Superfish responsive multilevel dropdown menu
Hi, i am working in a web site that has a superfish responsive menu, everything is working just fine, but when the menu turns on dropdown for movile versions. There is a text line "Please choose a page", like a title of the dropdown arrow, an that line is in english, so i need to translate it to spanish "Seleccione una sección" but i can't find where. It seems this line is wroten nowhere, can you help me please???? my web site: Thanks
Image binding in resources event in Jquery Full Calendar
How to bind Image in resources block of Jquery Full Calendar Scheduler View? Is this possible?How can we add it? Thanks in advance
jQuery validation with checkboxes problem with 2 sections
jQuery validation with checkboxes problem. I have a form that has two headings: The issue: Under the "Heading 1", one option must be selected. Under "Heading 2" one option must be selected. <input type="checkbox" id="commjoin" name="commjoin"/> THROUGH <input type="checkbox" id="commjoin11" name="commjoin11"/>is under "Heading 1". Heading 1 checkbox checkbox checkbox checkbox checkbox checkbox <input type="checkbox" id="commjoin12" name="commjoin12"/> THROUGH <input type="checkbox" id="commjoin50"
Carousel Slider Background & reflection.js
Hey! I am using this jquery 3d slider for my website: It's perfectly working but occupies the whole backgroundpicture. I would like the slider to have a transparent background or have a individual image as background. Does someone know where and how I can do that? additional question: I use this reflection.js: And would like to add some distance
The popup text doesn't appear on clicking
Hi, there! First of all, I want to apologize for my poor English (I'm brasilian). I'm developing a website and I added an interactive map in it, but when I mouse over a location on the map, the name doesn't appear. What am I doing wrong? Does anybody can please help me? If so, there's a link were you can check it out: The page isn't ready yet: you need scroll down the page until "Presença Internacional" to see the map. Thank you very much.
How make a mobile menu close on click/tap?
Hi, I don't know anything about javascript. Still, I'm using this menu, but merely on the mobile version of the site (fired by a special style sheet): I don't have submenus, just 6-7 menu items after the initial menu button that opens the menu. Problem: I'd really like if the menu closed to it's original state when a menu item is clicked. I.e. the click should make two things happen: 1) open the page in question and 2) close to its original state.
jQuery validate a group where field names contain brackets
I have an HTML form that contains two groups of checkboxes. One of the group contains checkboxes where one should be checked to pass jQuery validation. The other group is not mandatory to select. First group (at least one checkbox should be selected): <input type="checkbox" name="appSourceFirstoption[1]" value="Answer 1" id="appSourceFirstoption" /> <input type="checkbox" name="appSourceSecondoption[1]" value="Answer 2" id="appSourceSecondoption" /> <input type="checkbox" name="appSourceThirdoption[1]"
JQuery Validation Two Fields Required only First is working
I am using JQuery Validation to try to validate two input fields in my form. The problem that I am coming across is that it does not matter which one I have as the first one, the secondary one is never called with validation unless the field is dynamically filled in by a value entered in earlier in the form. Here are two sections that I am having a problem with: <div class="form-panel"> <div class="row collapse"> <div class="medium-3 columns">
jquery validator does the submission even it's invalid
I am writing a form with jquery.validate the roles work on keyup but don't work on onblur. and if the form fields were invalid and hit submit it works and submit $('#myform').validate({ rules: { name: { required: true, minlength: 2 }, code: { required: true, minlength: 2 }, description: { require: true
Bootstrap Remote Content Form Validation
I am trying to add form validation to bootstrap modal using remote loading. Without remote loading my code works fine but when the modal is loaded remotely it breaks. I can't find any demo's or information so I am stuck. Can anyone help?
