timepicker, not working after second time ajax call..
HI, http://fgelinas.com/code/timepicker I am using above mentioned the timepicker. This picker, using only ajax call proceess. Initally, the first time ajax call, the timepicker is working. The next time, is not working... May i get some help to resolve this issues. loaddata.php => parent file loadsubdata.php => child file. <this is ajax call file> Below mentioned this code, had written in loadsubdata.php- Also included the dependent batch files $('#txtTime').timepicker({ showPeriod: true,
Unable to insert the value in html table cell
Dear All, I am trying to insert the value through Jquery or Javascript in html table row[1][2] , But I am finding no luck Can any one please help me what's wrong in my below lines <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> table, td { border: 1px solid black; } </style> </head> <body> <p>Click the button to insert new cell(s) at the beginning of the table row.</p> <table id="total" style="width:100%"> <caption>Count Of Sessions</caption> <tr> <th>Sessions</th> <th>Mar</th> <th>Apr</th>
How to modify txtProgress Plugin?
Hi there, I want to use this jQuery Plugin listed here: https://www.jqueryscript.net/loading/Minimalist-Text-Loading-Progress-Indicator-Plugin-txtProgress.html . But be patient, the demo site you can click here, is the demo site from the unmodified plugin, if you download it there is the right example page to the new modified code. This is the one i'm talking. So i want to use this insde my bootstrap 4 website, but i noticed some problems. I noticed that the plugin uses the class name ".progress"
any plugin to display all the months of the current year ?
I need to create a calendar like this --> URL(ignor the arrows on the left and right). Now i have seen alot of date-pickers etc. but is there a plugin that creates something like this ? just display the calendar of the current year. I saw this plugin HERE , but i am not quite sure its the solution.
Jquery Validation - Disable Browser Warning
I need submit a form and then refresh a page by calling $(window).reload() I’m using JQuery Validation ( https://jqueryvalidation.org/ ). Is there a way to disable the pop-up: "changes that you made may not be saved" in: submitHandler?
how to create an "ajax callbacks"
hi i have this fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/babco7xk/14/ if you try: Edit the data you can.... after click on SaVVe button display the alert with: 1111111 right at this point all its ok.. but when i use onAjax, see this sample 6: http://markcell.github.io/jquery-tabledit/#examples ignore the event: $(document).on("click", ".myButton", function () { i want in onAjax get Qty value, Price, and multiply and set in Total column the result, how to? Thanks my code: if ($("#myTableInsumos").length) {
jQuery code conflict
hello my website does not work with lazy load and infinite scroll plugins do you help me nasıl yapılır
Group validation is not working in asp.net with Jquery Validation Engine Plugin
I am using jquery validation engine plugin to validate the form fields in my ASP.Net application. It works fine but there is a problem when i want to validate only set of fields on a certain button click. Ex: When i click on save button all the form elements must be validated. if click on verify Email Address it should validate only the email field whether it is empty instead validating the entire form elements. We have provision to handle this scenario with asp validators by setting the "Validation
Datatable responsive
hi , sorry for english ,can someone help me with datatable responsive , i want hide some culumns in a tablet or smartphone view : this is the code : <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <!-- The above 3 meta tags *must* come first in the head; any other head content must come *after* these tags --> <title>datatable responsive</title>
Conflict between datepick and JSON (I think)
Hi: Page connected to database using JSON. Works fine <script src="httpsdocs/js/jquery.loadJSON.js"></script> When I tried to add datepick to the date fields the connection to the server is blocked. Nothing in my error logs or DBI->trace. I have isolated the problem to <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js"></script> by commenting out the linkages one by one to see when functionality is restored. I am very confused on all the jquery release numbers..
validate and tooltip side effect
Hi Team, I have all but finished my bootstrap form now, which includes 3 plugins: validate, datepicker and tooltips. I am very happy that individually they do what I want, but I have one issue left to solve when I run all 3 together. It seems that the error message <span> appended by validate does not get removed or updated correctly if I validate the error inout field more than once. I end up with <spans> being added after the original down the page. I am guessing this is because the tootip is introducing
Form jqueryvalidation validate
Hello I use from jqueryvalidation.org the part demo/multipart. All is working fine but at least I don't know how I can include in the validation I used before. In my form before i added a onsubmit function. With the step by step form the validation with onsubmit will be to late. I need to validate in the first step two fileds (KRegSumme and KRate). how can I include in the multipart demo code like this: function myvalidate() { var a = document.forms[0].KRegSumme.value; var b = document.forms[0].KRate.value;
How can I isolate a div with a particular class name with another div of the same class name?
