how to make Tree table Droppable
Hi All, I am working on SAP FIori application using jQuery. Requirement: We are working on DRAG and DROP functionality in Fiori application. Drag and Drop between a Tree Table and List. I am trying to make a Tree Table Droppable as a normal Table, $("#mainTreeTable .dataSource").droppable({ drop: function(event, ui) { ..} ....}); but its not recognized as Droppable. Debugger does nto stop in DROP function at all. Please suggest, how to make a Treetable Droppable. Regards, Nagaraju
collapsible plugin always comes up uncollapsed
How can I get it to show as uncollapsed (the content is hidden) when the page is loaded. I've tried setting the contentOpen variable, and that does nothing. I also tried doing a trigger click and that doesn't work either. I can manually click on the heading and collapse or uncollapse the content. That's the only thing that works. Has this ever worked for anyone? I like the one that's for mobile only. It even works on the desktop but messes up the appearance of everything else on the page.
How to set end time based on the third value?
Hello everyone, I'm trying to get my end time drop down values based on the length of meeting that I can pick. So my code look like this: <tr> <th>Start:</th> <td><input type="text" id="start" name="start"/></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Length of meeting</th> <td> <select name="meeting" id="meeting" onClick="interval()"> <option value="">--Select length--</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>End:</th> <td><input type="text" id="end" name="end"></td> </tr> <script>
Error Log OpenCart shows catalog/controller/module/category_superfish.php on line 81
Line 81: if($query->row['parent_id']==0) $this->parent_id = $category_id; Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
Drag and Drop table
Hello All, We are working on SAP ui5 application where Drag and Drop between a table (Droppable Table sap.m) and List (Draggable Table as shown in figure) is required. We followed this example: In this example new item is added to droppable table when dropped, our requirement is to replace the item with dragged item. We have implemented JQUERY plug-in and able to drag
jQuery plugins in ReactJS
I plan on starting my next project soon, which I'm planning on using ReactJS, which I'm very new to. I know React uses a virtual DOM, and I've heard some things regarding issues with React and jQuery plugins, since jQuery plays entirely in the DOM. Im basically converting a project that currently exists as PHP(CI)/MySQL/jQuery, to NodeJS/ReactJS/jQuery/(some DB here). So pretty much, the only part of the existing project I plan on keeping, is the jQuery code, which is a LOT of code, and a few custom
Problems using jquery validator with SharePoint 2013 list forms
Hi, I'm experiencing problems implementing validation using jQuery validator in SharePoint 2013 list forms. My forms are OOTB and altered using CSR templates. My problems are that the error messages do not match the controls that they are assigned to so that all controls with an error will display error text for another field. I've never had a problem before and have been using jQuery validator with SP 2010 and 2013 custom list forms so I'm experienced with jQuery validator. Has anyone experienced
malsup jquery form beforeSerialize passing file data
Hi, I am using malsup jquery form for uploading images for I have three FileUpload in my webform. Ids are FileUpload1, FileUpload2 and FileUpload3. In my server side I wish to parse the file as below: httpPostedFile = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files["UploadedImage"]; If my fileUpload control name/id is UploadedImage, it is working fine. But I have three controls , so I gave them three different Id. ------------- In my previous code I used form Data. It wa possible : eg: var data = new
How to get Ken Burns effect with JQuery Cycle plugin?
See the object. Thanks
.val not updating the value of a hidden field created using .html
I have an html form that loads with a <div id="orders"></div>. The user can trigger an event that makes an ajax call that returns an xml file that is parsed out into multiple forms using $("#orders").html(newHtmlCodeFromXml) to create this : <div id="orders"> <form id="order_1"> <input type="hidden" id="pid_1" name="pid" value="123" /> </form> <form id="order_2"> </input type="hidden" id="pid_2" name="pid" value="123" /> </form>
Superfish - Won't open child menu's
I have recently experienced a problem with the superfish menu on my websitere, where the child menus no longer opens up. I do not recognize what I may have for this to happen and have tried several attempts to fix it, but i have no idea on what to do now... I have tried to look into the JS console on chrome, but cannot see what may cause this. The website is Versions: Drupal Superfish module 7.x-2.0 with the latest superfish library code.
Simple AJAX Not Working - RESOLVED
Well, here I am again. I cannot get Ajax to work. Firefox debugger shows through the function sometimes but sometimes not. I have been making changes so who knows what I have messed up. The idea is to click on an icon and have the icon send a code to another PHP script. The other script is never called even when the the debugger hows going through the function and going over Ajax. I simplified the code and tried it and it goes through the process of the sendmmnav function and has the correct code.
