What is .resize() at the end of this function?

What is .resize() at the end of this function?


I'm trying to understand the following function:

  1. function resizeVideofn () {
    var $allVideos = $(
    " iframe[src^='//player.vimeo.com'], iframe[src^='https://www.youtube.com'], iframe[src^='http://www.youtube.com'], object, embed "
    ) ,
    $fluidEl = $( " .video-container ") ;

    $allVideos . each( function () {
    $( this)
    // jQuery .data does not work on object/embed elements
    . attr( " data-aspectRatio " , this .height / this .width)
    . removeAttr( " height ")
    . removeAttr( " width ") ;
    }) ;

    $(window) . resize( function () {
    var newWidth = $fluidEl . width() ;

    $allVideos . each( function () {
    var $el = $( this) ;
    $el . width(newWidth) . height(newWidth * $el . attr( " data-aspectRatio ")) ;
    }) ;
    . resize() ;
The only part I really don't understand is the last peace of the code:  
  1. .resize()
What does it mean. Does it invoke the window.resize function? Could you explain a bit more about it?