[jQuery - blockUI] Help centering block message or finding better Plugin(s)
I started using jQuery BlockUI Plugin by Malsup: http://malsup.com/jquery/block/ I find it useful to simulate "synchronous" Ajax calls and wait for them to complete, while temporarily disabling the user interface(s). I choose this plugin mainly because of its element-blocking functionality (not only window-blocking!). Btw, i started to experience some message-centering problems, in particular when using in combination with jQuery-ui Tabs ... The issue is reported here: https://github.com/malsup/blockui/issues/138
[jQuery] Form Plugins file upload with return json issue in IE
I am using jQuery Form Plugins (v3.51) to upload a file that contains a list of user ids. The Java servlet will retrieve the corresponding user objects and return them in json format. The code works in Chrome. For IE (v11), there is no issue in uploading the file to server. But after writing json object back, the client side does not get json object as expected. Instead, the data is string of html code for whole page. Are there any special settings in server side I am missing? Thanks a lot in advance.
Slicknav menu causing conflict on Joomla site
Hello, I'm really hoping I can try to resolve this issue. I've had it before but managed to juggle things and get them working in various ways, but now I'm really stuck. I have used Slicknav on all my 25 joomla sites and I'm worried these will break too if I update them. I just updated one site to the latest Joomla and also all the extensions, which is Ignite gallery, stopped working with error message about jquery being loaded twice. This is because I'm loading jquery in my template, as per the
Slider won't stop sliding by hover on a slide
Here is the probelm: http://www.cardoholdings.com/www.cardoholdings.com/?page_id=119 Than go to "Team" Menu item I want to stop the slider progress by hover on a slide. Can someone do that? Thx
Get the value of a value in the widgets CgridView
Good night I'm trying to capture the id of a row cdesde a CgridView I hope they can help me any suggestions I'll be grateful, regards Function that calls the window where the CgridView is located <script > function buscarArticulo() { window.open("../articulo/catInventario", "popupId", "location=no,menubar=no,titlebar=no,resizable=no,toolbar=no, menubar=no,width=500,height=500"); } </script>This is the function in the popup window: <script language="javascript"> function cerrar(idarticulo) { window.opener.document.getElementById('idarticulo').value
Oxygen eclipse JQuery Plugin
Hi All, Greetings. I'm a new bie here and to JQuery. Could someone please show me a light on how to get suitable JQuery Plugin for Eclipse Version: Oxygen Release Milestone 6 (4.7.0 M6). Before I'm here, I searched this forum and search engine but ended with no help as I got the pages to ask to use other IDE or Not found sites. So, Help me to download a plugin from JQuery site itself. Kind Regards Mohammed SArdar
jquery.validate - fade out highlight/unhighlight valid classes after time period
Hello, I am using jquery-validate 1.16.0 with query 1.12.4 and jquery-migrate 1.4.1 and am wondering if someone can please help me. Disclaimer: I am not a programmer so please go easy on me :) I have got a nice highlight/unhighlight function happening to either add/remove the error/valid classes on the grandparent div of checkboxes as well as on the text inputs. This works nicely at the moment and can be seen below: highlight: function (element,errorClass,validClass) { var options
Help with draggable widget trying to limit its function
Hello, i´m new in this forum, so if a make a mistake please guide me, i succsesfully load the draggable widget within adobe edge animate and export it to muse, it works, but my problem is that i can make it drag only horizontal, but it has no end, i try to make like a carousel, but obviously i drag it and goes off the edge of the frame, what i need is a way so it could get back to a certain position, not the starting point, or, better if its possible, to loop the images over and over, the most close
jquery.validate using highlight/unhighlight on checkbox parent div stops text input errors
Hello, I am using jquery-validate 1.16.0 with query 1.12.4 and jquery-migrate 1.4.1 and am wondering if someone can please help me I am not a programmer so please go easy on me :) I am hoping to use error classes for both text inputs (show message, add border and background colour change) and also for checkboxes/radios (show message, add class to grand parent divs for background colour change). I have got the grandparent change happening - if the form is submitted without ticking a checkbox, the
How to keep sub menu open if there a item is selected
Hi, I am having trouble with the mtree.js plugin. I am trying to keep the current parent menu open if a child is selected. however i need it to collapse if another menu item on the same level is selected. which is defined on the following code on line 12. // mtree.js // Requires jquery.js and velocity.js (optional but recommended). // Copy the below function, add to your JS, and simply add a list <ul class=mtree> ... </ul> ;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { // Only apply if mtree
jQuery Countdown and User's Local Time
I wish to use a jQuery countdown timer; but want the time-keeping to be in sync with the UTC time; and not the user's system time. I'm using http://hilios.github.io/jQuery.countdown/ and got the countdown to work as expected; but with one big problem: The countdown takes into account user's local time as current time. I'd however want the plugin to make use of UTC time ( seconds ) for the timer to be precise. I'm looking for a jQuery countdown snippet that'd achieve this. Perhaps, I need to modify
want to slide header photos and show menu on clicking toggle button
Hello. I want to slide header photos and show menu on clicking toggle button. The sliding header photos work, but the menu dose not show on clicking toggle button. Please tell me what is wrong. Here is the script I write; <script> $(function(){ $("#menubtn").click(function(){ $("#menu").slideToggle(); }); }); </script> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="jquery/jquery.bxslider.min.js"></script> <link href="jquery/jquery.bxslider.css"
How to stop Galleriffic slider at the last thumb image?
