Issues with JQuery Validation - Returning False. (JQuery Steps)
I've found a jQuery-step validation script. When I run the application the validation returns false in onStepChanging (form.valid()). I can't change the step, why?
create tooltip for dynamic generated html table columns
im generating dynamic html table with with rows and column via inline code Need to give tool tips to the columns . can anyone share an example either in jquery or by any jquery plugins
jqFloat.js - keep floating objects within container
I'm currently using this jqFloat.js that makes elements float in space around the page. Unfortunately, they float in relation to the size of the screen, and not of their parent container, which is what I wish to achieve. Here's the HTML of my structure <div class="wrapper"> <div id="projects"> <div> <a href="projects/first/index.html" class="project-item"> <img src="images/body/brain.png" id="image" class="brain" /> <span class="title">Sintesi addittiva</span> </a> </div> <div>
Any of the jQuery Line plugins not working
Any one can please help me, I am trying to use jquery line plugins, I tried all the plugins but unable to draw line using those plugins, Not throwing any error too, but line is not visible on the screen. While debugging it got stucked at the line of code used to draw the line. <script src=""></script> <script src="~/Scripts/jqSimpleConnect.min.js"></script> <div style="position:relative; height: 110px;"> <div id="div_e" class="node1"
Looped Countdown base on timezone with Moment JS.
Hi, That's the code I use for the Countdown, so it will repeat (loop) after 24 hours. <script type='text/javascript'> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $(function(){ var nextDay = new Date(). setHours(0, 0, 0, 0) + (1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); $('#clock').countdown(nextDay, function(event) { $(this).html(event.strftime('' + '<div><span class="number">%D</span> <span class="timertext">days</span></div>' + '<div><span class="number">%H</span> <span class="timertext">hours</span></div>' + '<div><span
Jquery Megamenu plugin with horizontal submenu items
I am looking to find a header menu jquery plugin that supports multilevel items but sub menu items are placed horizontally. e.g Category 1 has 80 subcategories. When the Category 1 is hovered and a submenu opens up and the 80 subcategories should be placed horizontal instead of vertical which is impossible to read as they create a long scroll page. I have been searching for hours but cant find anything similar to my requirement. Anyone can help please? Thanks in advance
Help with fancybox?
I am still learning jquery, and I am trying to get fancybox to work on my website. I have been fighting with it for a few days and finally followed to get it to work. It did, but only in the test folder. As soon as I moved all the files out of there and into my regular website folders, it stopped working. It opens the image URL in the tab rather than in a lightbox, and that's the problem I've been having from the start. This is
jequery-te get the source and send it using ajax to server side
I implemented the jquery text editor in my web page. I want to get the source and send it to the server side. that is what I tried, but it doesn't work. it alerts the encoded answer. but it doesnt want to send it to the server. if I dont use any editing tool, just simple text. it sends it and I get "ok" but if I try to colorize the text or any other editing. the ajax doesnt send it to the server. is there a reason? $("#postEditor").jqte(); $('#btnSend').click(function () {
Image upload and delete preview image
<input type="file" id="FileUpload1" accept=".jpg,.png,.gif" /> <br /> <br /> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5"> <tr> <td> <img id="Image1" src="" alt="" style="display: none" /> </td> <td> <canvas id="canvas" height="5" width="5"></canvas> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <input type="button" id="btnCrop" value="Crop" /> <input type="button" id="btnUpload" value="Upload" /> <input type="hidden" name="imgX1" id="imgX1" /> <input type="hidden" name="imgY1" id="imgY1" /> <input type="hidden"
jQuery Validation Plugin doesn't work with pretty URLs
Hi there clever people I seem to have encountered what I think is a bug with the JQuery Validation Plugin (from, though it could also be due to my own ineptitude in this area, so any help would be appreciated. When you type an invalid email address in the email field of a form using the jQuery Validation Plugin, and then move focus to another field, it is supposed to show an error under the email field. It works as expected when the URL looks like this in the browser:
JQuery mask erases the last character of an input element masked to ip address
I am using the jquery.mask to format an input with ip address. See the code below: window.jQuery('.ip-component').mask(''); The problem is that when I enter a ip address like this "" (it's a valid ip address) and change focus to another element, the value of input element changes to "010.230.230", it erases the last character. I have the mask keep the value and check it as a valid value.
How do I implement jkeyboard?