Jquery Drop-down, change values inside the table and highcarts when drop-down triggered
Im new to Jquery and highcharts.. So im posting this question I have a jquery drop-down which is multi-dependent. when the page is loaded, values(visitors today, yesterday and past week) under the "Asia" is displayed. and values changes based on the drop-down selected. This value is fetched to a text div. here is the jsfiddle I want to know if its possible to create the following:- a) when page is loaded, all values has to be displayed in the table like
Display Issues - Responsive Image Grid in a Hidden Div
I have been working on and researching this all day and cannot figure out a solution... I am working on a one-page site that uses accordion-style reveals to show content. Within one of the hidden divs, I have a responsive image grid that with buttons to filter which images show. When I click on the tab to reveal the div with the images, only the top part of the first image shows. if you adjust the width of the browser, then the window.resize displays everything correctly I assume it is doing that
editable jquery on a table cell
I am having a x-editable jquery for my table to edit its cell value at run time. It requires pk for primary key and i want to get value of first <td> and assign to pk to be sent through ajax, Can i have help on it please how can i do so? <tr><td>5</td> <td><span class= "xedit" id="5"><a href="javascript:void(0);">Yes</a></td> </tr> t.$('td a').editable({ url: 'update_inline.php', type: 'select', source: function() {return source;}, pk: how to assign
AJAX Post Question - RESOLVED
I hope I am in the correct forum. Apologies if not. I have been using JQuery validation and discovered that the submit does not submit the input data after validation. So I did some searching and found $.ajax post. The part of the code looks like: $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "install1.php", data: dataString }); return false; $( "#tabs" ).tabs( "option", "disabled", [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ] ); $( "#stepprogress" ).progressbar({ value: 0 }); $( "#totalprogress"
Locate the source code of the Chart
I'm interested in this chart with different functionality and I tried finding the source code to it and its author of the chart but I cannot find it based on the source code by right click > View page source. Do you know how to find this chart ( from Github? Thanks!
Recommended Price Format
I'm looking for a recommended jQuery price format that has support for different countries from Dollar throughout Europe. Any recommendation? Thanks!
jQuery Kinetic prevents .click() function on mobile
On this page if you click on the main photo an enlarged view will pop up with a row of smaller photos at the bottom. The kinetic slider is attached to that element $('.vehicleDetailExpandedPhotoReel'). On my desktop browser (Chrome) it works fine, you can drag it and still click the photos to change the picture. But on my mobile phone on Chrome it still slides but does not allow me to click a picture. Any idea how to get around this?
dragscroll not working on hidden overflow photo reel
I have a page at and when you click the main photo an expanded view appears with a row of photos at the bottom. I have attached it like this: $('.vehicleDetailExpandedPhotoReel').dragscroll(); But it doesn't work, nothing special happens. I have included the proper files as you can see in the header of the linked page. This is the GitHub page where I found the plugin.
Need help to improve a code
What this code here does is that it gets a html, let's say, a banner, and inserts it after a element tag and after x number of words, but it differs what are html tags from what is text, this way, the code won't strip any html tags. In other words, this jquery code is supposed to get a banner and place it on the middle of a text (Blog post for example) without breaking the text's html. This code works, but it needs some improvements. For example, if I specify it to insert the html after 300 words,
Fancybox link lable
can someone please help me to add a link label in my fancybox in html but it must be in the fancy box when the image blows up and i must be able to click on it and it must direct me to another html page
AjaxForm JSON ColdFusion data undefined
I am testing with a very simple form. I am new to js. The returned data is not outputting to my test alert box. The alert result: it worked [object Object] rather than showing the data in the alert. The response: {"COLUMNS":["CONTACTID"],"DATA":[[903]]} My end goal is to populate another form field with the returned contactid. Any help is appreciated. Thank you. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <script src=""></script> <script
How can I break, stop, each loop when return false is not working?
My code is supposed to place a banner between a content, but it is looping the banner. I need it to display a single banner only. I have tried using `return false;`, like the example fiddle, but it didn't work: JS FIDDLE: The fiddle is an example. This code is running on a web page where the html is generated dynamically, so I need the .contents() part, can't remove it. $(".newsitem_text").contents().each(function () { if (this.nodeType != 3) {
jQuery Validation - Multiple Clone Submissions
Using this plugin: Users submit forms on my site. Some of those form submissions register once (as desired) and everything is fine. However, every once in a while, I receive a submission that seems to clone itself and submit itself like 8 times. This seems like the result of something like a user browser timeout, or something on the form-user side of the picture, since it's not happening for every user. I haven't been able to isolate the browser used for these submissions.
Trying to validate a form, canned error message is displaying behind the text, making it difficult to read..
