Insert multiple/different div content
Hi there, I´m trying to use this FILTERABLE PORTFOLIO: However I want to use content with multiple images and text. I I found this code that works perfectly INDEX <div id="pholio"> <!-- START PHOLIO --> <nav class="primary clearfix"> <ul class="conteudo_corrente"> <li><a href="#" class="selected" data-filter="*">All</a></li> <li><a href="#" data-filter=".web">PRODUCT</a></li>
failed limited drag/drop (jquery sortable)
Demo & complete code is like this : I want to make to be like this : So,I would like to add some conditions. Customers can only drag in room type. While room type can not drag to the customer. whether it can be done? I have tried but did not succeed. I take from here : Thank you
Error: Method refresh does not exist on jQuery.timepicker
Hello everyone, I'm working with timepicker and I do not know much about that. Problem that I tried to fix is about 'refresh' method in jquery timepicker. Here is my code that I created and works fine, but once I move that code in my page where I have to use that functionality I'm getting as error: Method refresh does not exist on jQuery.timepicker. Sample code: If anyone knows how I can fix this problem please let me know. I spent hours but still can not find solution.
how to retain no. of minslides using bxslider
How do i get bxslider to be in horizontal mode at lesser widths and retain the no. of min slides. See fiddle HERE. as of now , the number of slides is being reduced to one :/ when resizing.
How to set remainder in full calendar ?
Guys, I am new to Full Calendar and very existed with the functionalities that it provides . But I stuck with Remainder Notification . Can anyone let me know how to set event remainders. Eg : If am having meeting at 06PM I should be notified before 15 mins of the meeting Thanks in advance
jquery validation negative integer
If i use digits:true doesn't let me negative integers
jQuery Timepicker Addon from Trent Richardson. Two issues.
Hi, I'm still a newby when it comes to jQuery so excuse my lack of knowledge. The story is this: - I get the time from the webserver (code behind) - I format the time (code behind) - I save it to a asp:hiddenfield called start_time (code behind) - I add an hour and save it as another asp:hiddenfield called end_time (code behind) - I display the start_time value as my default input value for the start_time_picker time picker <= first issue - If needed, I click the input box and select another time
Working with jQuery...
Hi all. I am using the an application called amazing slider to work on my new image banner slider. I have managed to achieve what I set out to do just fine. I am now working on my image gallery and then, it all went sideways. When I deployed all the code generated by the software, just like it did before, I have kept all files in their given directories. Now I noticed some files, namely the .js and the .css had same names on both occasions. Now I don't know about the .js, but if the name for the
Does centering work with multiples slides in cycle2 plugin?
cycle2 has a addon plugin that enables centering of the slides SEE HERE . Does it work with multiple slides , SEE FIDDLE , you'll notice that it does't work with multiple slides , also i have the data-cycle-carousel-visible='3' , but only one slide is shown(i beleive if the objective of the plguin was to work wiht only single slides than this is expected behaviour ) , but when i set data-cycle-carousel-visible='1' , the centering does''t work . WHY ? I basically just wanted to know if the centering
Problems with Jcrop Crop Area
I'm at my wits end with setting up a cropping tool for my website. Jcrop is the third one I've tried and I've spent way too much time on what should be fairly simple. But what I've come to learn about jQuery - it's just not as simple as "plug it in" sounds. Now with my vent out of the way, here's my issue. It all works, usually, but not always; and I don't have any of these problems while testing on the VS project. I should also point out that I am using a custom control since I have several pages
Change the no. of images at smaller viewpoints for cycle plugin carousel
I am using this plugin cycle2 and basically have the following working for myself , SEE HERE I have earlier used this slider called bxslide and basically it gives you an option for min and max slides. Now see how i have initialized the cycle2 plugin below: <div class="gallery-wrpr cycle-slideshow" data-cycle-fx="carousel" data-cycle-timeout='100000' data-cycle-slides="li" data-cycle-carousel-visible='3' data-cycle-carousel-fluid='true' data-cycle-next="#g-next" data-cycle-prev="#g-prev">
How to set jQuery maskMoney plugin maximum limit?
Hello, I was trying to use jQuery maskMoney plugin recently. and trying to set the input mask maximum value. I found I have trouble to set maximum value for negative and positive input. Here is my code: $('#<%=TextBox1.ClientID%>').attr('maxlength', 8).maskMoney({prefix:'$',thousands:',',precision:0, allowNegative:true,'placeholder':''}); You can see from my code that the input can take negative value. Only 6 digital number is allowed for input. So I set 'maxlength' to 8, which means '$999,999' is
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).jqGrid is not a function
I have used Jqgrid in my mvc project.I got error like "Uncaught TypeError: $(...).jqGrid is not a function" I have Mentioned my code below.plz help me . Bundleconfig.cs bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/rolescripts").Include( "~/Scripts/jquery.jqGrid.js", "~/Scripts/jqModal.js", "~/Scripts/jqDnR.js", "~/Scripts/grid.locale-en.js" )); bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/css").Include(
jQuery slider issue with size...
