why are my event handlers firing more than once after ajax?

why are my event handlers firing more than once after ajax?

i'll start off by saying i'm a novice developer.  i'm building an mvc application and recently started using the jquery hotness. 

i've set up a right hand nav and bound click events for collapsible panes.  inside one of those divs (action pane) i've bound click events which will open a modal dialog with a form.  the form is submitted with $.post().  then i've used $.get() to refresh several divs with the new content.  once that happens, all of my links begin to fire twice (collapsible panes and the links in the action pane) in ie8 and the latest firefox but not in chrome. 

i pulled out all the markup and js and put it on a static test site: http://ishiftdelete.com/pw_mkvi/ajax_wtf.htm

i've poured over the jquery api, faq, and read up on event-delegation.  i can't figure this out.  please help!