TagEditor get initalTags from db through $.ajax
Hello, I'm using Pixabay Tag Editor, How do I pass the result of my $.ajax request to initialTags ? success : function(myTags) { console.log(myTags); } I need to do something like that : $(this).tagEditor({ initialTags : [myTags] Thanks
Auto completion using query data to start-with results not working fine
**Original Code i am using this way:** <input type="text" id="placeSelect"/> <script> $('#placeSelect').select2({ width: '100%', allowClear: true, multiple: true, maximumSelectionSize: 1, placeholder: "Click here and start typing to search.", query: function (query) { queryData{!randomJsIden}(query); }, matcher: function (term, text) { if (text.toUpperCase().indexOf(term.toUpperCase()) == 0){ return true; } return false; } }); function queryData{!randomJsIden}(query){ Visualforce.remoting.Manager.invokeAction(
datetimepicker needs to block scroll mouse wheel ?
hi The form uses many datetimepicker input fields and has dozens of other fields that have to be scrolled thru alot, so as the user scrolls if the page brings up a datetimepicker textbox field, it stops scrolling the page and begins scrolling thru the date that was there. Is there something like a setting for "noSpinbtn:true" so that the text value does not increment on the mouse scroll? or disableMouseWheel?
My script seems to be broken jQuery/JavaScript
Hi guys, First post here. So here is my problem, This was working perfectly, but after about some time it stopped working, I don't know what I changed and it is giving me the biggest headache I have ever had. What is supposed to happen is the JavaScript is supposed to call data and write it into its corresponding field. It has a timer of which it displays the different strings on the web portal. I call jQuery CDM from Microsofts source in the beginning of my site in the header: <script src=""></script>
how to us blur() function with input mask
I am using this input mask plugin, What I am trying to do is to use the blur(). Currently right now, I have blur working, but only to a certain extent. What I mean is that if the text field is empty, the blur() works. But if the text field contains data, the blur() is still kicking in and displaying the value that I have set for blur into the textfield rather than keeping what is inputting in the field. I am unsure
manually validating jquery datepicker
Hi gurus, I am a bit confused here. I have been trying to follow this thread: and the solution provided by kwood here: When I play around with that solution, it works fine. However, when I try to model my actual code after it, it doesn't do anything. No errors but no validations. For instance, my version of the code validates both individual dates and date ranges. However, it doesn't work for me. What
using cookies to remember toggle state?
hi, so i've been trying to figure out how to apply cookies to the code below; all i want it to do is remember whether or not the div has been toggled (keep it open, keep it closed) between refreshes/pages. any help would be much appreciated!! CODE <Script> $(document).ready(function () { $menuLeft = $('.pushmenu-left'); $nav_list = $('#nav_list'); $ { $(this).toggleClass('active'); $('.pushmenu-push').toggleClass('pushmenu-push-toright'); $menuLeft.toggleClass('pushmenu-open');
lazyload ajax images not working
I'm trying to lazyload images called via ajax. But the console is throwing an error message saying "$(...).lazyload is not a function" despite the fact that i've tried embedding/linking the lazyload plugin. I am at a loss. Please help. I am using this plugin I am successfully able to call data via ajax only the lazyload images are not working. $.ajax({ url: url, type: "GET", dataType: 'json', success: function(data) {
jQuery AJAX auto updating issue
I am having some issues getting our cart page to reload when a quantity is changed. Right now this requires an update cart button. I want to be able to remove that and have the cart auto refresh. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the jquery.cart.js if (typeof Countries === "object") {
Countries.updateProvinceLabel = function(e, t) {
if (typeof e === "string" && Countries[e] && Countries[e].provinces) {
if (typeof t !== "object") {
t = document.getElementById("address_province_label");
unwanted color effetc
Hi I have a 3d animation. A book that opens. I use transit to achieve this effect. In Chrome I sometimes get an unwanted color effect. I wonder if someone can understand why this happens and it there is some way to avoid it? The pink in the image is the unwanted effect. To see the page, go to
make an age selector on click
I have this dropdown menu (bootstrap): <div class="mutual_interests_search dropdown col-xs-4"> <button class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown">Looking for people that: <span class="caret"></span></button> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> <li><a href="#">Eating Well</a></li> <li><a href="#">Train Hard</a></li> <li><a href="#">Looking for motivation</a></li> </ul> </div>I need to show the user a age selector box when he clicks and picking his preference from the drop
jquery validate. It may be a bug in errorContainer and errorPlacement.
