why this empty space - css is not fixed auto by jQm?

why this empty space - css is not fixed auto by jQm?

jQm 1.4.5
Why in collapsible widget between items, in header (double line with empty black color) and footer there is empty space like image attached... ? In footer one item is also Not aligned with other footer buttons... well?

  1.      < link rel= "shortcut icon" href= "../favicon.ico" >
         < link rel= "stylesheet" href= "../css/themes/default/jquery.mobile-1.4.5.min.css" >
         < link rel= "stylesheet" href= "../_assets/css/jqm-demos.css" >
         < script src= "../js/jquery.js" > < / script >
         < script src= "../_assets/js/index.js" > < / script >
        <script src="../js/jquery.mobile-1.4.5.min.js"></script>
  2. <!-- page : demo-page home - start -->
  3.      < div data-role= "page" id= "demo-page" data-url= "demo-page" >
             < div data-role= "header" data-theme= "b" >
                 < h1 >Design Patterns GoF &amp; more in 4 Languages </ h1 >
                 < a href= "#left-panel" data-icon= "carat-r" data-iconpos= "notext" data-shadow= "false" data-iconshadow= "false" class= "ui-nodisc-icon" >Open left panel </ a >
                 < a href= "#right-panel" data-icon= "carat-l" data-iconpos= "notext" data-shadow= "false" data-iconshadow= "false" class= "ui-nodisc-icon" >Open right panel </ a >
             </ div > <!-- /header -->
             < div role= "main" class= "ui-content" >

                 < div data-role= "collapsible" data-inset= "true" >
                     < h3 >Creational (5) </ h3 >
                     < ul data-role= "listview" >
                         < li >< a href= "#pattern" data-dp= "Singleton" >Singleton </ a ></ li >
                         < li >< a href= "#pattern" data-dp= "Prototype" >Prototype </ a ></ li >
                         < li >< a href= "#pattern" data-dp= "FactoryMethod" >Factory Method </ a ></ li >
                         < li >< a href= "#pattern" data-dp= "AbstractFactory" >Abstract Factory </ a ></ li >
                         < li >< a href= "#pattern" data-dp= "Builder" >Builder </ a ></ li >
                     </ ul >