Hi, I am a newbie to JQuery.
i need some help, I use this tabs http://codepen.io/marrysmil/pen/wKywRP and i want to change some function like : if you click on home form line 1 tabs and than you click on profile from line 2 tabs the first line tab need to be closed when i do this :-??
can someone help me with this ?
if I send someone the HTML file I'm working on and also send them the jQuery plugin could someone help me ? every time I put the plugin into my html it disturbs the jQuery running the entire web page any help would be fantastic !!
Keith Wood DatePicker today function
Hi, I'm using jQuery DatePicker. How can I change the "today" date? Date that highlighted after click on today button/command. Thanks
help to identify the plugin website Russian
</ul> </div> ?<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ window.l = window.sessionStorage.getItem("l"); isTest = window.sessionStorage.getItem("test"); isAssignment = window.sessionStorage.getItem("assignment"); if(!l){ l = []; window.sessionStorage.setItem("p", 0); window.sessionStorage.setItem("o", 6); }else if(!window.sessionStorage.getItem("code") && l){ l = JSON.parse(l); p = window.sessionStorage.getItem("p");
jQuery DatePicker date format
Hi there, I'm using jQuery DatePicker and I would like format the date in a way that I can omit leading zero e.g. Sept 6, 2015 would be 9/6/2015. How do I do this? Joe
Using tablesorter plugin I need to reapply padding to 1st data row below header (after sort finishes)
I have some CSS in place to establish a fixed header and apply vertical scrolling if the number of table rows causes overflow. When the table is first loaded, the server determines the order and the following works nicely to style the 1st row of data: /* Next, we are padding content of 2nd row (it's the 1st data row) (Actually shifting down the content of the first data row in order to compensate for the height of table header row.) */ table.gvEvents tr:nth-child(2) td { padding-top:40px;
How to set a boolean value in the onLoad function, depending upon the OnClose function. and can i get this boolean value on next screen
$(document).ready( function() { $('#Pagewalkthrough').pagewalkthrough( { steps : [ { wrapper : '#loginTableHighlight', margin : '0', popup : { content : '#highlight-accessable', type : 'tooltip', position : 'left', offsetHorizontal
jvectormaps remove
Hello im using jvectormap, and first i got a problem when i loaded the map, but i fixed that with the code to load map if the box is shown, but now i got the trouble that, everytime i click on the show button a new instance of a map is loaded, so my question is how can i remove map before i load the new one so i only get one instance of a map? Now i bumped into an error, that i need to know BEFORE i load the new map if there is a map there, and if so remove it.
Idle plugin
Hello all, I'm using this plugin: https://github.com/kidh0/jquery.idle ...like this: $(document).idle({ onIdle: function(){ if(timer + 1) return; _slide(); }, onActive: function(){ if(currEl) currEl.removeClass(addclass); if(timer + 1) clearInterval(timer); timer = -1; }, idle: idleTime }); ...and am quite happy with it. I would now like
replacing some div elements by some others, for a slider
hi ! i'm a newbie, and i'm trying to figure how to remove some divs by some others, on the click of a button or link. these divs are used by a slider of pictures. and since i'd like to use a vertical list of links which each is a different gallery that should show in the slider of the page, i'm trying to use these links to change the set of pictures used in the slider. exactly like here : http://www.jma.it/jm-architecture-jesolo-lido-pool-villa.html ( you can see in the list : jesolo, lake Lugano,
jQuery Validation
Hi, I'm trying to wrap the error label with this template, but without success. Can anyone help me to solve this issue? (http://jqueryvalidation.org/) <div class="alert alert-error"> <div class="fx-alert-icon"> <i class="fxicons fxicons-error"></i> </div> <div class="fx-alert-desc"> <label id="input-error" class="has-error" for="input1"> Input with error!! </label> </div> </div> Thanks,
SOLVED tablesorter with dynamic data, setting sorter for a column whose index is referenced by a variable
I have a table who's content is dynamically generated, prior to calling table sort. In some cases this table may have a column - id of which is "hdrTrailerID" In the event this column is in the table, I want to set the option explicitly to sort that column with the $.tablesorter.sortText Consider the following: jQuery('#reportsTable').tablesorter({ widgets: [ 'zebra', 'resizable', 'stickyHeaders' ], widgetOptions: { resizable: true
Adding a class to dynamic content
Hello, I'm trying to add classes to a dynamically generated bootstrap datepicker. on a static page this code works $(window).load(function() { $( ".day" ).each(function() { $_inner = $(this).text(); $(this).addClass( "day_number" + $_inner + ""); }); }); but on the dynamically generated not. I don't know how to work width on() in that case. any help would be appreciated.
Animate - toggle counter confused by colorbox
I have a simple animation loop running that rotates an element (using jquery.transform.js) and toggles its opacity. This runs fine on page load, but gets all verklempt when the user opens one of several colorbox links on the page. What happens then is that the opacity toggle seems to have its counter set wrong - instead of toggling the opacity from 0 to 1 and spinning the element, the animation spins the element and toggles opacity from 1 to 0. Is there any way to protect the counter or reset it
Adding modification (around) the Fotorama plugin.
