You can't scroll, but you can hide?

You can't scroll, but you can hide?

hello friends,
Im sure this has been asked a tons of times, but after reading article after article online I now know less than before.

Im trying to build a single-page mobile website. at best, the page should be fixed and static inside the browser window, no (rubberband!) scrolling, no scaling/zooming. i found a way to achieve this, by using a <meta>-Tag to disable user-scaling. and using jquery to prevent default event on touchmove.

I first though i had won the battle, but then i realized that its not possible to hide the adressbar (+ bottom toolbar in safari) without scrolling.

so i read another bunch of articles, explaining how to hide the adressbar with javascript. and so i tried. when i preview the page on my desktop, i can see that after the page is loaded and another second of timeout, the scroll bar jumps down, but this does not work on my iphone.

So... is it in some way possible to hide the adressbar using javascript? If not.. do you know another workaround that is user friendly? I appreciate any suggestions.