I have isolated the problem in this pen. Explanation : I am using a plugin called jquery upload preview to upload an image and preview the image on the div as a background. In my web page, I am dynamically creating more and more divs with the same class name but since the class names are same, the upload preview is getting applied for all. I want every other div to get isolated from each other. Is there any solution I can apply here. Please check out this link, it's a pen where I have isolated the
Day of week and time picker
Is there any plugin or config that will allow me to select the day of the week and a time only. i.e. not the calendar date, just Monday or Wednesday etc?
The sort on the Jquery Data-table Table Date field appears to be sorting by month and not the entire date
Dear All, I had customized the Jquery data-table based on my requriments ,But I see that Jquery Data-table Start date column is sorting by month not of entire Date. https://jsfiddle.net/spspecalist87/ubmd6yre/1/ Can any one please help me how can I solve it. Srk
$('form').loadJSON(data) and SELECT
I would appreciate some insight here: I am used to drop downs being bound to database fields I have a select drop down on a form used to populate the insert/update query sent to the server. <td><select required id="position" name="position" onChange="changeFlag(1)" > <option value="0">Select <option value="1">Board Member <option value="2">Administration <option value="3">General Member </select></td> When I repopulate the form field with JSON $('form').loadJSON(data); , I expect the data from the
validate plugin - error message styling and refocus difficulties
Hi Team, - please be gentle I'm trying to get upto speed all all these technologies :-) I am configuring an enrolment form which is currently built with bootstrap form classes ( we are using latest bootstrap v3 and latest jquery). I have successfully added the validate plugin and have my various rules are all working fine. I even have small glyphicons appearing on successful or unsuccessful validation of the field. However, the message text is very small italics in the default grey font, and I have
How to show the Jquery Data table Total Entries On Top of the header
Dear All, As we all knew that Jquery data table shows the total entries below the data table. Example :Showing 1 to 10 of 100 entries. Can any one please do let me know how can I show at the top the data-table. Becoz I tried showing it using Data table DOM Positioning Also I tried using Multiple table control elements "dom": '<"top"iflp<"clear">>rt<"bottom"iflp<"clear">>' in my fiddle ,But found no luck https://jsfiddle.net/spspecalist87/gufor47z/3/ Srk
req help on jquery sidedrawer menu
Hi All, I have recently started using Jquery/JS scripts and found an script (sidedrawer) that I am using right now: The script is working fine except for that when I open my page the menu is being shown by default instead of collapsed. The script I am using is as per below, how can I modify my script in such a way that it will collapse and only open once I click the Open button? html: <b class="closebtn js-hide-sidedrawer"><font size=2>Open</font></b> <div id="sidedrawer" class="mui--no-user-select">
How to show Jquery Datatable Individual column searching (select inputs) at the top of the table header
Dear All, I had the below code where filters are working fine for html table. But I required it to show on top. I had replaced the .appendTo( $(column.footer ()).empty() ) to .appendTo( $(column.header()).empty() ) .But my table headers are going down . I required dropdowns on top my table headers can any one please help me how can I do it. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.datatables.net/1.10.16/css/jquery.dataTables.min.css"> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
how to add a new column as first column of data table
hi, following is the code, which brings six cols ,i need to add a col as first col in the table then i wiil fill it up with relevent running numbers . <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title></title> <script src="Scripts/jquery-3.2.1.js"></script> <link href="Scripts/DataTables-1.10.16/css/jquery.dataTables.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="Scripts/DataTables-1.10.16/js/jquery.dataTables.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">
Carousel widget works, but not appearing in browser...
