how can I change a property in jquery plugin with onclick an image
<script src=""></script> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var price = 100; $(document).ready(function() { var $cart = $('#seats_chose'), $tickects_num = $('#tickects_num'), $total_price = $('#total_price'); var sc = $('#seat_area').seatCharts({ map: [ 'cccccccccc', 'cccccccccc', '__________', 'cccccccc__', 'cccccccccc', 'cccccccccc', 'cccccccccc', 'cccccccccc', 'cccccccccc', 'cc__cc__cc'
my superfish menu seems to be missing css formatting
I upgraded my site to the latest jquery but then superfish menu stopped working. So as superfish was also very old (v1.4.1) I have upgraded it to 1.7.10. Now the menu functions but it seems no CSS is being applied to it as the menu is not horizontal but expands vertically If you compare the previous working site at: with the failing site at: you will quickly see the problem. if any of you fine experts can suggest what I'm doing wrong
Slidebars.js still relevant?
We've been using slidebars.js on all our projects, since it's part of the template that was built by a developer four years ago. Is it still relevant? Slidebars 0.7.1 -
jquery multiselect with ok and cancel button
I am using jquery multiselect in that i want to use ok and cancel button so when user can select ok option should be selected. jquery.multiselect.js example
How to get multiple select box value using jquery,
Hi, How to get multiple select box value using jquery,I tried below code but i get normal dropdown not multiple selected dropdown. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=",_assets,_style.css+demos,_assets,"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>
jQuery Validate Plugin
Hi there, In my form named EditWeight a user can click on a button and add one or more textboxes. I want to validate these one or more textboxes to make sure they contain either integer or decimal number. I added this code and i have two problems. * reg expression that I'm using looks correct but the code always says does not validate * I don't know how to display the error message to use when the textboxes doesn't validate given that I have one or more textboxes. $('#EditWeight').on('submit',
Jquery Pagination for list of items which is collapsible
Hi everyone, I have a question related to Jquery Pagination for list of items which is of tree structure. Items are collapsible and expandable. I have to do search in these items which has to high the items. Kindly suggest me is there any plugin available or do I need to implement from scratch. Thanks in advance.
How to separate crop function and upload function in Croppie.js plugin using jquery
I already got this working codes, but i want to adjust something i want to separate the Cropping and Uploading but the problem i don't know how to get the cropped image result when i clicked the crop button then used it to send on my upload.php when upload button was clicked. i already tried search for same problem as me so i dont need to post a question here and bother anyone but still no luck i also read the documentation but i still dont know what to do. Please help im stuck here.. Thank you ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Twitter Typeahead: not doing ajax call
Hey, guys. Glad to join here. I have a problem with typeahead. The typeahead is not doing ajax call whatsoever. But when I console.log the Bloodhound engine, it shows. The code is pasted from my another project at which works well, except changing some parameters. However this time it's not calling ajax in the console. I'm using Laravel by the way. The code:
hi, I'm using jqueryform in an app with requirejs. Unfortunately it seems to cause a SCRIPT5022 error when using internet explorer 11. It works perfectly in chrome. If you clear the cache then the page does load. But refreshing the page will not load. Removing jqueryform from the page and it loads fine. I upgraded jqueryform and it made no difference. So; Firstly - is jqueryform the right tool to be using? or is there a better way? ( we just want to hook into our forms and perform validation before
jcarousel.responsive.js question
so the prev and next are driven by <a href="#" class="jcarousel-control-prev">‹</a> <a href="#" class="jcarousel-control-next">›</a> which call jcarousel.responsive.css and jcarousel.responsive.js in this latter is the the jquery function that includes $('.jcarousel-control-prev') .jcarouselControl({ target: '-=1' }); $('.jcarousel-control-next') .jcarouselControl({ target: '+=1' }); My problem
new to coding and jquery code not working
new to coding and jquery code not working please help not sure were problem is?????? please if anyone can help the code emails but doesn't show on screen that it went if (jQuery('.comments-form,.contact-form').length > 0) { Modernizr.load([{ load: ['js/jquery.form.js', 'js/jquery.validate.js'], complete: function () { jQuery('.comments-form,.contact-form').validate({ // Add requirements to each of the fields rules: { name: { required: true, minlength: 10 },
Validation only highlights one field at a time for form requiring checking one of the checkboxes
I had to manually add validation for checkboxes for this Bootstrap page and now only one text field form field highlights at a time. For example, clicking submit once will highlight "First Name", clicking it a second time will highlight "Last Name" and so forth. We need all blank required fields to highlight at the same time. I used to include all form field names below within "rules", but no longer need to do that, since we're using Bootstrap's default validation. However, I haven't found a more
Tablesorter plugin: How to sort text/number column?
