XMLHttpRequest useful articles

XMLHttpRequest useful articles

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Hello, jQuery AJAX Developers!
I've recently found an article that widely covers current cross-browser usage of XMLHttpRequest and analogs, so it may come very handy:
The article links to http://code.google.com/p/xmlhttprequest/ where the source code resides.
Does jQuery implement the same logic and fixes all the described quirks?
The second one describes an AJAX Manager plugin that covers
Is it planned to standardize the way such kind of AJAX manager works?
Would it be useful to merge this one with jQuery.ajax in future releases of jQuery? An effects-like abstraction with pluggable behaviours to manage AJAX requests may be implemented here.
Thanks for your attention!
   John Babak aka sompylasar ( <a href="mailto:maninblack.msk@hotmail.com">maninblack.msk@hotmail.com</a> )
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