I have created a working widget, but I do not know how to instantiate the code to run on the page (it looks great in view source when I save the page). I have tried... // ===== Instantiate Carousel ===== // jQuery("#carousel").carousel(); // ===== Instantiate Carousel ===== // jQuery("#carousel"); neither work, I have read about getting the widget to instantiate, and I have a working tabs widget that uses the first method above (with the words tabs instead of carousel) - but that widget uses JQueryUI
BlockUI + jQuery 3
Hi, I'm getting this error when trying to use blockui plugin: TypeError: lyr2._fadeIn is not a function [Learn More] jquery.blockUI.min.js:1:7615 This is the code I'm playing with: <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.slim.min.js" integrity="sha384-KJ3o2DKtIkvYIK3UENzmM7KCkRr/rE9/Qpg6aAZGJwFDMVNA/GpGFF93hXpG5KkN" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/popper.js/1.12.9/umd/popper.min.js" integrity="sha384-ApNbgh9B+Y1QKtv3Rn7W3mgPxhU9K/ScQsAP7hUibX39j7fakFPskvXusvfa0b4Q"
taken fees not greter than original fees issue
<script type="text/javascript"> $.validator.addMethod('ge', function(value, element, param) { return this.optional(element) || value <= $(param).val(); }, 'Invalid value'); $("#fees_validate").validate( { errorElement: "span", rules: { taken_fees: { required: true, ge: '#fees' } }, messages: { taken_fees: { required: "Required", ge: 'You
I am using jquery muliselect dropdown list but i am getting lines inside the drop drown list , i am getting this issue in IE only.
Bootstrap:- <tr> <td> <div class="input-group col-xs-4" style="padding: 0 0px 5px 0px; float: left; margin-top: 5px"> <div class="input-group-addon" style="padding-right:20px">Base</div> <div class="input-group-value" style="width: 152px; padding-top: 5px; height: 25px; vertical-align: middle; margin-right: 0px;"> <dl class="dropdown" style='background-color:white'> <dt> <a
customization for plugin button.
I have 12 check boxes on a section and have a next button. i want to force user to select one box. On selection the next button should be visible. Someone have an idea?
How do I make the Superfish Hamburger menu icon larger? Where do I tweak?
How do I make the Superfish Hamburger menu icon larger? Where do I tweak?
Change the datetime format of the calender control to mm/dd/yyy hh:mm
I want to change the datetime format for the datetime picker control from yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm to mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm here is what i am doing script> $.datetimepicker.setLocale('en-us'); var ct = $$("tbStartTime").attr("id"); ct = '#' + ct; $(ct).datetimepicker({ dayOfWeekStart: 1, lang: 'en-us', formatDate: 'MM.dd.yyyy hh:mm' }); $(ct).datetimepicker({ value: '', step: 10 }); var ct1 = $$("tbEndTime").attr("id");
(validate) jQuery.popup() unbinds .validate function
Hi everyone, I have an existing web form that I am trying to make into a multi-step progressive form. The existing form validates correctly using jQuery.validate (https://jqueryvalidation.org/ ) when its stand-alone. However when I put the form in a popup overlay (http://dev.vast.com/jquery-popup-overlay/ ), I get the error when trying to call the .valid() function in a specific form field. The error I get is: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of undefined at HTMLInputElement.<anonymous>
Multi step form with jquery issues - navigation buttons are not working
Im trying to use the jquery steps plugin to have a multi step form. I just copy the available example code on the documentation and made some html and css changes and the form is working now like this: "https://jsfiddle.net/hyuzhytj/5/". But it has 3 issues: - The navigation buttons next and previous don't work. - In the first step, there are many form fields and the last fields, for example, the field with id="notes" don't appear, it seems that it's hidden. - I'm also using the select2 plugin in
Need help in identifying lightbox plugin
Can anyone help me identify the kind of lightbox plugin used on this site? https://www.blairbunting.com/Advertising/10/thumbs Or maybe you know something similar. Any advice will be much appreciated.
how to add multiple header in jspdf plugin.