Hello everyone. While entering the 'Topic' information for this thread it occurred to me that Including fotorama is probably not necessary since it's doing exactly as it should. Including it my project is the issue. Ill begin by attempting to describe the problem as clearly as possible without creating a book! I apologize in advance if at the end, you are left mind-boggled. The above mentioned "project" is an online pre-owned clothing outlet. I'm in the middle of rebuilding everything from directory
jquery fileupload
Hi, I am using jquery fileupload in .net mvc application. everything works fine when i click fileupload and get the open dialogue to get file from user. But now i am in the scenario, such that, i have the file in my server or some machine path, i need to upload this file using jquery fileupload, without poping out the open file dialogue to the user... how i can do this....help me out please... Thanks Shree
How to deal with jquery magnify plugins after changing the image to magnify?
I have a little bit issue on how to deal with jquery magnify plugins. See I have a jquery magnify plugins which I used to zoom in. I have a series of thumbnails beside the main image to hover. My issue here is when I change the image to magnify or zoom in it will keep on magnifying the first image or the default image. I need to update the content of the magnified glass every time the image changes. Here's the details of what I've done so far. Please advise me. HTML Mark Up: <div id="thumbimgdiv">
Save donut chart as image
Hi, Donut legend is not showing when i save the donut as Image. Could you please let me know how to resolve it? Thanks in advance, --Madh
Question about HeadJS and RequireJS
I have a web app thats getting much bigger than expected, and it has quite a few JS files. I was looking for a way to load them quicker, and preferably asynchronous and with dependencies, meaning don't load them ALL at once, but load the ones that don't have dependencies (but ARE dependencies) first, then if they are loaded fine, load the ones dependent on them, etc etc. I looked into HeadJS (HJS) and RequireJS (RJS), and I had a few questions about both. I first started to use HJS, and it looks
Validate multiple values based on selection using jQuery Validation
I created a jsfiddle that demonstrates my problem. I'm using Knockout.js attached to a couple radio buttons. When one is selected, it changes a specific set of controls for that selection. I need to validate the values for one of the selections (Ambient Temperature). So when Ambient is selected, it displays a text box to enter a temperature, and a couple radio buttons for Celsius and Fahrenheit. I need to require the temperature and a temperature unit (C|F). My fiddle has it basically working,
Setting up dependencies with head.js
I was looking for some users that have experience with the jQuery plugin head.js . According to the website, head.js allows you to setup js/css file dependencies and load js files asyncronously and in parallel. Looking at the API documentation and examples, I see that you can apply labels to JS files, then run some conditions when they are loaded, heres an example in their documentation: // same as above, but pass files in as an Array head.load([ { label1: "file1.js" }, { label2: "file2.js"
validator regex
I am attempting to limit the entry of values into a 1 character textbox. Trying to use regex. The way I am doing it does nothing at all. For example, I can enter a G into the box and it doesn't care. Cannot find any examples online since it seems most people want to allow a-z so all the examples show a-z. No variety at all. code: data-bvalidator="^[YyNn]"
Keith-Wood DatePicker - Set default date in Range Select
Hi, I'm using Keith-wood JQuery DatePicker with RangeSelect. Want to implement something like, I have Check in & Check out dates in Input. now when I click on Calendar Icon. It should show highlighed area of Check in to Check out Dates. One More Problem is I want to close Calender when I select 2nd Date. Thanks, Khilen
Stop datepicker appearing at the bottom of a dynamic table
Using ASP.NET MVC javascript to replace a table cell with a textbox and datepicker.ui control. When the table renders, the datepicker control appears underneath the table. Once the textbox with the bound datepicker is selected the control 'disappears' from the bottom of the table and renders correctly with the textbox. Everything works well but how can I stop the datepicker appearing under the table? Looking at the DOM, I notice that when the cell is clicked the datepicker 'div' style changes to
Keith-Wood DatePicker onSelect not working when rangeselect is true
I'm using Keith-Wood DatePicker Plugin and adding below code in my project $('#ArrivalDate').datepick({ changeMonth: false, dateFormat: 'dd M yyyy', selectOtherMonths: true, showAnim: false, showOtherMonths: true, monthsToShow: 2, minDate: 0, maxDate: '2Y-1', rangeSelect: true, onSelect: function (dates) { alert('working'); var date1 = $.datepick.formatDate('dd M yyyy', dates[0]); var date2 = $.datepick.formatDate('dd
Pause Video While clicking Next and Prev button -Flexslider
I have used flex slider for implementing image and video slider .The video may be either YouTube or custom videos. Its working fine.I need to pause the video while a user press the Next or Previous button. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you
Superfish (v1.7.5) menu stays open on iPhone 6 only - and only when you return to the page you opened it on
Just downloaded latest version today, all default options, no tweaks except one: I have changed the href to "javascript:;" for the link the opens the submenu. Page is here: http://www.j-c-associates.co.uk/blog/ Test steps are as follows... 1) tap 'not a link - reveals' to open submenu 2) click link to go to http://www.j-c-associates.co.uk/blog/tag-2 Menu is now closed on all devices. However... 3) click 'back to blog home page' to return to initial page On iPhone 6 (I am advised) the submenu is still
Is there any jquery plugin to build kanban board like in jira ?
