Unable to select element properly
I'm not sure if my approach is right; but here's what I wish to do. Please look at the following image - I have a group of fields that I clone by clicking on the [ + ] button; and cloning works fine. Here's the code - HTML: <input type="text" name="resumeSkillYears[]" id="<?php echo "resumeSkillYears_" . $i; ?>" class="boo gui-input" placeholder="Years" value="<?php echo $value['skillYears']; ?>" > JS: $('.clone-skills').cloneya({ maximum: 5 }).on('after_clone.cloneya', function(toClone,
Possible Conflict But Not Sure how to debug
Ok folks so i'm a total beginner and just trying to build a splash page for the purposes of learning. I have a countdown timer running on one example with a youtube video background and it is working as required. I have a second version running with a background image slider plugin but unfortunately this kills the timer and it doesn't load. I can post code snippets here if you need me to but i think the best idea is a link to the problem, hope that is ok ? Any debugging help would be greatly appreciated
jQuery Zoom and Indexhibit
Hello guys, I want to apologize in advance for my English. Im about to embedd this plugin to my Indexibit website (built with indexhibit.com) http://www.jacklmoore.com/zoom/ (mouseover version) I would like to give the visitors an option to zoom into detailed images of my portfolio when mousehovering over the imgage. i followed some instructions and so far uploaded the jquery.zoom.js onto my server in the js-folder. Also I tried to edit the index.php, which you can see at the end of my post. the
Jquery validation not working inside IFrame in IE11 same working fine in IE9
Hi, I'm using Jquery validation plugin in my application. My application loads inside Iframe in which jquery validation not working inside Iframe in IE11. But same was working fine in IE9. Please suggest and help to fix this defect. Thanks
How to select element with ID generated dynamically?
My code has a repeater / cloning field that adds number to the end of ID : - <input type="text" name="event[]" id="event"> That is, when cloned, I'll get the following in the DOM ; <input type="text" name="event[]" id="event1"> <input type="text" name="event[]" id="event2"> My jQuery selector works only on the original element with ID="event" $("#event").stepper({ .... I'm looking for the right way to make jQuery select event1, event2 and so on; as soon as they are created in the DOM. Would really
Hello, i use jQuery and fixedheadertable (https://github.com/markmalek/Fixed-Header-Table ) MyCode: <head></head> <script type='text/javascript'> $(document).ready(function() { $("#dkfz_tabelle").fixedHeaderTable({ altClass: "odd", footer: true, fixedColumns: 1, cloneHeadToFoot: true }); <script src='js/jquery.fixedheadertable.js'></script> }); </script>
<link href='/css/defaultTheme.css' rel='stylesheet' media='screen' /> <body></body> <div style='height:800px;overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: auto;'>
$.ajax refuses to work. Using jQuery Steps Plugin.
I'm using jQuery Steps plugin from jquery-steps.com. I have created a multi-step form and I want to submit it via AJAX. I'm inside WordPress environment and here's my code. ----- onFinished: function (event, currentIndex) { var form = $(this); alert("All Fine Till This Step"); form.submit(function(event) { alert("Ajax Entry Successful"); event.preventDefault(); //$(".myspinner").show();
autocomplete clear text box
Hi I have 2 autocomplete combo boxes on the page. These are cb1 and cb2. Both have an ajax source. The user first selects an item from cb1. When the user clicks on the drop down button of cb2, the data obtained for the drop down by the ajax call in cb2 is influenced by cb1. This works with out problem. However I cannot figure out how to reset the selection text box of cb2 to "" if the user alters the selection in cb1. Regards Andrew
Jquery Plugin : ValidationForm from formvalidation.io
I want plugin js : validationform (from formvalidation.io) validate form before button submit send ajax to server. My code as : 1> Button : <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success " id="button">Add</button> 2> I check validate form with plugin validationform : $('#formSubmit').bootstrapValidator({ feedbackIcons: { valid: 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok', invalid: 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove', validating: 'glyphicon glyphicon-refresh' }, fields: { PhoneNumber: { message: 'Not Null', validators: { notEmpty:
i want a plugin that rotate the element
hello i want a plugin that can rotate the div
jquery validate with bootstrap modal form
Hi everyone, I have a bootstrap 3 modal window which consist of a form. Want to know is it possible to validate the inputs with jquery validate plugins? I have used validate() function in my javascript but upon filling the form and submitting it, this block is not getting called.
