Add pause/resume/destroy functions to Cycle Lite?
Hi, I'm using the jquery.cycle.lite.js plugin in a web app and it's working really well. I would like to continue using it in a mobile version, however I'd like to to be able to make use of the pause/resume/destroy options that are (only) present in the full version of cycle. Lite does support hover-based pause/resume, unfortunately I need to call the functions from click events elsewhere in the DOM. The full version supports many, many, many more options, which I won't be making use of, and which
Learning to code ,
Hey guys , I kind of have a really weird question , recently i was just going through a small piece of code on Github and came across the following snippet : // Internal functions, used to easily get values this._getOpp = function(opp) { return {left: 'right', right: 'left', top: 'bottom', bottom: 'top', x: 'y', y: 'x'}[opp]; }; it turns out , the above syntax is similar to switch case and is good for declaring internal methods in a plugin. (i got
Jquery plug in url issue
I am creating my first jquery plug in when I click on the logo the recording of the user appears and user can listen to it,I have done this as follows: (function ($) { "use strict"; $.fn.myfunction = function (options) { var settings = $.extend({ //default isstatic: false }); var options = $.extend(settings, options); //Iterate over the current set of matched elements return this.each(function () { var obj = $('.mydiv2'); obj.hide(); $(this).show(); $(this).click(function () { obj.toggle("slow");
jquery.tipTip displays tooltip text randomly
I am using jquery.tipTip to display text on image’s mouseover but it randomly activates and displays the text when there is no mouseover on the image. $('.tooltip').tipTip({maxWidth: 'auto', edgeOffset: 5, defaultPosition: 'top', keepAlive: false, activation: "hover"});
jquery ajax beforeSend.
Hi, I need your help to display an alert (smartAlert) during php file is calling by ajax beforeSend. This is my code. It works fine but only inside div #risulta. Before that there are some links there are disabled after beforeSend: $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: "registroQuadri1.php", data: {a:arg1, b:arg2, c:arg3}, beforeSend: function(xhr){ ${ type: 'info', title: 'RegistroOnWeb - Caricamento in corso -', content: 'Caricamento del registro personale in corso.
How to changes the color for the node based on Jqtree treeview level
I have created 3 level of jqtree treeview. A -A1 -A11 -A2 -A21 -A3 -A31 I Want to differentiate the node based on level,A should be one color and A1 should be another color and also A11 should be separate color. I have tried in css .jqtree-tree .jqtree-title.jqtree-title-folder { color:green } and also ul.jqtree-tree li.jqtree-folder { Color:Red; } but it show Level 0 and Level 1 node displayed as green color and level 2 node displayed as red.but i want different
Clicking on input field showing undefined error in mobile only
I am using tooltiper form validation for validating the input field it is working fine with valdation but when i click on input filed on mobile i am getting this error "undefined"
jquery validation not working consistently
Hello gurus, I am having a weird problem. Our requirement is that when a user checks any radio button choice as poor or fair, then the textarea box becomes a required field asking the user to explain why s/he checks a box as fair or poor. The problem is that when I fire up a browser and run the following code without feeling out the names or checking any of the radio buttons, then messages display indicating required fields. Then if I check all required fields inclusing checking at lease on as fair
External html links in SimpleModal OSX Dialog
I decided to use an external html with links in a separate html file - page.html IN osx.js changed this: $("#osx-modal-content").modal to: $("#osx-modal-content").load("page.html").modal External html with links works, but now this link - <a href="#" class="simplemodal-close">x</a> does not close the dialog! Page.html: <div id="osx-modal-content"> <div id="osx-modal-title">Choose a city</div> <div class="close"><a href="#" class="simplemodal-close">x</a></div> <div id="osx-modal-data"> <p><a
How do I know that plugin uses a website
Hi Guys, I need to know which plugin or code being used in this website to change the background when I hover in the blocks. I would also like to find out how do to change that animation when the site is viewed from a mobile. Website: Many thanks!
Window.scroll not working in IE11
So I'm using the scroll event to trigger a masonry layout as follows: $(window).scroll(function(){ $('.man').isotope({ itemSelector : '.grid', layoutMode: 'masonry' }); }); $(document).ready(function () { $(window).scroll(); }); Works great in Safari, Firefox, and Chrome, but fails to work in IE, only when I manually scroll I get the result that I wanted. I'm using this version, <script src=""></script>
I am facing issue while trying to copy the data of a Kinetic object to a img variable in the same code tried to use var image stage.toDataURL({ callback: function(dataUrl) { kineticdataURL = dataUrl; image=dataURL.toDataURL; or - - - Both dont work :( image =kineticdataURL; } });; but got an empty screen, need help..
jQuery Validate - check value before remote method is called
Hi - I have a username field, that a user may change during an update. There is a remote method validator ( that will check to see if the new username is available. I also have a hidden field which contains the user's current username. Is it possible to check, during validation, and before the remote method is called, whether the user has actually changed their username? (say for example, if they change their mind, or the name they want is unavailable and
Jquery Slider - Left to Right
Hi All, We have a jquery slider on this page It currently slides from right to left, but we need it to swipe from left to right. Any ideas how to make this happen? Cheers Jake
Bootstrap Switch (Toggle Button) Animation Speed
I'm trying to modify the animation speed in the Bootstrap Switch toggle buttons but to no avail, there appears to be no parameter to let me change it? — Is it possible to achieve this by modifying the core code? It looks very complex though and way beyond my Js abilities to figure out!