Please let me know is there any plugin or tool to build a Kanban Board like in jira. your help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
SlickNav Plugin not Loading
For some reason, slicknav is not running on my site. All of the scripts seem to be loading correctly and the console doesn't show any errors that have anything to do with SlickNav. I don't see any duplicate jquery loads. The scripts in the head: <script src="/media/system/js/mootools-core.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/media/system/js/core.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/media/system/js/mootools-more.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/media/system/js/modal.js"
jquery validation trigger
I have the problem that jquery validation is triggered when just emptying an input box after deleting its content... Is the above "natural" for the plugin? The problem is that I cannot identify under which conditions this happens. Am I correct to assume that the validation ought to trigger only on clicking the submit button? Something I 've noticed...validation is triggered when emptying the input box when the submit button has been clicked..... You can see that in this example here
A problem with jquery plugin for blogger
Hey. I've bee searching for a plugin/code for blogger, which would change anonymous or blogger avatars to custom avatars. All over internet the only code is this one: <script src='http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js'/> <script> $("img[src='http://img1.blogblog.com/img/anon36.png']") .attr('src', 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-DoSIO5IATWY/U6YjsCv3RCI/AAAAAAAAB7I/_ut2RhVpgu0/w346-h391/NewBloggerLabAnonymousAvatar.png') .ssyby('blank') </script> <script
Wizard plugin?
Hi all i want create a Wizard same as: http://www.jquery-steps.com/Examples#basic i try create here in my webpage: http://frigorificos.noip.me:8080/jinvmanz2/ejemplo1.jsp i checked and checked what happend and not found the error. The path of the files its ok Any avice, how to create a Wizard? Exist other plugin better? thanks
How to restrict image size before upload using dropzone.js??
Hello, I am using dropzone.js for image upload in my application but I want to restrict user at certain image size, so how could I do that..??
jquery effect issue
Hello All i am new in website development creating a website having sidebar navigation link. on click on link need to open link content new panel on right side having specific height and if i click second link that click content should open on right panel only but with scrolling effect since i kept mouse over effect also on right panel please help me code we i am using: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
Jquery alternates between working and not
I have a site that I am working on where all of the jquery plugins I am using (summernote, multiselect, validation and tons more) work perfectly the first time a modal is loaded. Then the second time a modal is loaded nothing works. Then the third time everything is perfect again. I have googled and searched and have no idea what is going on. Can someone please guide me or direct me to a resource so that I can finally fix this problem.
Slide 2 divs simultaneously from right and left on click
Sir, below is my code that i have tried : <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>slide demo</title> <style> .leftpanel1 { width: 300px; height: 100px; background: #ccc; position:absolute; float:left; z-index:100; top:0; background:red;} .rightpanel1 { width: 695px; height: 100px; background: #ccc; position:absolute; float:right;z-index:100;top:0;background:red;right:0;} .leftpanel2 { width: 300px; height: 100px; background: #ccc; position:absolute; float:left; z-index:10;top:0;background:green;}
Unable to make this searchable dropdown plugin work
Hi, I am using <select> element where the data comes from database and using https://github.com/alxlit/bootstrap-chosen this for searchable dropdown. It works fine with the <select> when present on the page. Now my problem is the <select> element is being generated dynamically with jquery and the data list coming from database is also being inserted through ajax and the Chosen plugin does not work for this. Is there any way I can get it working? or any other plugin suggestion? below is the code
jQueryValidation issues: Label class always has errorClass
Hi, I am a newbie with jquery and this module. But trying to style valid/invalid fields, I inspected the fields and I noticed that the errorClass class is never removed from the label tag Example: I setup a "digits" field with min=3 and max=30. When I enter 1 in the field then label Please enter a value greater than or equal to 3 is displayed. The Inspector shows that the label has the class jqv-invalid When I enter 12 in the field then label is not displayed but has 2 classes: jqv-invalid and jqv-valid
Hi, I am using jquery validation engine.how to change date format of future(dd/mm/yyyy) Already changed custom date format of dd/mm/yyyy.but future date format can not be solved any one can help me.
Validate: with Bootstrap Wizard
I have a site where i am using Bootstrap 3 and a separate 3rd party "Bootstrap Wizard" component ( http://vadimg.com/twitter-bootstrap-wizard-example/ and https://github.com/VinceG/twitter-bootstrap-wizard ) Having finished the layout of the wizard, I am now trying to put in some validation on the form. I have tried the jQueryValidate component, and it doesn't seem to work. I then created a new php page, and created a simple form, with no wizard component, and it works as expected. Therefore, it
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