How to show a text and an icon inside the images that are being rendered inside jquery slider
I am using a web template which have a jquery slider that uses jQuery touchTouch.jquery.js plugin version 1.0 . A live sample of the slider can be accessed from this link .now inside the web template i got the following markup :- <div class="row">
<ul class="listgall">
<li class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-6 colgal">
<figure><a href="img/page3_bigimg1.jpg" class="thumb"><img src="img/page3_img1.jpg" alt=""><span><strong>Project name:<strong><em>Lorem
Adding class to elements not working
I'm using this code: <script> jQuery(window).scroll(function() { var scroll = $(window).scrollTop(); if (scroll >= 150) { $("header").addClass("white"); } else { $("header").removeClass("white"); } }); </script> When the user scrolls, the class 'white' is to be added to the <header> element , and it's not. I don't know if I'm experiencing a conflict somewhere? Can someone take a look?
Validate: prepopulated fields
Using jQuery validate plugin v1.14.0 for client-side validation. Sometimes fields can come pre-populated from the server, eg: <input type="email" name="email" id="email" required="required" value="aa@b.c" /> If I focus into this field and delete the email address I would expect to get a "This field is required " error message, but I don't. In fact not even the following sequence shows an error: - focus in - empty field - focus out - focus in - repopulate field with new (valid) value - focus out -
How do I keep JQuery Slider Tabs from sliding automatically?
I have a timeline style JQuery Slider on my site, but I want to go to each section manually. I set autoplay to false but its still not working. What am I doing wrong? You can see it here Thanks in advance!
Countdown Timer add class at specific time
Hi - i'm currently using a countdown timer plugin ( and what i want to achieve is a simple class which is added to a div based on how much time is left. if the time left is greater than 10 minutes change div to the color green. if the time left is between 1-10 minutes change div to orange and finally. if the time left is under 1 minute change div to red. I've created a fiddle of how it currently looks there's 3 class which
jQuery Dropdown select
hi, first of all i'm new to this forum and thats my first post so please tell me if there are other information you need to help me here. In my recent project i'm trying to use this plugin to improve the look of my select box. But when i'm calling the function to start the plugin I can't get the .change() of the select box. Here's my code: $(function(){ $('#cd-dropdown').on('change', function() { alert( this.value ); }); $( '#cd-dropdown' ).dropdown(); });
jQuery If Statement and get time
Hi i am using a script which is a countdown timer - how in jQuery do i watch the countdown timer and check whether is over, in between or under a certain amount of milliseconds? Based on the documentation and the author (the author wasn't very helpfull and refuses to help). i have came up with this. what i want to achieve is a simple class which is added to a div based on how much time is left. if the time left is greater than 10 minutes change div to the color green. if the time left is between
jQuery Datepicker range
I am creating a small booking system and I need a datepicker range plugin. Do you guys know if there is a plugin that lets you have multiple date ranges and disable all other dates that is not in the specified ranges? For example a user should be able to select a range: From: 1/5/2015 to 10/5/2015 and a range from 20/5/2015 to 25/5/2015. All other dates out of those ranges should be inactive :) I am getting the dates from a database, so i can't specify them manually :) Regards Simon
Sortable: dragged and dropped items refresh positions only
Hi! My problem is in attached files. There are 2 versions of example "Sorting": Flash(swf) and jQuery Sortable(html). I need that jQuery Sortable algorithm works like to Flash(swf) - dragged and dropped item positions refresh only, other items stay in their placeholders (without shifting). Help me please. Yuri
jquery.duplicate.js plugin problem, please somene help me
pluging link: jquery duplicate Plugin I am trying to use this but the form gets submitted every time when I click on one of the buttons. what shoud i do now. plugin code: /** */ $.duplicate = function(){ var body = $('body');'duplicate'); var templates = {}; var settings = {}; var init = function(){ $('[data-duplicate]').each(function(){ var name = $(this).data('duplicate'); var template = $('<div>').html(
Jquery pairing of items
I want to implement a paring system using list and jquery. Excel Fields DB Fields Mapping email name email+emailId address emailId >> empId+empcode name empcode (ADD PAIR) empId address << (REMOVE PAIR) In the above example when I select items from both(Excel Fields,DB Fields) list and click ADD PAIR it should show the pair under Mapping list and the corresponding items should be removed from respective list. When I select a item from Mapping list and click Remove pair it should remove the item from
countdown plugin
hey guys im trying to use the jquery countdown plugin but it's not displaying correctly. timestamp : 2015-09-06 04:00:00 and it shows: 0 Days 03 Hours 11 Minutes and 40 Seconds remaining can anyone tell me why please? $('#timestamp').countdown({
until: $(this).text(),
compact: true,
layout: '{dn} Days {hnn} Hours',
description: ' remaining',
onTick: function(periods) {
$(this).countdown('option', 'layout', periods[3] > 2 ? '{dn} Days {hnn} Hours'
How to reference an SVG drawing primitive with Keith Woods SVG Plugin
Hi folks, here's a code snippet that will generate a nice Lissajous figure using Keith Wood's SVG plugin. I can't figure out how I can change the points in the polyline primitive once it has been instantiated. I would think that I need to change line 12 to something like var mypolyline = svg.polyline(myarray, .....); and then later change the point array with svg.change(mypolyline, {points: newarray}); but this is bombing out. Here's a fiddle with the working code:
using flipster and flexislider for my website
Hi there, I have a query for the admin people. I want to use the flipster and flexislider in my website development. I will customise them to my needs. is there any licencing required. if so who should I contact. any email address etc., or can I use them free without informing anyone. thanks and regards
web page editor with jquery or angular js
hi i need this functionality is it possible with jquery or angular or both 1->i have html page with some html design 2->when i click on any html element it must be customizable for its css, text,javascript function etc so that i can change height ,width etc. 3->drag and drop fucntionality for dom elements 4->preview after some cutomization 5->must have save option so that what i have changed it must reflect into css file and in js file and in the content file
Flotting Logout Button
Can anybody help me to crate a flotting Logout button (possible to move using cursor) using JQ? See the image..