I have an application that needs an on-screen keyboard. I found one here: I have a three implementation questions. 1. How do I implement a <Tab> key? I want to have more than one input field, and I want the <Tab> key on the keyboard to jump the focus between input fields. 2. Once the <Tab> key is in place, how do I get the plug-in to type into a given input field? For example, I have the following: <form action="/action_page.php"> SSID: <input
JQuery plugin not working on RPi 3
I *THINK* this may be a JQuery plugin issue, but I am not certain. I have a Raspberry Pi 3 running java 1.8.0_65, apache 2.4.25, and chromium-browser 60.0.3112.89 under Raspbian 9.4, and I am having some trouble with some javascript served from a CGI script. I have never in my life worked with javascript, and I am no expert with HTML or CGI, so am a little lost, here. I can bring up the following URL: which contains the references: <link rel="stylesheet"
colorbox with dynamically loaded html
I have a roundabout image track with thumbnails that is dynamically loaded into the site via PHP and jquery. That is all working. Now I'm trying to get the thumbnails to link to colorbox so users can see the larger pictures. Trouble is, when I attempt to use the colorbox, I still get the links just opening in a new window instead of the colorbox modal or whatever it is. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here's some of the code that I'm using. index.html <section class="roundabout"> <div class="reel">
validate plugin - customising error message with ajax return data
I want to use the remote ajax call to determine something about the content of my input text box. I then want to use some of the ajax response in the error message, but I cannot see a way to connect something I do in the success function of the ajax call into the message. Could I iterate over errorList to find the structure for my fieldname and remote method and then dynamically replace the message? Would this work? I have read adding your own method for many articles mentioning overriding the message,
jQuery 12.4.1 and Validate.js 1.17.0
Hello - I have a strange issue where I have jquery 1.12.4 (have tried 1.11.1 as well) with validate and if I load jquery.js then validate.js - it does not work (it continues the form against rules and no error message is displayed). If I load validate.js then jquery.js it does work but jquery errors and no other jquery functions are working. This is very strange. I have removed all other .js includes. Thanks in advance for your help!
Moment.js multiple entries problem/
Hello, I have the following problem. I use "moment.js" for displaing "posted {x} minutes ago" text in my project, but my main problem is that it does not load each timestamp individually. This is how i "messed" it.. hm hm.. i mean made up so far! I created only two columns but imagine much more entries. Any ideas?!
How to resolve Error: No label found for checkboxradio widget
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//"> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script> $( function() { alert("First"); $( "#radio-1" ).checkboxradio(); $( "#radio-2" ).checkboxradio(); $("input[type='radio']").checkboxradio(); } ); <div class="sign" id="showSignDiv"> <s:iterator
How can i handle synonyms in typeahead plugin?
I just created a search function using the typeahead jquery library. My problem is that when i select an item from the dropdown list it return all the synonyms inside the input field instead of the name of item: In my example if you try to type "Fruits" and select the item from the drop-down list it works ok. But if you try to type "Apple" or "Orange" and then select "Fruits" from the drop-down list, then it returns all the synonyms of "Fruits" in the input field eg "Apple, Orange, Banana". I just
Superfish JS conflicting with the Woocommerce
Hi, We have used Superfish JS in the Wordpress theme. Woocommerce is also installed. When we set the shop to show "Product Categories" from the Customize -> Woocommerce -> Product Catalog. It displays NAN along with the category name. If we remove the Superfish JS it works fine. Could you please check what is the issue? Thanks
re : ON OFF switch Button
hi i am using on/off switch inside table control but when try add new row in then second switch also pointing to first one only.
how to add a class to button Edit, in tableedit plugin
hi all here my fiddle: when user click on Edit button in any row.... i want go to Name column, and change Jhon Name to Mike... when user LostFocus(clicking the button Save Changes) i before want check before the value typed, send the value to ajax and return, if is OK, save the changes if not i want display an alert Thanks
jeditable - catching click event
Hello, I'm using jeditable in relation with dataTable as follow: var tableGrid = $('#grid').dataTable({ "dom": "frtip", "bStateSave": true, "paging": false, "fnDrawCallback" : function() { tableGrid.$('td:eq(6)').editable(function(value, settings) { var td = $('td#' +; displayStuff(td,, value); }, { type : 'text', cssclass
Catch the ajax response with jquery bootgrid
Hi, I know that this plugin is not from jQuery UI plugins, but it uses jQuery as kernel. The problem I've got with this plugin is that I want to catch the ajax response to analyze it on the loaded handler ( Does anybody know how to make this? There's a method called responseHandler, but is never executed. Thanks, Dani
How to attach an ID to the showErrors: function in jquery validation plugin
I am using the jquery validation plugin. I have a "showErrors" function to hide a second form on error, and on click of the submit button if the user goes back and modifies the first form and creates new errors. The problem is the second form is also taking on the "showErrors" function. It is hiding when the user clicks the submit for that form as well. I want to attach an ID (#form1) to the "showErrors" function so it ONLY works with the first form. I need to make sure ID (#form2) Does not trigger
using validate
Can you allow some fields to be required only in certain situations? I need to have an email field required only if another input is present.
jquery sumo multiselect
i am using jquery sumo select control and i want to use this control inside table and click on add need to add new row and remove row.but i want to restrict single selection in this. max select option should be 1. user should not alow to select more then one value.
