Widget method inconsistencies and generalization issues

Widget method inconsistencies and generalization issues

I'm running into some issues here, and figured I'd ask for help.
So let's say I want a generic handler for jQuery UI Tabs and Accordion
widgets (and maybe others), to convert a state object into actual
selected states for those widgets.
The example page I'm thinking of contains #my_accordion and #my_tabs
elements. The names would, in practice, be quite different, but for
the example's sake I'll keep it simple.
Ok, so given that, let's say that I have an object that represents the
selected state of all current page jQuery UI widgets: { my_accordion:
1, my_tabs: 2 } which means "the selected index of #my_accordion is 1
and #my_tabs is 2.
Now, let's say we somehow manage to reset the state of the widgets
(via page reload or the like) but then want to apply the states in our
state object to all relevant widgets. It would be ideal to be able to
do something like:
$.each( { my_accordion: 1, my_tabs: 2 }, function( id, idx ){
$( '#' + id ).setSelected( idx );
There seems no way to do this kind of thing. In fact, between Tabs and
Accordion, not only is the method for accessing the widget different,
but the method for setting "selected" index is inconsistent:
$('#my_accordion').accordion( 'activate', 1 );
$('#my_tabs').tabs( 'select', 2 );
It would be nice if there was just one consistent sub-method across
all jQuery UI, either "select" or "activate" - and it would be nice if
that consistency was shared across all "like" methods.
It would also be nice if there was some way to figure out which jQuery
UI widget a specific element is. Is that possible? $
('#my_accordion').data( 'ui-widget' ).type could return 'tabs' or
'accordion' so we'd know what method to call, for example. The state
for each widget shouldn't need to keep track of what type of widget it
Either way, I'm having the hardest time creating any kind of
generalized code here. I've only mentioned setting state, I haven't
even gotten into the issues of binding and stopping events in order to
decouple the click event from the action in order to get hash
history / bookmarking to work in jQuery BBQ, which is unfortunately
very obtuse and inconsistent across widgets.
And in doing all this, I'm noticing that it's a lot harder than it
needs to be for users to customize jQuery UI widgets to meet their
needs. I don't even think I'm talking about edge-cases here, as event-
driven is the way the web is moving!
I'd be delighted to work with you guys on the API, just let me know
how I can help. I can definitely give you solid examples of how I'd
like to see things tweaked.. just let me know if you want to discuss
- Ben