A Slideshow Plugin that can be use multiple times?
Guys, do you have any slideshow plugin that can be use multiple times into a page? can you give me a link? Thanks!
jQuery.validator.format() - Where does it get it's parameter values from?
Reading through the jQuery.validator documentation on the format() function , there is an example shown like this: jQuery.validator.format("{0} is not a valid value"); There are no additional parameters given to the function, so I guess the "{0}" will not be getting replaced? Or if so, where does it get its value from? Thanks for enlightening me.
jQuery keypad plugin - change position/size of keypad popup
I'm using the jQuery keypad plugin. It attaches a keypad to an input box. However, the keypad appears right next to the input box. I would like it to appear at the bottom of the screen, far from the input box to which it is attached. Is there an easy way to achieve this? I browsed through the source, but I'm not sure my JavaScript/jQuery knowledge is up to the level required to try to modify this. I suppose I could use jQuery to dynamically change the CSS positioning and width of the keypad-popup.
How to animate elements being loaded using jQuery load method
I am using ajax to load a new form once the old form has been submitted. the code looks like below: $(document).on('click', '.next', function() { if ($(this).hasClass('disabled')) { return false; } var toLoad = $(this).attr('href') + '#content'; $('#main-container #content').transition({ 'x' : '-100%' , duration:700 } , function() { loadContent(); }); // $('#main-container').animate({ 'opacity': 1 }, loadContent);
TableSorting Issue
Hello, I'm using a jQuery TableSorter plug-in to sort a Gridview. One of the column (Dev ID) contains data in the following format and is failing to sort in ASC order on Load: 17-143,17-162,17-45, 18-12,17-65,18-2 This above data should be sort by default as: 17-45,17-65,17-143,17-162,18-2,18-12 Please assist. Thanks, Smith
Autocomplete Dynamically Assign Value
I have a SQL database that I'm querying for 1) record indices 2) associated names 3) associated email addresses I'm creating an array(array("key","name","email"),array("key","name","email")) using a for() loop in PHP and populating "var availableTags[]" in my jQuery with a foreach() from that array. Ultimately what I (think) I want to do is have Autocomplete display the name but I want to also submit that name's key[] (perhaps as a hidden input value). Upon SUBMIT the submitted key[] value would
Problem with masonry jquery + ajax
Hi everybody, I have problem with masonry jquery plugin. I have TGP adult site where i using this plugin with ajax. If you open my website in the browser first you can see 20 galleries after rolling down start working ajax where reads next galleries but does not display them. Can somebody help me where is error ? my site: --- thanks for help. Marian
Jquery Submit Validation Not Posting
Hello all, I've customized my form to validated the required fields but it doesn't submit even though all fields are filled in correctly. From my understanding, the jquery.validate.min.js blocks it from being submitted. Does anyone know why my form doesn't submit? The code is below: <head> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="http://jqueryvalidation.org/files/dist/jquery.validate.min.js"></script> <script src="http://jqueryvalidation.org/files/dist/additional-methods.min.js"></script>
Dynamic jQuery Validation
Hi, I am using below code to populate the customer address from the database and assinging the ID from the database so it will be unique id="radioAddress<?php echo $savanna_mysql_row["customer_address_id"]; ?>" Now I want to a validation rule using jquery validation like this; radioAddress1: { require_from_group: [1, ".customer_address"] }, radioAddress2: { require_from_group: [1, ".customer_address"] }, Knowing that there is no fixed number of addresses for the customer and it can be from Zero to
JQuery Sortable UI with MySql
If anyone could help, I have worked hours on this and am still a little lost. I have implemented http://camohub.github.io/jquery-sortable-lists/ into an app I am bulding. While I can get the static HTML to work I am having problem building it from a database. Does anyone know of a class or function I could apply to this that would either support a Nested Set Database structure or a Adjacent ordered structure. any help on building this <ul><li> structure from a database that would work with the
