolling is involved. I have ajax disabled using $.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false; because the next page has a different <header>, this works!

What I notice is that the links work fine if I do NOT scroll or only scroll a little, once I scroll down by a around 30% of the screen height the hyper links work but do not take me to the page, it just goes white and hangs. At this point if I hit the reload in the browser the page loads fine.

This only seems to happen on my iPad and iPhone, it happens in both Safari and Chrome. Whilst the application works fine on my PC using Chrome.....

Now the crazy part is that if I enabled Ajax it works perfectly, problem is now that the new page has the previous page's header and the wrong javascripts and css style sheets......

Can anyone help before I pull out all of my hair?

Many thanks