Hi, When I create a div as a container to display errors, they are displayed only if indicated in errorPlacement. It is not just the problem, as indicated in errorPlancement the div to display errors when passed validations, error messages do not disappear. I tried it with jQuery 1.11.1, 1.12.1, 2.2.0 and jQuery-validations v 1.13.1, 1.14.0 and 1.15.0 with the same result. JS For Usuarios form /** * DEFAULT GLOBAL JQUERY VALIDATIONS */ jQuery.validator.setDefaults({ debug: true, ignore: "input[type=hidden]",
Superfish: arrow disappeared after version update
Hi, Just tried to update the Superfish plugin libraries used by my website from 1.5.8 to 1.7.8. I kept my customized CSS. Now, the menu looks the same as before, but the "dropdown" arrows have disappeared. In 1.5.8 they were done via the "sf-sub-indicator" CSS class, as background image. Tried to set the Superfish options cssArrows: false and autoArrows: true, both did not change anything. Does anybody know if this type of arrows is still supported by the latest version of Superfish? Just wanted
slidejs not working on show/hide
2016 Ganesha Chathurthi festival celebration at JIRS JIRS Goa Trip Inter School Exchange Program UK Universities at JIRS Ganesha Chathurthi festival celebration at JIRS JIRS Goa Trip Inter School Exchange Program UK Universities at JIRS Ganesha Chathurthi festival celebration at JIRS JIRS Goa Trip Inter School Exchange Program UK Universities at JIRS 2015 2014 <div class="large-6a columns"> <div class="col-md-8"> <div class="panel-group" id="accordion" role="tablist" aria-multiselectable="true"
Problem with a homepage slider
Hi, I have a slider on this website homepage that isn't loading the content on it. Please can you help me and see what the issue is? Thanks very much in advance, <!--======= HOME MAIN SLIDER =========--> <section class="home-slider"> <div class="tp-banner-container"> <div class="tp-banner-fix"> <ul> <!-- Slider 1 --> <li data-transition="fade" data-slotamount="7"> <img src="new/corporate-background.jpg" data-bgposition="center
JQUERY, how to call event without a button ?
Hi, I have this button that triggers a jquery window to upload a file : <a href="#" id="upbutton" class="button small pop2" data-bpopup='{"content":"iframe","contentContainer":".content","loadUrl":"mfu.php?botidtof=$RCbotid"}'>UPLOADBUTTON</a> And this is how I am launching the event with JQuery : $('#upbutton').trigger('click'); This works just fine. But I want to delete the <a> tag inside the body and call the event directly from JQuery, How can I do this ???? Thanks.
Animations not working properly after first run
I'm having trouble with jQuery animations and I can't figure out what's happening, since it have the same logic on the four website sections and this only happens in two. Can anyone go to this website and replicate the following steps to see the behaviour? 1. Wait for intro animations 2. Click on 'Serviços' 3. Wait for section to load all animations 4. Click on top left logo 5. Wait for the animations 6. Click on 'Serviços' again once the menu is available Why is the menu fading in right after fading
Jquery Autonumeric Control with no decimal
Hi, I am using Jquery AutoNumeric control to input only numeric values(with decimals) to a textbox. The numeric control accepts upto 5 decimal places. I need to know how do we not make display of unnecessary decimal digits when we focus out of the control? For example: If i enter "1" and click outside the textbox, it automatically formats to display "1.00000". I want this to be displayed as "1" unless there is a valid decimal place. Is there any option to auto format this? Thanks,
jQuery Validation showErrors Map to Existing Function?