JQuery Data table not getting Displayed
Hi All, I am facing issue while getting Documents and SharePoint List data Jquery Data Table in SharePoint page (Content Editor Web part) . I am calling/referring Jquery Data table in JavaScript file (e.g., ABCD.js file). Background how we are using Data table : I am calling runDataTable("#<<MyHTMLTableID>>'"); in my .js file after mapping all my SharePoint list columns of internal names (ows_Documentname) to my html Table by $('#<<MyHTMLTableID>> tbody').append('<tr><td></td>so on..</tr>');. runDataTable
Need help - Can't get Cycle PlugIn to work
Dear folks, I'm a novice in programming and still try to get the Cycle Plugin in to work in our Shopify store (liquid). But after hours I'm frustrated and lost, it's not working. I need urgent help - Who can help? Thanks, Rainer
jQuery textillate.js Animation HELP!
I would like to know how can I do (simple piece of code to add) to make textillate work when each anchor (each flipping image box is inside an anchor) is active or current and not when to work all together when the page loads. http://www.ccttxx.net/testara-ubp/ HOPE YOU CAN HELP ME.
Hi this is Raghav Facing problem with JQplot plugin
Dear, I am facing problem while giving 3 different colors to my grid in jqplot. I used fillbetween() method to fill different colors to 3 different portion but it doesn't works. My requirement is to color grid in jqplot with different color. please help with this.
Validate plugin: custom validator always returning alert message
I have created custom validation to make sure that the value being passed only contains letters. In the code below, I purposely put "abcde" to give it a basic test but the result is the same when I test it against the a real passed value. As the code sits right now, I DON'T expect see "letters only please" returned. By changing the test string to "ab56cde" I would expect to see it. The problem is, no matter what I change the string to I still get the alert message returned which I assume means that
Close event in Ajax
I have a Modal Popup on my Page. Usually, when a Modal pops up the entire background is blurred but I have a scroll button that shows up on the Modal Popup. I used fadeOut() on it when the action completes so it doesn't appear on the Dialog box. Now what I want to do is, to find out if this popup was closed so I can show that button again using fadeIn(). Is there a way I can know when My Modal Dialog closes so I can show the scroll button again? Here is how I faded it out: function CallOfferRenderAction(productCode,
How to pass other value in jQuery Autocomplete lists/label that is not selected using the Autocomplete itself
I am doing a email function where there are 2 options for selecting the receivers: (1) Choosing from Autocomplete box (for small number of receivers) (2) Choosing from list of Radio Button (for large number of receivers) I use the Facebook themed Autocomplete. My question is: How do I pass the value that is selected from (2) to be displayed together in the Autocomplete box with the value selected from (1). My code for the Autocomplete is as follow: <input type="hidden" name="receiver" value="<?=$receiver?>">
Validate: limiting number of selections in a multiple select
Hello, I've got Jquery Validate running on my form locally and have all form element validations working correctly except this one. I've been searching the forum but can't come up with a solution. I have a select box set to multiple. The list of options is about 15-20 items but users can only choose 5. How can I check that they have not selected more than 5 and message them if so? <select id="my_list" name="my_list" class="form-control" multiple="multiple"> <option value="1">home</option> <option
multipleSelect echo selected values from PHP array
I am developing a patient database management system. I have a page in which you can add a patient to the database, and submit a lot of data related to that patient. So I have a multipleSelect which is dynamically populated (from a jquery array) depending on the option selected in another selection box. This works perfectly and I then post the selected values in the multipleSelect to my database using PHP. The values are stored in the Database in a comma separated array. On a separate page I have
How to put custom buttons to manage listbox item(Move right/left,..etc) in between left and right ListBox in DualList box?