Hi All, I have a table with a sequence number column, and the values are like: 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 2-1, 2-2, ...10-1, 10-2,... I use the tablesorter plug to give the table the sortable function, but when I try to sort the sequence number column, it gives me the order of 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 10-1, 10-2, 2-1, 2-2,...which is not I want to get. I need it be ordered as a number, not a string (before and after the '-' part). I studied the tablesorter plugin document, and there are no related articles. The only similar
I can not call plug-in
Bom dia, não consigo chamar a validação do plugin jquery no meu código html, pela CDN como posso proceder?
validation plugin - two languages
I am sorry, but i cannot find any solution, how to have a multiple language error messages. When I use localisation javascript file messages_cs.js, the english is not working anymore, when I validate form from browser which has english in default settings and . The documentation of jquery validator plugin tells nothing about this problem. . When I ask google search for°"jquery validation multiple language error messages" - there is a lot of results, but nothing works... My website is in english
rails and jquery mobile: serious issues
I would like to create a mobile version of my rails application. Once downloaded and installed jquery mobile 1.4.5, however I encountered serious issues: css rules are not respected, redirects fails, javascripts do not work, colours are blurred, buttons do not work... I tried both the full versions and the minimal versions of the css an js files with the same bad result. I am using jquery-rails version 4.1.1 and I am wondering how can I get jquery mobile to work, whether would you advice
Vulnerable struts2-jquery-plugin-4.0.3 jar
Dear All, I am using struts2-jquery-plugin-4.0.3.jar in my web application. This jar contains jquery-2.2.4 which is a vulnerable version of jquery.Now struts2-jquery-plugin-4.0.3 is the latest available jar which is with the vulnerable version. Any one can suggest the solution?? Thanks in advance. Regards, Abhay
properties name case-insensitively in jqgrid
How do I ignore properties name case-insensitively with jqGrid? For column name i want uppercase in my data.for label lft rgt.
Using EditUrl To Post Data
I'm working with a legacy code and it's giving me a hard time as I cannot figure out how data are being passed from jqgrid to a method on the server. The server method signature is as follows: public ActionResult ShowProductsDetails(string operation Product prod, string extraData) I noticed that the operation parameter is used to decide which action to use i.e. edit, delete, save. The prod parameter contains data from all the columns of the jqgrid. extraData is an extra data that is set using edtitData.
jqGrid Treegrid does not expand and collapse rows after dynamic load of data <table id="grid"></table> <div id="jqGridPager"></div> <style> </style> @section scripts{ <link href="~/Content/jquery-ui.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="~/Content/ui.jqgrid.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="~/Scripts/i18n/grid.locale-en.js"></script> <script src="~/Scripts/jquery.jqGrid.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery.browser = {}; (function () { jQuery.browser.msie
when i try to close the tree create duplicate row .. tree expend or collapse not working jqgrid.
i am using jqgrid treegrid in mvc 5 but grid is not binding with json data. <table id="tree"></table> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { jQuery('#tree').jqGrid({ "url":"~/App_Data/Data.json", "colModel":[ { "name":"category_id", "index":"accounts.account_id", "sorttype":"int", "key":true, "hidden":true, "width":50 }
how to read file from plugins to java class
Sir I used this plgins : i have no idea to how to read file from plugins to ujava class <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src=""></script> <link href="//" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="//"></script> <script src="//"></script>
Phone or email validation in one field is not working
Below is my js code. Inside console.log return correct value but at the time of enter phone number still asking valid email address: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#rform").validate({ rules: { email: { required: true, email: function(element){ //console.log(isNaN($("#email").val())); return isNaN($("#email").val()); } }, pass: "required", }, messages: { email: { required: "Please enter your email Id or phone number", email: "Please enter a valid email address"
how to initialize the jquery balloon when the controls are added dynammically
Hi Friends I am creating rows dynamically for a table and each will have textbox. In this scenario how can I initalize the balloon like the code below $(function() { $('selectors').balloon(options); });
backbone-tree-view : error in code
Hi, I am new to JavaScript, nodeJS and backboneJS. I have to create Product view in my backbone JS code. I am trying to integrate backbone-tree-view in my codebase to display tree view on screen. I have taken below details as base to implement tree view. 1- have install backbone-tree-view on my project path 2- Added all the dependencies of script in my html file which is defined as template in the project. 3- Added tree in the body of same template
How to make row static in table sorter by maintaining its index position within its parent instead of the whole table
I have a requirement in table sorter with Tree Tables. See the example at It sorts at the parent level and then inside the respective parents, it shorts child rows within that parent which is great. My requirement is for making a row static so that row should not sort and maintain its index within the parent. There is static row widget: But it will lock
$(...).slick is not a function
Dear forum, I am using slick slider plugin on my webpage, and it's all working fine. Now I want to move my webpage to a different server (different provider). Although code and content are identical on the new server I get the error: $(...).slick is not a function Any ideas? Karl
how to show the tooltip when move over the textbox and show the hiddenvalue using jquery balloon
Hi Friends, I have the below requirement. I have table with three columns with multiple rows. The last column has 2 textboxs one for use input and another one for hiddenvalue The requirement is 1) when the user mouse over the first text box I need a show the value of the second text box as tooltip using jquery balloon plugin. 2)when the mouse moves out of textbox it should not show plugin 3)The tooltip should not be show when the user types something in the textbox Please help <!DOCTYPE html>
Chosen Plugin issue when clone to next row.