When declaring a validation form using the jQuery Validation plug-in I can override the showErrors handler to customize the output of the message. If I wanted to create several methods for handling and let the designers choose which method they want by just giving the global function name, is that possible? For example: STANDARD $("#MyForm").validate({ rules: { ... }, showErrors: function (errorMap, errorList) { ... code here ... }
How do I center the main div? - jKit Prallax Effect
Here's a website I'm working on: As you can see main title "Let's be social again" isn't properly centred when the website loads in initially but it centres when you start scrolling and stays in a correct position afterwards. Could you suggest a good fix for that? I'm loosing my mind here. Thanks
How do I get my Caroufredsel to open properly initially without page refresh?
Here are a couple of screenshots. The first an initial page load (history and cache cleared), ... and the second after refreshing (also works once in cache). See how it only displays the tops of the images, initially and how it displays more than the four to the right in the carousel? Again, works fine after reloading the page, but to someone new to the site, this wouldn't be ideal. If it's in the CSS, here is what I have: .carousel { position: relative; font-size: 80%; text-align: center;
DatePicker and timepicker
Do most datepickers come bundled with timepickers ? or are both totally different ? , i found this really nice date picker here , but then is it also a timepicker , which is a great plugin if you want both functionalities ?? Thank you. Gautam.
is it possible to manage plugins by require.js?
in our company,we use require.js to manage the js libs like jq underscore. now i need to add a plugin to the project,but how to manage and inject the pluguins by require.js?
information not in modal
I currently have this code that is suppose to estimate the shipping on a certain item. It currently opens the window and just continues loading and doesn't pull up the result. Any thought? I feel like i am close. (function() {
* Main function to get the estimates, receives the itemid, zipcode and the country.
* @param {[type]} item [description]
* @param {[type]} zip [description]
* @param {[type]} country [description]
* @return {[type]} [description]
pausing flexslider when embedded youtube video is playing
I am using a wordpress theme that incorporates flexslider (theme: wp-ClearVideo. site: I have found the flexslider.js file where I can add options such as pauseOnHover: or slideshowSpeed. The theme directs flexslider to include the embedded video and opening text from posts that are tagged "featured." I embed <iframe> youtube videos in the post. Flexslider works great. The one challenge I have is that the slide show auto-advances EVEN after a user has started playing one of
newbie to jquery, needing help with jplayer live audio
i have followed all directions but i am getting an "unexpected end of script error" when debugging the code. not sure what else to do. the code error is from the following syntax: swfPath: "/js", (this is the line returning errors) supplied: "mp3", solution:"html,flash", preload: "auto", wmode: "window",
Pin plugin issue
Hi everyone, I'm new here and I'm trying to use Pin plugin to stick a sidebar inside a div and this part works but when I scroll the page, the sidebar appear and disapper, someone could help me please? Here's the plugin
jQuery Waypoints fails with container
Hello! I have been implementing the amazing panelSnap plugin ( into my site. This works fine. However to implement a menu, you must put all the sections inside a container, with the following CSS: #wrapper { height: 100%; overflow: scroll; } This works fine. However it immediately causes Waypoints to fail (currently being used with animate.css to fade in elements on scroll). As you can see in the jsFiddle, it seems as if the browser no longer
Infinite Scroll only works after page refresh
Hi everyone, I'm currently using the Infinite Scroll plugin and it seems to work fine but only after i refresh the same page where i use it. Here is the JQuery i'm using in a file $(document).ready -> $("TestPanel").infinitescroll({ navSelector: "nav.pagination" nextSelector: "nav.pagination a[rel=next]"2) itemSelector: "#TestPanel tr.element" }); Is there additional Jquery that could be included to make sure it runs without having to do a page refresh firstly? Thanks!
slicknav not working on iphone 6 safari
I have slicknav working on a desktop in chrome, ie, safari and firefox. When I run on the iphone 6 it works in chrome but not in safari. my js function looks like: $(document).ready(function(){ $("#nav_lat").slicknav({prependTo:"#mobile_menu"}); }); the safari console from iphone 6 says: $("#nav_lat").slicknav({prependTo:"#mobile_menu"}); is not a function. Have no idea how to fix this. help appreciated. Updated with the following: If I use: $(document).ready(function() { $("#nav_lat").slicknav({prependTo:"#mobile_menu"});
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