Basic jQuery Slider to stop after 1 loop
How to make Basic jquery Slider to stop after 1 loop I'm using this basic jQuery slider, but like it to stop after 1 cycle and not loop. I don't see that as one of the options for customization. Any idea how to customize on top of it? I want to edit this slider : This is “Basic jQuery Slider”. I want, when I click right arrow (not automatic) after last slide, it did not scroll. It will again scroll when I click Left arrow. Thanks
Cycle plugin: Hide Prev/Next
Hi there, I have cycle working on a CMS setup. In some instances, the slider content area only has one image and am wondering if there is a way to hide the prev/next controls if this occurs? My code is below: $(document).ready(function() { $('.scrollable').cycle({ fx: 'scrollHorz', timeout: 0, next: '#next2', prev: '#prev2' // choose your transition type, ex: fade, scrollUp, shuffle, etc... }); });Any help would be great, Thanks
Help modify this bootstrap.js carusel to initailize scrolling immediately on page load within 5 seconds.
/* ======================================================================== * Bootstrap: carousel.js v3.1.1 * * ======================================================================== * Copyright 2011-2014 Twitter, Inc. * Licensed under MIT ( * ======================================================================== */ +function ($) { 'use strict'; // CAROUSEL CLASS DEFINITION //
jBox Jquery plugin Modal Window
Hi friends i tested: and its ok, no problem, but how to: in first page i have 3 input texts, 2 radiobuttons, 1 Select/option and 1 Button: CHECK when user click on button CHECK i want display a modal Window, with 3 input texts, 2 radiobuttons, 1 Select/option and 2 buttons ACCEPT and CANCEL. how to draw these controls? and how to setup the first values? and return values? Thanks.
Superfish dropdown menu in wordpress doesn't work on mobile devices
Hi, Wondering if anyone can help me with a workaround for this. The theme I run on appears to use a super fish dropdown menu for its main navigation, which works fine on desktop browsers as it employs a mouse hover to reveal the menu. Is there anyway of adapting this, or adding code, so that when visiting on a mobile browser I can get the dropdown menu to activate. I would greatly appreciate any help with this. Here is the code that I found in the CSS editor for the theme: Superfish
Saving and Handling Images from users.....
All, Please excuse this post if its in the wrong forum... I have been given the task to find or create a tool that will allow client users to copy and paste images into a client rendered web page. At which time those images will be saved to a folder on the Web Server. There has been talk on saving images directly to the database but currently the DB guy does not feel warm and fuzzy about that approach. The environment is a mix of PCs and mobile technology (Ipads/Androids/cellphones (they do not use
JTable - Cannot see drop-downs on Add New Record input page
I am using JTable plugin with JSP and Struts. Basically, this is what I trying to do: The table must have two columns, Model and ModelYear. When I click "Add new record" in the popup input page there must be a dropdown list for Model and dropdown list for ModelYear. The Model Year dropdown is cascading meaning that when user selects Model from Model dropdown an Ajax call is made to the server and the Model Years for that Selected Model are send back via JSON and its displayed in ModelYear dropdown
webcam plugin?
Hi friends anyone now worked with WebCam and JQuery? and of course upload to any part of the server the photo taked? the plugin that i used is: can share the code? (all code, css, js, jsp, java) thanks i am get this message: Your WebCam should be here! and when activate the console get a red error: Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(...).webcam is not a function thanks any advice?
Hi. I'm using jPages for pagination in a website I'm working on. It is working quite well. The only problem I have is that when from the listing page (for example jPages page 4) I go to a detail page and press the back button to go back to the listing, jPages is starting from page 1 again, instead of the last current page (page 4). Is someone familiar with jPages and know how to solve this?
How to convert jqtree json to datatable in c sharp
How to convert jqtree json data into datatable in c sharp
Select2 - disable the user input as a choice
I'm trying to set datas from ajax in a select2 select... But the problem is that if I write something which isn't in my datas i can select this choice anyway ! And this will take this value "I don't exist" ... The formatNoMatches() function seems not to be called ... My code : $(".select2-ajax").select2({ ajax: { url: "", type:'POST', dataType: 'json', data: function (params) { return { nom: params.term, // search chars page:, }; }, processResults: function (data, page)
How to fetch the selected child position inside parent node in Jqtree
How to fetch the selected child position inside parent node in Jqtree ex: A -->A1 ->A2 ->A3 A is parent node ,A2 is selected node.i want to fetch the A2 position.