Hi, This is my first post to this forum, but I've been banging my head against the wall for a couple of days on something I'm guessing is a pretty simple fix. Building a app in node, using validate.js to validate some form entry. I can get the form question to error if there is no input, no problem, but the error message displays under the text of the question, making it nearly impossible to see. Pic of current error: In this pic, you can see that question 1 is not been filled out but question
Chosen Plug validation
I have a page with two Selects using Chosen plugin. They work great, but I need to do something special and can't seem to come up with the right way to validate this option. I want to have users only be able to select an option from one dropdown or the other, but not both. My first thought was to disable one select if something was selected on the other. Then if they selected the first item(0 index) it would re-enable the other one. and then same with the other select. They are required to select
Validating a single char to be one of two chars - RESOLVED
I need a response to an input form to be P or K. How can I validate that input? I looked at the list of methods for Validator but none fit. It has to be a single char and it has to be P or K, nothing else. I can do the single char and maxlength: 1 but I do not know how to do a specific char. Thanks for the help. Mike
Are you sure plugin, cannot make this work in MVC app
New mvc app in VS2015. I had implemented the windows beforeunload, which sends the alert box in all situations, clean/dirty form, <script language="JavaScript"> window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit; function confirmExit() { return message to display in dialog box; }</script> but CANNOT get this jquery add-in to work, at all. why isnt it working? <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $('form').areYouSure(); at the top of the mvc edit.cshtml document: <head> <meta charset="utf-8" />
Panel on Home page
Good morning, sorry for my bad English. I am new to all this, I would create a panel to change the image in a Web home page. Four or five pictures will rotate as for example in this web that change different food recipes.
I am trying to get validation working and it is not working. I have two goals to getting this to work. First, validate all the fields I coded. Second, when successful, show that little round circle with the check mark in it. Neither is working. I used the Milk demo as a reference but am not having success. Running it through debuggers I see all kinds of jquery.js errors but none for my code. Maybe I missed something. Look at for the coding. Any and all help
blueimp jQuery-File-Upload
Hi All, I am using blueimp jQuery-File-Upload to upload images and it is working fine right now the uploaded images are saving in the joomla backend. But now I want to save the uploaded images in Amazon AWS. Is it possible to save the uploaded image to Amazon cloud server? If yes please tell us how we can implement this functionality. Thank You Deepak Singh
Looking for a way to draw lines on an image
I am currently using jQuery Superbox to display images. I want to add the ability for the user to be able draw a line between 2 points on the image. They should be able to click and drag to create the line and once a line is drawn, move an endpoint around. I would need to be able to get the endpoints of the line in some units that would enable to be know the length of the line in pixels and also the x and y coordinates. Does anyone know of a plugin that will allow me to do this? I know jQuery SuperBox
jquery Are You Sure? plugin: the confirm dialog is not showed if I click on an ajax link
If I change the form and I click on ajax link, the confirm dialog is not showed and all changes are lost. How can I fix this?
My css autocomplete doesn't work in modal bootsrap, please review !
hi guys, i have been stuck in css autocomplete please don't know how to debug it, here is my demo please go here email : pass : dauruk0512 Please after you loggin then trying in first div just type in the 2 input type,my autocomplete working well there then press icon plus modal will be dissapear then here is Please review guys
Jquery validation
MaxMin =" "; if($(\'#sprice\').val() > 0) MaxMin = "max"; else MaxMin = "min"; rules:{ sprice:{ MaxMin:$(\'#sprice\').val() -1 }, lprice:{ max : $(\'#lprice\').val() - 1, greaterThan:\'#sprice\' } Can we do like this(MaxMIn - code inside PHP) ?
Jqueyr validation
Hi, I am using jQuery validation for my forms( I have a problem that names are viloating. Remove, add Rules also not working Can i use id to define rule? Please prvoide me an example? <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function (data){ $(\'form[name='.$data['form'].']\').validate({ // Rules for add new product javascript include rules:{ sprice:{ max:$(\'#sprice\').val() -1 }, lprice:{ max : $(\'#lprice\').val() - 1, greaterThan:\'#sprice\'
Why my jquery doesn't create right form
Hi again, Here is thing i need to clone the form then remove the original form, but hard for me so i created like this which i remove then created new one, my problem is when users click on it why my create form doesn't working good ? please anyone guide me how to create form like for will be remove it ? Thanks
jQuery Validation Plugin with multipleSelect dropdown
Hello All, I am trying to validate the dropdown checkbox multipleSelect with the JQuery Validation plugin but am unable to get it to 'see' the fields within the dropdown. All other form fields validate properly Client Side and my Server Side validations all work properly, I reallyneed the Client side to validate this field though.Also, the error/ success box blocks the email and phone fields so in order to correct either one of those, the page has to be refreshed, how can I move the position of the
X-Editable Bootstrap field loads only on the first edit link
I'm using Bootstrap X-Editable along with bootstrap-wysihtml5 I have a comment list on every post page with an edit link under each comment. But I can only edit the first comment on the last (the newest submitted comment) and the rest simply don't load the X-Editable field. $('#note').editable({ validate: function(value) { if($.trim(value) == '') return 'Value is required.'; },
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