Jquery dialog with <a>
Here's an example of what I'm trying to tie a dialog to: <div id='dialog' title='Blog Post Viewer'></div> <a href='? $url_data ' onclick='return false' onmousedown=' run_modal ( \" $href \" , \" $url_data \" );'> $link_txt </a> My goal is to be able to run "run_modal", and let it auto populate the dialog box with an ajax request. When I run: $(function() { $( "#dialog" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false }); }); function run_modal( href, url_data ) { $("#dialog").dialog("open"); // alert(href+"="+url_data);
Problems after post form
hello, i want to check the date in the form. so far it works fine. as soon i press on the submit button and enter a new date, it does not check the date again. what is the reason for that? i don´t see any error in the console? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <meta name="viewport" content="width=600 user-scalable=no" /> </head> <body> <form
I'm using the cycle plugin from in Sometimes the page loads blank and the slideshow doesn't start. I would very much appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction for a fix.
Events firing after ajax page change. (Flipclock)
Hi there, so I have this little problem: My project uses a layout which is using ajax calls to load the content of a module into the main content area. Specific javascripts are loaded dynamically with that ajax call (basically it just return some HTML that I add to the main content area that includes some javascript/jquery files). I'm using to display a counter on some pages. Obviously I bound some things to the "stop" callback of the counter. This is still
jquery snippet code to add in php page
Hello guys, can you help me about jquery? I've this js: (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var gridContainer = $('.grid-items'), filtersContainer = $('.portfolio-filters'), wrap, filtersCallback; /********************************* init cubeportfolio *********************************/ gridContainer.cubeportfolio({ layoutMode: 'grid', rewindNav: true, scrollByPage: false, defaultFilter: '*', animationType:'animation'), gapHorizontal:'gap'),
Chart (JQPlot) in collapsible list
Hello I try to make a chart (jqplot) in a list, and when I expand the list I would like to see the chart. But how? See my code: <div data-role="page"> <div data-role="header"> <h1>Header Here</h1> </div> <div data-role="content"> <ul data-role="listview" class="ui-listview-outer"> <li data-role="collapsible" data-iconpos="right" data-shadow="false" data-corners="false" id="my-collaspible"> <h2>Out<asp:Label ID="LabelActualOutHeader" runat="server"></asp:Label></h2>
Using ajaxForm with newest jQuery
Hi! I´m updating my website and my jquery image uploader sadly stop working.. I´m guessing it´s because of the new version of jQuery im using.. it gives me an error.. _____________________________________________________________________________ Uncaught TypeError: $(...).ajaxForm is not a function _____________________________________________________________________________ This is my code (its working on jQuery 1.7...) <script src=""></script>
JQuery Idealforms 3. How can i send the info of the form to my mail?
Hi I am using Jquery ideal forms 3 to build a form. I cant get it to send the info of the form to my mail. The website is: Anyone has experience with this form?
iframe in cycle plugin
I have to display a map on the top of the page along with other images. The map uses an iframe. so is there a way that malsup cycle plugin can display images and iframe in the cycle fashion.
How to disable elevateZoom?
How do i call the destroy function in elevateZoom ? The documentation does't have any mention of it , If i do a quick ctrl+f in the source, i see an option for disable , But i am not sure how to disable or destroy elevateZoom ? I have the following code: HTML: <img id="img_01" src="" data-zoom-image=""/> JS: $("img").elevateZoom({ zoomType : "inner", cursor: "crosshair"
[resolved] remote validation question - return values from jsp valication page
Hi, I'm trying to use remote validation using the jquery validation plugin. I have verified that my remote JSP verification page is being called. I have also verified that it returns either a string 'true' or a string 'false' when it is called. The client side page is not responding to the return value from the verification page. My question is whether the validate() method is expecting the server side to return 'true' and 'false' as strings? Thanks in advance. Jim A.
