Why wont this simple piece of code work on mobile browsers on a Wordpress website

Why wont this simple piece of code work on mobile browsers on a Wordpress website


function  topicHighlight() {
     jQuery( document). ready( function ( $) {
         $( ".series-item-text [href]"). each( function () {
             if ( this. href. split( "?")[ 0] ==  window. location. href. split( "?")[ 0]) {
                 $( this). addClass( "active");
     jQuery( document). ready( function ( $) {
         $( ".series-item-link [href]"). each( function () {
             if ( this. href. split( "?")[ 0] ==  window. location. href. split( "?")[ 0]) {
                 $( this). addClass( "hide");