What about event delegation for change, submit, reset and select?
Hello everybody,
I know that before releasing jQuery 1.4 it is expected that all events
should be compatible with .live()
I had a look at the patch related to submit, proposed by Justin Meyer:
and I am afraid by the possibility that all of these events could
require such a complex implementation.
I would just like to draw your attention toward the choice made by
Greg Reimer in Reglib: http://code.google.com/p/reglib/source/browse/trunk/reg.js#1115
He actually binds "delegated" event handlers to an individual form
element when it receives focus, since (according to him) this event is
guaranteed to happen first.
It might not be a better solution (I'm not sure there is a perfect
solution unfortunately) but it might be cleaner.
What do you think about it?
Louis-Rémi Babé