Will Disabling the Tab key on textboxes cause any issue with data?

Will Disabling the Tab key on textboxes cause any issue with data?

Hi All,

Recently I added a script to my page to prevent the user from tabbing through certain textboxes. Here is the script That I wrote: My question is, is this safe? I ask because, I have a text box that is getting the cost of a service for a record, and when I look in my database, the cost has been inserted into all records??? I checked my back end and everything looks fine. Can anyone break this script down and tell me exactly what it is doing? Thank you so much. I put this script together from bits and pieces of info that I found on this site and I want to make sure it is not the root of my current issue.

< script type ="text/javascript">

$(document).ready( function () {

$( '.textbox' ).keydown( function ( event ) {

var keyCode = event .keyCode || event .which;

if (keyCode == 9) {

confirm( 'The Tab key is disabled for this web page, please use your mouse to navigate between textboxes' );

event .preventDefault();




</ script >