I'm using Bootstrap Duallistbox - v3.0.5 but I don't have any idea about how to put custom buttons controls in between left and right listbox for managing listitem's movement?
No lightboxes work in multiple plugins
Hi, I'm hoping that if someone can't help me I can at least be pointed in the right direction. I have a personal website www.greglumley.com/wp using NextGen Gallery Pro, to create a mosaic on the front page. This works perfectly but when clicking on any image instead of a light box opening the direct link is shown. Pressing the back button suddenly activates the lightbox. I keep on seeing Jquery being mentioned in the console output but I'm not at the level to understand what the actual problem is.
Divide content div/section by height and pagination it
Hello, I need help from experts with plugin jQuery. I found this plugin: oryginal plugin But this only work with text and not split/divide content < -from div (like img,h1 etc.) to more divs. It's only hide text below declarated height. I tried change this plugin but i can't I need to advice. Best regards
how to display base 64 image and dynamic fields in grid/datatable
Hi frds I have got this json output. I want to display this in grid/jquery datatable. I have got base 64 characters (for image).I want to display photo as well as dynamic fields in grid. I have used 1 plugin. only static fields i got in grid. please help me how to do. Reffered plugin :http://www.jqueryscript.net/table/jQuery-Plugin-To-Convert-JSON-Data-Into-Data-Grid-Columns.html this is my json file [{ "student_id": "1001", "admission_section": "a", "admission_date": "12/01/2015",
JQuery Validation Issues
Having issues getting jquery validation to work, any help would be greatly appreciated! HTML <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title> Form Scrape </title> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="validation/dist/jquery.validate.js"></script> <link href="theme/jquery-ui.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href = "css/formPrototype.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="theme/jquery-ui.js"> </script>
anyone know if that CDN <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.3.js"</script> have the plugins included? and if not whats the url for the CDN plugin for colors and easing. thank you
Sort rows by class using tablesorter
Hello, I want to sort the table rows buy the tr tag class. I want to sort a table with subtotals. The subtotals have a group of rows assigned. I want to sort each gorup independently. I am using the mottie tablesorter. Thanks.
How do I make a sliding banner loop?
Hi, does any one know how I can make my sliding banner loop so that on the last slide it carries onto slide 1 again, instead of flicking backwards through the whole thing? Here is my code $(function() { $('#banner').unslider(); }); var unslider = $('#banner').unslider(); $('.unslider-arrow').click(function() { var fn = this.className.split(' ')[1]; // Either do unslider.data('unslider').next() or .prev() depending on the className unslider.data('unslider')[fn]();
Problem with jquery on my site
hi guys I hope you can help me over the last few days my login and register buttons on my site have stopped working I do not know why as they worked perfectly up till Thursday then boom dead links.....IM running a wordpress theme called wprentals, when i look at inspect elements it comes up with this http://netholidayrentals.com/wp-content/themes/wprentals//js/%20jquery.viewport.mini.js?ver=1.0 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) can someone please help
Camera slideshow v1.4.0 and jCarousel are not working on Firefox, chrome, opera and explorer are running ok
I'm working in a web site http://www.autopartesrm.com and i'm having some jQuery pluggin issue in this project. I have chek at chrome, explorer, opera an it's working perfect but at firefox all the proyect looks real bad because the pluggins dont work. Can you help me? The mail slider is a jQuery pluggin: // Camera slideshow v1.4.0 - a jQuery slideshow with many effects, transitions, easy to customize, using canvas and mobile ready, based on jQuery 1.9.1+ // Copyright (c) 2012 by Manuel Masia -
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