While upgrading to 1.7
While upgrading to 1.7
I was using 1.5.3 accordion and datepicker on my project. Datepicker
was using the default theme, accordion was completely customized.
After updating jQuery to 1.3.2 and core and both plugins to 1.7 I was
stuck with the accordion default theme. The themeing approach we had
so far was way too different to adapt the base theme to it, so I had
to find a way to disable the base theme for the accordion.
I ended up with adding a CSS scope to the theme, namely #ui-container.
For the datepicker to keep working with the scoped CSS, I had to
modify its source to append the datepicker to that container-element -
by default, the datepicker is appended to body and there is no
parent-element I can use for scoping.
Just excluding ui.accordion.css doesn't help at all, as ui.core.css
and ui.theme.css still apply to the accordion - I can't ommit these
either, they are required for datepicker.
To make this less painful, a first step would be adding an
appendTo-option to the datepicker: http://dev.jqueryui.com/ticket/4306
What else can we do to make using themes more selective?