Response with empty body - is this a problem?
Hi, I am using Chrome to send a request from the browser to the Micrium HTTP server, which is successfully received by the server and my code on the server side. I call an API on the server side to tell the server that I don’t have any body in response. The server replies to my client (“HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n”) which I am guessing is a correct reply. On the client side where I am using” jquery upload plugin” that plugin calls my “fail” method. I don’t understand why – the reply is marked as successful.
malsup jQuery Form: Upload Progress doesn't perform as expected
I have excel file upload function. The main problem is the uploadProgress doesn't show its progress as it should be. It's just an instant from 0 to 100% progress, doesn't indicate there's upload progress on my website. The upload progress just straightaway to 100% before the server is running an upload process, it's not concurrent. Anyway after my website is successfully ran the upload progress, it throws the success function. With the current upload progress state, my website just looks static when
Jquery Table Edit
Appreciate if i get the answerHow can i change (' sub' below nr 4) from text into select with option which is selecting from db table? while editing ?? $('#editable_table').Tabledit({ url:'masrafsave.php', columns:{ identifier:[0, "id"], editable:[[3, 'no'], [4, 'sub']] }, restoreButton:false, onSuccess:function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if(data.action == 'delete') { $('#'; } } });
re: jquery sumo multiselect select
i am using jquery sumo select control and i want to use this control inside table and click on add need to add new row and remove row.but when i try to add row data is cloning to next row. and max selet option should be 1. but when adding new row data is not binding to the control.
What is “beforeSend”
Hi, I have notices that jQuery File Upload plugin takes some undocumented parameters like “beforeSend” method – is this documented anywhere? Regards, Janusz
malsup jQuery Form: How to enable submit button after form is bound
Guys, I have a form with image preview using malsup Jquery Form But when I submit the form, the submit button has got no action. I know it's been defaultPrevent-ed by the Plugin to run an AJAX call. I don't know how to enable the button. how do I do it? pastebin: <form id="multiple_upload_lampiran"
action="lampiran_upload.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden"
How do I get jquery validation to apply the "success" function to only elements that have a certain class present?
Hello, I am using the jquery validation plugin. It works well...perhaps too well. It is applying validation to every input on the page because <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok form_control_feedback"></span> is inserted after every input field. I would like it to be more selective. Perhaps only inserting the above class if another class is already present in the input. Can anyone help me out with this? Thanks
jquery sumo multiselect
hi i want to add ok cancel in bilow of single column only but its width sown full control width.
jquery multiselect
i am using jquery multiselect in that i want to show multiple cloumn in dropdown. but i did 't find any option to show dropdown value in multiple column using blow pluging example.
Sorting.js - problem with loading images
Hello friend, i really will appreciate your help about a problem that i have with sorting.js the code is: /* SORTING */ if (jQuery('.show_album_content').size() > 0) { var $container = jQuery('.portfolio_grid_isotope'); } else if (jQuery('.portfolio_packery').size() > 0) { var $container = jQuery('.portfolio_packery'); } jQuery(function () { if (jQuery('.show_album_content').size() > 0) { $container.isotope({ itemSelector: '.element' }); } else if (jQuery('.portfolio_packery').size() > 0) { $container.isotope({
how to apply a DOM value in JQuery plugins?
I created an Ajax code which could change the value in the span but what I actually want is the value apply into the Jquery seat-charts plugin, is there any way to move the output of Ajax to Jquery plugins? below is my plugin code: <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#time-select").change(function(){ var time = $("#time-select").val(); var date = $("#date").val(); var branch = $("#branchval").val();
jquery sumo multiselect
i am using jquery sumo multiselect in that i want to use cascading dropdown(based on first dropdown second dropdown should load eatch time). but i getting error please find link blow pluging example.
jquirey plug in update assiatance
Hey all, hope all is well. It's been a while that i touch Jquery. The scripts on my website is out of date and i need some assistance in upgrading. Don't remember on how I got the scripts Can anyone assist? The code is posted here. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"><head> <title>Kennesaw Acworth Atlanta Marietta Computer Laptop Repair Universal IT Technologies LLC Network Wiring, IT Outsourcing, IT Support, IT Service Providers Virus Removal Web Design Services Near Me</title> <meta name="p:domain_verify"
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