Hi all. I am trying to develop my own website and having never used jQuery before I find myself in a bit of a pickle if I'm honest. I have got the necessary code and have adapted it to my needs. Before implemented in my website I done a test run using my own images to see how it worked and it was fine. Now the issue is that the size of my pictures (690x275) have slightly shrank leaving a bit of a gap around on my existing class=slider div. I have looked at all the code and for the slider code that
addMethod in jQuery Validate plugin with required = false
I have a simple script to test if field has alpha caracter [code] $.validator.addMethod("hasalpha", function (value) { return (/[a-z A-Z]/).test(value); // Has at least one letter } ); [/code] and it use this as a rules for my form [code] name: { required: false, hasalpha: true, minlength: 5 }, [/code] The problem I have is that it always fire and error of not having at least 1 alphacaracter when the field is empty, even if required
Jquery Issue on IE 11 build version 11.0.9600.18124.
Hi Forum, I am using jquery 1.7.2.min.js in our application and we use IE 11 browser preferably. Recently my browser got upgraded from IE 11 build version 11.0.9600.18097 to IE 11 build version 11.0.9600.18124. Then I found certain drag and drop functionalities were not working. When I try to debug the same, while dragging I am getting an error in jquery-1.7.2.min.js specifying mergeAttribute is undefined. It happened all of a sudden after IE upgrade. If I downgrade my IE brower version it works
JResponsive issue
I am trying to use JResponsive I am able to make it work however the animation it produces is only applied to the first DIV i attempt to apply it to. i have tried calling it with the following syntax's 1) $(#div_one_ID).jresponsive(){ array of properties} $(#div_two_ID).jresponsive(){ array of properties} $(#div_three_ID).jresponsive(){ array of properties} 2) $(.class_name).jresponsive(){ array of properties} regardless of which syntax i use (one declaration using
Using Dialog with JQuery Validator
Hi, I am using JQuery Validator like this: rules: { cboPaid: { required: true }, cboCategory: { required: true }, dateFrom: { required: true }, dateTo: { required: true } }, I want to use use JQuery dialog with it like this: rules: { cboPaid: { $('#msgAlert').html("Please select paid or unpaid!"); $('#dialogAlert').popup(); $("#dialogAlert").popup("open"); }, cboCategory: { $('#msgAlert').html("Please select the category!");
FILTERABLE PORTFOLIO excluding one category
Hi there, I'm using this fantastic FILTERABLE PORTFOLIO: But now i´am trying to configure the standard filter All (*) with the exception of one category. I have these categories: <nav class="primary clearfix"> <ul class="conteudo_corrente"> <li><a href="#" class="selected" data-filter="*">All</a></li> <li><a href="#" data-filter=".product">PRODUCT</a></li> <li><a
Superfish Oscomerce
Hello, Need categories on oscommerce to go on the right and not drop down. Until now didnt found how. <script type='text/javascript'> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('ul.sf-vertical').superfish({ animation: {opacity: 'show'}, // slide-down effect without fade-in
Error with the size of pictures in albums.
Hi everyone, I downloaded a theme and I am now testing it on localhost before uploading it to my webserver. Unfortunately, it seems that it has some issue in showing the images properly in the gallery. They all appear to be stretched or zoomed, no matter which size I upload them (1200x800, 1680x1120, etc) Even the demo has the same problem: Could you please help discover where the problem lays and fix it? Thanks
How to get one column in handsontable and replace content.
I'm using library handsontable and in example I want select column "Name" look like and I want when I click button "Generate" all name in column "name" will be change look like (1, 2, 3, 4). Anyone can help me solve this problem? Thank you. <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=""> <head runat="server"> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <link rel="stylesheet"
How to style title attribute with css
Hello, I´m using the jquery tooltips. I get the data for the tooltip out of a mysql database. I need the <php echo data in different styles (colors and size). Since you can´t use <div class in the title attribute i´m searching a solution. Heres my code: <?php $title = '<div class="test">'.$name.'</div>' . PHP_EOL . '<div class="test2">'.$itemLevel.'</div>' . PHP_EOL; ?> <a href="" title="<?php echo htmlentities($title); ?>">Test Link</a>
How can I serialize form with ajaxForm() function
I use malsup jquery form plugin for my upload processes. But, I have an upload input with more standart html inputs. ( jQuery form plugin working properly for standart form post processes. I want to use form serialize method with ajaxForm() or ajaxSubmit() function. $(document).on("submit","#newcandidate", function() { var options = { url: 'index.php', beforeSend: function() {}, beforeSubmit: function(arr, $form, options) { alert(JSON.stringify(arr));
Smartly upon installing wp 4.4 my autocompete stopped working.. and says not found immediately..
I have been pulling my hair out for weeks trying to find out what has gone wrong with my autocomplete search form for real estate..IT does the same on every site that has been upgraded to version 4.4 you can see a pre 4.4 here that works fine.. its in the right hand side and you can type Ne for Newport and it quickly finds what is available.. and works just fine.. however when I upgraded to wp 4.4 on any site it totally stops working.. you can see a 4.4 version here..