Hi Im trying to use Chosen plugin in my project ( ) And clone the row when user click + icon ("glyphicon-plus') but Im not able to change the value of the new row . below is the runnable code to reproduce the issue , any one have idea to fix this issue Please Thanks Karthisena
tablesorter customer parser not working properly
Hi Tablesorter was working fine until I tried to add in a custom parser as per the help page. Now what happens is that you can't sort any column ONCE - after this everything freezes. (So if you click the same column again you don't get the opposite sort like you should ) I am something of a newbie so i wasn't sure where to put this code... so I put it at the end of my jQuery file. Can anyone help please? $.tablesorter.addParser({ // set a unique id id: 'mlevels', is: function(s)
Unable to set a fixed width and center custom scrollbar
I am working on some kind of carousel with items aligned horizontally. Each of the child elements (there will be about a dozen of them) should stretch one third of the parent's width. Three items should be visible at any one time. I have used Bootstrap 4, some custom CSS and the Perfect-scrollbar plugin. HERE is a jsFiddle. It came out pretty nice, except I have been struggling to find a way to set a fixed width (of 300px) for the rail (the gray line) and centering it. How can I do that?
Syntax Validator (Error)
Good night people! I have a problem with not knowing jQuery very well. I installed "Linter-eslint", "Linter-jshint" among other plugins in my Sublime Text 3 to help me find the error, but I did not succeed. I tried using up the Esprima ( ). My code is a form that goes through 4 steps until it is submitted. Can someone help me see where the error of my code is? And what tip can you give me to debug and debug my future codes to avoid such questions in the forum?
Using Datepicker in AngularJs ...
... Trying to figure out how to manipulate the body of the rendered Datepicker to add a custom header and footer, but not having any luck. I've tried a few things now, but am at a loss on what to do next, nothing's working. I've attempting trying to do something equivalent to this: $('#ui-datepicker-div').prepend('<div><h1>A New Header</h1></div>') (works fine from chrome devtools directly on the element) from the directive's beforeShow event, but this is simply getting ignored. Any ideas on how
Good Chatbox Plugin
Hello - I want to build chatbox capabilities for my own website. Does anyone here have any experience with chatboxes? If so, is there a plugin you would recommend? Also - can you give me a quick summary of how chatboxes work on the backend? When site visitors enter something into the chatbox, I'm assuming it's pushed through php? But, how is the response handled? I want live capabilities, where a chatbox pops up on my end if a site visitor chooses to start a chat. Thanks in advance - Pavilion
Validation Plugin with TinyMCE
I am running into an issue trying to validate a textarea that has been taken over by tinyMCE. I can get the data into the orginal textarea and could validate it there - but the field is hidden. I need to keep the default of not validating hidden fields. I was unable to figure out how to set ignore to all the hidden fields EXCEPT fields with a specific class. Alternately, I tried to validate the content in the TinyMCE created textarea, but field is buried in an iframe, the id is "tinymce" (and I have
Question about Open Sockets ?
tuy vậy, để khoe ra hết vẻ đẹp của phụ nữ, các chị em nữ giới cũng cần lưu ý cách điểm trang và chọn y phục ăn khớp nhé. Dưới đây mà các gợi ý điểm trang đẹp có son đỏ, Các bạn hãy tham khảo nhé.Đối sở hữu phụ nữ, màu son đỏ từ lâu đã được coi là biểu tượng của nữ quyền và sắc đẹp. ấy cũng là lý do vì sao các quý cô đều đôi lần muốn thử màu son này cho những dịp cần thiết của mình. ngoài ra, kế bên những biểu tượng sexy thành công có màu son đỏ, không ít phái đẹp đã không thể tự tín tuyệt đối, bất
JQuery splitter switching orientation
Hi I am using jquery splitter plugin in my project - - version 0.14.0. How do I implement switching of splitter orientation from horizontal to vertical dynamically based on button click? Is there a sample implementation available ? Appreciate your help. Thanks Srikanth
While executing ajax get request, getting error.
While Executing ajax request, getting following console error : "GET http://localhost:1879/cardimages/getimage?id=12 500 (Internal Server Error)" I am trying to fetch image from dropdown selection in mvc : Following is AJAX code : <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $("#ImageId").change(function (evt) { var DropDownSelectedVal=$("#ImageId :selected").val(); alert(DropDownSelectedVal); if (DropDownSelectedVal !=null) {
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