Hello Developer, I need help in generating pdf using js pdf. As per below url i able to generate the pdf, but in the example of this output pdf has only one header as "Testing Report" on the left side. i am also looking one more header at right side with Date:__________. So my header will look like below. Testing report Date:_____________________________ rest of the table data will come here. below is codepenurl: fiddle for jspdf Can any
Script tags not loading after ajax call
I'm using the Ajaxify/history.js but I have a serious issue. After it loads content through ajax, or simply when I change page with pushState(), scripts are not loaded. myscript.js $(document).ready(function() { $("div").click(function() { // this works everytime alert("Test"); }); $(".mydiv").click(function() // this only works on the first real reload (F5) but after a page change with pushstate/ajaxify/history it does not work anymore. { alert("Test"); }); }); I'm starting to suspect, because the
Why I can't pass variable in daterangepicker?
Hello! I have daterangepicker on my website: $('#first_range').daterangepicker({ startDate: moment(Elastic.periods[".second"].range["Purchase Date/Time"].gte, "YYYY-MM-DD"), endDate: moment(Elastic.periods[".second"].range["Purchase Date/Time"].lte, "YYYY-MM-DD"), ranges: rang, "locale": datelink }, cb1); cb1(start, end);I'm trying to translate this datepicker to other languages. Due to this I created json files with translations(rang and datelink). Doing this way causes error: jQuery.Deferred exception:
Block UI Exceptions
Is it possible to exclude certain postbacks from BlockUI? I have a treeview on a page that postback when the user clocks but it looks odd and I would like to exclude it.
JqueryValidation,Qtip message not removing after control's value isValid
Hi All, Im using Jquery validator and Jquery-qtip for validation and showing validation messages. If a control value is not valid, it turn the control t ored color with a qtip message, but sometimes the qtip still shows even the controls value is valid. I have checked the attribute of control "aria-describedby" which point to the qtip div, but when the above happens, control's "data-hasqtip" and that div.qtip id varies. I want to remove the qtip when control has valid value
Attaching listener to selector, getting TypeError
When I do this in the debugger, I get an object no problem: $(".ui-column-filter").get(0) However, when I try to use the same selector in the context below, I get this error: TypeError: $(...).get(...) is undefined What am I doing wrong? I tried with and without the ready. Please advise. <script> $(document).ready(function () { $(".ui-column-filter").get(0).keydown(function() { updateTotals(); }); $(".ui-column-filter").get(1).keydown(function() { updateTotals(); }); $(".ui-column-filter").get(2).keydown(function()
at.js - How do I combine first_name, last_name obtained from server into 'name'?
I'm using https://github.com/ichord/At.js to fetch records from my server. My server sends me data in the following format: [{"id":1,"first_name":"Jack","last_name":"Welch"}, {"id":2,"first_name":"Ines","last_name":"Ritchie"}, {"id":3,"first_name":"Jaydon","last_name":"Wisoky"}, {"id":4,"first_name":"Dannie","last_name":"Goldner"}, {"id":5,"first_name":"Raymundo","last_name":"Mann"}] However, at.js requires me to have the `[{ "id": 2, "name": "Jack Welch" }]` format. So far, I'm able to fetch data
Year 0001 not caught by minDate
Overall the code below works except that years, 0000 - 0099, do not trigger the minDate rule. Could anyone point out what I am missing. Thanks jQuery Validation Plugin 1.9.0 jquery.ui.datepicker.validation 1.0.1 Jquery 1.7.1 $(function () { $("#date_from, #date_to").datepicker({ minDate: "-50y", maxDate: "+50y", onClose: function () { $(this).valid(); } }) $("#aspnetForm").validate({
Selecting rows in grid using jquery
Hi all, I was trying to select rows(forward selection and reverse selection) in the grid using jquery. Details: Selecting rows if user press key up or key down through keyboard as well as using mouse. Selection by using mouse seems okay. However I'm having problems when selection made by key up( especially). The up selection will not go up beyond the current page. I've given two separate scopes for key up, and key down. Both are given the same variable of tracking id. I don't know why the problem
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