Security vulnerability in jQuery Form Plugin
During a security scan of our application, part of the jQuery Form Plugin was flagged with a vulnerability. Issue - The file jquery.form.js interprets unvalidated user input as source code on line 538. Interpreting user-controlled instructions at run-time can allow attackers to execute malicious code. Version: 2.87 (newer versions have the same issue) Is there a fix available for this?
How to make 360 view , similar to this website .
Hey guys, not sure this is a 100% jQuery question but taught i'd still ask, i saw this 360 view on this school website here . how do you make that kind of a thing ? any idea . I checked out a few jQuery plugins , but i did't quite like the look and feel of those plugins and they were't a 360 view , in the real sense of 360 view. whats the best way to get a 360 view similar to the one in the website ? preferably something similar or exactly like that . Thank you. Gautam.
validate plugin only validates required first and last tag.
I am trying to validate a shopping cart fore submit and at this point only using the required directive. I am submitting the cart using ajax and I am trying to validate before doing the ajax call. When I call the validate() function, only the first and last tag shows an error. After the errors are shown, the rest of the items do show errors if I tab though them. If I fill out the first and last tag, then the form validates with the rest of the data missing. I have tried putting required as a
The class don’t remain on page refresh, i use jquery cookies plugin
I have a table and when i click on row i want to addclass .selectListItemReaded and persist on page refresh. The plugin that i use it's I have tried this code: TABLE: <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%" id="tabelRezultat"> <tbody> <tr class="selectListHeader"> <td class="selectListTitle inceput">Data cursei libere</td> <td class="selectListTitle">Plecare din</td> <td class="selectListTitle">Cursa spre</td> <td class="selectListTitle">Locuri
Jquery calendar previous and next links
How to get the first and last date of the month of calendar while changing the months using prev and next arrows. Thanks in Advance
Search function from select and display
Hello everyone , i got a problem . I making littel product catalog and i want add for this catalog search option in tabel by value or name ... example AU-1010 . I want personalize this search function by this symbol "AU-1010". I have make form and select with chained jquery function and add this result display from here . When i choose last option of last tier it display my result in tabel . It this point i have problem beacuse i want search function connect to this
Lookng for a good responsive menu , something like the one on
hey guys . have a look at the menu here , i reallly like that menu , the menu used on that site is very similar to a popular jquery plugin , Sidr.js . but the menu used on that site is different in a few ways and is more elegant than sidr.js . is there a jquery plugin thats similar to that one as on the site link i provided ? I really love that menu . basically i just want to experiment with different kinds of responsive menus. (preferably not experimental ones ! ) .Any suggestions ?
How to detect HTML5 stream was disconnected on Android by jPlayer
I use jPlayer as my HTML5 stream player, I prepared two channels, if channel one is disconnected I can switch to channel two, and I want do it when playing, I can't find disconnect event on HTML5 audio api, so I use ended event as disconnected status, it works perfect on desktop and iPhone, but not work on Android, when I play on Android browser, and disconnect on purpose, the browser looks like play but the sound is lost, that's mean if I lost signal on Android browser will not trigger anything,
Duallistbox won't return value ID for pre-selected items
Hello, I'm new to JQuery and Javascript. For a project I'm using the following JQuery Plugin for a Multi-Select Duallist Box . On my site it is implemented in the following way: Javascript: $('#id_groups').DualListBox(); HTML: <select id="id_groups" name="groups" multiple="multiple" data-title="Groups" data-source="/ajax/getGroups?maintid={{ }}" data-value="id" data-text="name"></select> The data will be loaded via JSON. On one page I'm using the Duallistbox for chainging data, from looking
Modifying Chosen plugin -- adding checkboxes to control dropdown list options exposure...
The added checkboxes (within the chosen container) are not clickable -- can anyone tell where in the code this "prevent default" or disabling is happening? Here's a fiddle...
Cycle Single Image Alt Caption
I have a page where the user can pick from several albums. I display a slideshow and additional information by using the image.alt attribute. My code follows the cycle / caption demo as follows: $(function() { $('#slideshow').cycle({ fx: 'fadeZoom', timeout: 2000, after: function() { $('#caption').html(this.alt); } }); }); </script> Everything works fine, unless the album has only one single image - then the "after" function doesn't fire. How can I force the "after" function to fire regardless
Any jQuery Vertical Slider with multiple items display per slide?
Can any one tell me of any free jQuery Vertical Slider which has the option to display multiple items per slide? Thanks.
Pixabay tag-editor with spaces
I use the pixabay tag-editor but I need to be able to use spaces in the tags. Now the space is used as a trigger to start a new tag. I already looked at the code to change it but it is too complex for me. Does anyone know how to fix it or an other tag-editor that supports spaces in the tags?
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