when redirecting to a new page using $.mobile.changePage(url), the url has added new url after original url with '#'

when redirecting to a new page using $.mobile.changePage(url), the url has added new url after original url with '#'

Recently, when i was checking my webapp pages on Chrome, I found one big issue:
when i was redirecting from page B to page A, the url of page B has kept in the url ! !
And it was put before page A.
page A : https:mydomain/home.html
page B : https:mydomain/Optimization/List
when i redirected from page B, the url of page A has changed to https:mydomain/Optimization/List#/home.html

After many tests, i found that when anchors using relative address would cause the issue.
And this issue was found only several days ago.
Has anybody else found this issue and any solution of it??