How to find the closest element using jquery
1) initially i have a row if the user click save & next button it will say you have 3 fields missing 2) if the user click the addmore button and he did not type any value in the text field then he click the save and next button it should still say 3 fields missing 3) if the user type any one of the field in the cloned row then he click the save and next button validation should happen with my code first two points are working but the problem is if the user click some more rows and he type in any
Trouble with autocomplete
I'm Having trouble with Jquery autocomplete, I need to pass many variables to a php function, I need to get the value on an input Salle but it doesn't seem to work. Any ideas. $(document).ready(function(){ $('input.typeahead3').typeahead({ name: 'President', remote:'conf/Jury_auto.php?key=%QUERY&Projet=' + $('#Salle').val() , limit : 10 }); });
sessions vs localstorage
Hi there, Here is my project: Currently the script uses localstorage to store information temporarily... how would i go about having the input information permanently stored on the page? Is this possible? I really appreciate any help :)
Open first sub tab by default
I'm having a very hard time with this. I'm trying to make nested tabs that can later be used with AJAX. Everything seems to work but this: If you click Main Tab B, then Subtab 2 Then click Main Tab A, and go back to Main Tab B - Subtab 2 is still open. I need the default sub tab for each main tab to be the first one. IMPORTANT : I'm almost 100% positive that the problem lies in this line of code in the subTabs function. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Subtabs & Ajax</title> <script src=""></script>
Having Issues with Responsive Image Gallery
Hey guys. I'm super new to jQuery and am having some severe difficulties using the "Elastislide" image gallery on my website. (directions here ). All my browser is pulling up is the black nav bar but without any thumbnails or anything. Any idea whats going on?
Recommend a fixed grid gallery plugin?
A lot of the image gallery plugins I've seen online are both responsive and try to optimize placement of images that have differing width/height so they all fit neatly. This is not what I'm looking for. Instead I'm trying to find a traditional layout with fixed height/width (like Youtube's video layout). I'll be displaying both image and text pulled from a database. I've seen Masonry but that one has variable height. Can you recommend a plugin?
Can't get a fancybox to load on page load
Hello, new to this forum - seems like a great resource! I've trying to create a 'how did you hear about my site' pop up with Fancybox, but right now, I can only get the fancybox to load when a link is clicked, rather than on page load. There are suggestions in the fancy box documentation but I must be doing something wrong. Would really appreciate to know where I went wrong. Thanks in advance!
Auto add calculation by column pop up link
Hi, 1. I have a problem regarding jquery auto add calculation. It is a timesheet hour calculation. Basically, I've done 90% of it and other 10% I cant seem to be found the solution. This the script: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { $('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover(); $('[id*=remarks_link]').popover(); function DisableDays(date) { var day = date.getDay(); // If day == 5 then it is
Need a plugin for creating a dropdown button/menu/submenu
I'm a long-time JavaScript user but am fairly new to jQuery. I am trying to create a dropdown menu that behaves the following way: I have a button ('Meta') that, when clicked, will display some submenus. When the cursor hovers (not clicked) over a submenu item, another submenu is displayed. I've searched for hours and could only find examples that were either all buttons, or all auto-expanding (hover) items. Could someone recommend a plugin that can do what I'm looking for?
Using 'ignore' in jQuery validate stopping submit
Hi - here is my validation code: $('.myForm').validate({ ignore: [], rules: { overallRating: { required:true }, wouldRecommend: { required:true } }, submitHandler: function(form, event) { event.preventDefault(); var formValues = getFormValues(); submitForm(formValues); } }); Pretty striaghtforward. But - the ignore: [] line stops the form from submitting. So - the submitHandler never gets hit. I need the ignore: [] line in there as I'm validating some hidden fields. I know these fields are being
Filtering with mixitup but content vibrates?
Hi if you press the filter CM, the single element in the 3rd row is kind of vibrating, but why, I hope you guys can help me. Thanks
tablesorter and postback
I'm using and ASP gridview and jQuery tablesorter On postback my sorting is lost and even if I do the .tablesorter() initialization again to the table it won't restart the sorting. I did read someone else having this problem and they solved it with an ugly kludge on the client to add fake headers when the table reloads after a postback. I was thinking perhaps on the server side my gvMilestoneAlertsData.UseAccessibleHeader = true; // for each table and gvMilestoneAlertsData.HeaderRow.TableSection
xdan datetimepicker setting min and max date/time
Trying to set the min time to now and the max time to 7 days from now What would I have to add to the code below ~ thanks jQuery('#datetimepicker').datetimepicker();
couldn't get datetimepicker working
I couldn't get datetimepicker working Clicking on the field got me no response from the server
tablesort alternating rows
I've seen this question in multiple forms but not many good answers. In the documentation examples I see the sorted tables have alternating row styles. When I run table sorter on my tables generated from C#/ASP there are no alternating row styles. If I put alternating row style in on the server naturally when the table gets sorted the rows no longer alternate since each row maintains its style so the text is randomly light/dark. How do I turn on alternating row style on on the tablesorter client
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