Why I cannot sort number above 1000000?

Why I cannot sort number above 1000000?

Hi guys i am using the jquery for sorter, the problem is that i cannot sort number above 1000000 but numbers under 1000000 they get sorted correctly, can some please help me?

the code im using is the followeing:

    id: "digit",
        is: function (s, table) {
            var c = table.config;
            return $.tablesorter.isDigit(s, c);
        }, format: function (s) {
            return $.tablesorter.formatFloat(s);
        }, type: "numeric"

and i do not know if the following has something to do about:

var s = (table.config.parsers[c].type == "text") ? ((order == 0) ? makeSortFunction("text", "asc", c) : makeSortFunction("text", "desc", c)) : ((order == 0) ? makeSortFunction("numeric", "asc", c) : makeSortFunction("numeric", "desc", c));

please help :D