JQuery Validate - Message tailoring
Hi everyone. I recently came across this wonderful validate plugin I've worked out how to modify the rules based on values in other fields, but wondering if the error message can be tailored in a similar fashion eg rules: { myname: { required: function(element) { return $("#mpAdType").val() != "Buy"; }}, }, messages: { mpAdType: "<span class='f00 strng'>Please select an option</span>", mpTitle: function(element) {
Validation Issues
Can i include rules in different files and submit form in different files? Becasue i have a common submit for all forms. -----------------------------------Rules ------------------------------- $("#add_new_productHH").validate({ rules:{ lprice:{ greaterThan:'#sprice' }, available_quantity:{ lessThanOrEqual:'#lowest_price' } }, messages:{ lprice:{ greaterThan: "This field is less than starting price" }, available_quantity:{ lessThanOrEqual:"This field greater than or equal to requested quantity
I need to make sure that a plugin will not load until its dependency loads using RequireJS
I am using the jquery.validationEngine.js plugin. jqueryValidateEnglish cannot run unless jqueryValidateEngine is loaded first. My jquery.wrapped.validationEnglish2.js is coded like the following: define(['jqueryValidateEngine'],function($){ //Plugin Code here }); My jquery.wrapped.validationEngine2.js is coded like the following: define(['jquery'],function($){ //Plugin Code here }); My homepage contains: <script src="/imagesrv/marketing/requireJS/assets/lib/require.js" data-main="/imagesrv/marketing/requireJS/assets/js/common2">
jQuery validation file, validate image dimension before it's uploaded
I'm trying to validate files uploaded to be certain dimension size before it's uploaded. Is there a way to get the height and width of the image? I'm using the validation plugin
Add highlighting feature to fastLiveFilter 1.0.3 plugin
I have modified fastLiveFilter jQuery plugin by adding a highlight functionality. I added a button to the form: <form id="search_box"> <input type="text" id="search_input" name="search_box" /> <input id="search-button" type="button" value="Search" role="button" /> </form> The search/filter is not trigger on keyup, but on pressing the button or the [ENTER] key. The function bellow wrapps the searched string in a span: function highlightTerm(){ var searchTerm = $(input).val();
What are the required files to get JQuery working in my Website ?
Hi, I am fairly new to JQuery. Finding it hard to figure out why few things are not working in my application. There are already few JQuery files added in project as dlls, not CDNs. Few of them are same files with different versions. For example, jquery 1.10.2.js jquery-1.3.2.min.js jquery1.7.1.min.js jquery1.8.0.min.js few other jquery files are jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.min.js jquery.blockUI.js I would like to remove everyone of these and add latest version of JQuery. Please let me know what
How to add open icon and close icon for Jqtree
i want to customize the icon for open and close operation in jqtree.
Calling a colorbox from a bxslider slide
I have bxSlider set up with one of the slides being a colorbox ligtbox, but I can't get the bxslider image or a link to open the colorbox. Here is my code: $(document).ready(function() { var $gallery = $('a.slideGroup').colorbox({rel:'slideGroup',@trans, @slideshow, slideshowSpeed: 4000, @showTitles }); $("a#openGallery").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $gallery.eq(0).click(); }); $('a.slideGroup').colorbox({onComplete:function(){ $('#cboxTitle').css('color',
Calling Colorbox from Bxslider
I am trying to wrap my head around how to call a colorbox slide group off a slide within bxslider. Using this cold I though it would work, and I does, but It is including the document window as the first slide in the colorbox and I don't know how to prevent this from happening. Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong? Within my bxslider document ready statement I call colorbox on the slide that I want to open the colorbox with using: $('.isSlideshow').colorbox({rel:'slideGroup1'}); Where
Get Cropped Size Imgae on server side
I'm trying to crop image before uploading it to server. But on server side, I'm getting the actual size of image not the cropped image. this is my code. I'm using this Plugin My Html Code <input type="button" id="btnCroped" value="Crop and Upload" /> My Js Code <link href="~/Content/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="~/Content/ImgaeCropper/cropper.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="~/Content/ImgaeCropper/main.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
jquery autocomplete
Hi, Good day! I created a search box and my problem is when I type Employee ID the auto list displayed is Employee Name, I need to display on the list is based on what I type. I don't know if it is possible that in one search box I can search Employee name then the list of names will display, when I type Employee ID, employee id list will display. same with Passport no and res id. Now, when I type Employee Id or Passport No or res id and employee name. the displayed list is employee name. this is
Autocomplete search multiple fields from database
Hi, Good day! Before I used jquery in autocomplete I only search one field from database. Now, I need to search multiple fields in one search box. here is my code: This code is working but my problem is when I type employee id the autocomplete display list is the employee name. How can i make it that when I type employee name, the list display is employee name, if I search id, list of id will display same with passport no. and res id. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
Calculation on Dynamically created rows using jAutoCalc Plugin
Am trying to do multiple simple calculations using the jAutoCalc.js jquery plugin in a form where the rows can be dynamically added or removed. While the calculation works for the first row it is not happening for the subsequent rows. Also I like to sum all the total values using the same plugin and stick it in the 'Sum of Total' input box at the bottom.Thanks in advance for helping me out. Plugin Link: <form name="cart"> <input value="Add" type="button" />
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