X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block" in Safari (4.x, 5.0) with jQuery 1.9.x redirects to "about:blank"

X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block" in Safari (4.x, 5.0) with jQuery 1.9.x redirects to "about:blank"

Hi there,

in the ticket  http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/13546 (closed as "notabug") I described in comment 3-5 what caused this issue. This seems to be a bug in the XSS handling in WebKit. Does anyone here has some detailed information about how this works? I found nothing (I am interested in what is investigated when) and could only workaround by trying over and over again (and finally changing the line in jquery.js which does not feel right to me).

I never encountered such an issue before but now I am wondering whether other browser(s) (versions) could have a similar bug (at least this might happen in Chrome versions using the same WebKit version but I did not try that out) and whether it would make sense to change this line in the jquery.js.
