What is obj in the QUnit code example?

What is obj in the QUnit code example?


I read this web-page. It contains code example:

  1. QUnit.test( "step test", function( assert ) {
  2.   obj.start = function() {
  3.     assert.step('start');
  4.   };
  5.   obj.middle = function() {
  6.     assert.step('middle');
  7.   };
  8.   obj.end = function() {
  9.     assert.step('end');
  10.   };
  11.   return obj.process().then(function() {
  12.     assert.verifySteps(['start', 'middle', 'end']);
  13.   });
  14. });

What is obj in this code example? 

I don't understand how to use `assert.verifySteps` method. This is my attempt:

  1. QUnit.test( "step test", function( assert ) {
  2.   let obj = {};
  3.   obj.start = function() {
  4.     assert.step('start');
  5.   };
  6.   obj.middle = function() {
  7.     assert.step('middle');
  8.   };
  9.   obj.end = function() {
  10.     assert.step('end');
  11.   };
  12.   return assert.verifySteps.bind(obj)(['start', 'middle', 'end']);
  13. });

Thank you.