I'd like to stop Galleriffic slider at the last thumbs image, but I don't know how. Here is the code: ;(function($) { // Globally keep track of all images by their unique hash. Each item is an image data object. var allImages = {}; var imageCounter = 0; // Galleriffic static class $.galleriffic = { version: '2.0.1', // Strips invalid characters and any leading # characters normalizeHash: function(hash) { return hash.replace(/^.*#/, '').replace(/\?.*$/, ''); }, getImage: function(hash)
validate 在ie上验证 password 无效
validate 在IE浏览器上验证时,点击submit提交 password input 不验证 失去焦点 改变时都可验证,在chrome firefox safari 验证均正常,这是什么原因
tablesorter.pager not showing
I have installed the tablesorter.pager.js and it loads, but the pager is not visible at the bottom. What am I missing? this is the code I am adding : $('#myTable') .tablesorter({widthFixed: true, widgets: ['zebra']}) .tablesorterPager({container: $("#pager")});
Validate skip_or_fill_minimum data attribute
Using jQuery version 1.9.1 jQuery validate version 1.16.0 jQuery validate-additional-methods version 1.16.0 I've googled and also searched here for the correct usage to get this to work. I'm not sure how you pass the element you're wanting to "track". I've tried: <input type="text" name="billing_po" id="billing_PO" class="PO" data-rule-skip_or_fill_minimum="2" data-msg-skip_or_fill_minimum="Need to fill in both or neither" > <input type="text" name="billing_poexp" id="billing_POexp" class="PO" data-rule-skip_or_fill_minimum="2"
Datatable order by number
Hi , i have a datatable with one field as this : 1 of 01-10-2017 2 of 01-10-2017 3 of 01-10-2017 4 of 01-10-2017 5 of 01-10-2017 6 of 01-10-2017 7 of 01-10-2017 8 of 01-10-2017 9 of 01-10-2017 10 of 01-10-2017 11 of 01-10-2017 if i click to sort , the 10 and 11 are after 1 ther's a way to ordinate numerically ?
Data table header and body are not aligned
I want to align the body and header of the datatable, below is the datatable //JS oTable = $('#TeardownTbl').DataTable({ /* "rowReorder": { selector: 'tr' }, */ // "bFilter": true, "aLengthMenu": [[10, 25, 100,500], [10, 25, 100,500]], "sAjaxSource": URL, // "sScrollY" : "500", "processing": true, "iDisplayLength": 500, "sScrollX" : "1800px", // "sScrollY" : "400px", // "scroller": true, "bDestroy": true, "scrollCollapse": true, // "autoWidth": false, // "rowReorder": true, "aaSorting": [], "aoColumns":
Add jQuery tokenInput to an element in the parent window from a child window (IFrame)
I need to pass some selected contacts from a child window (IFrame) to the parent window. But in the parent window, the selected contacts need to be shown using jQuery token input. From the parent page, it can be done by following: From parent: $("#parentTokenInputId").tokenInput("add",{id: contactsArray[index], name: contactsArray[index]}); Now, I need to do the same from the child window. I tried the following but it doesn't work. From child: $("#parentTokenInputId", top.document).tokenInput("add",{id:
Highlight only those dropdowns where the value is not selected.
Hi, I have multiple dropdowns in one of the page, when the user doesn't select the dropdown value, I should highlight those dropdowns only on save. I am using coldfusion, Javascript and Jquery. I have defined the same class name to all the dropdown fields and there are different id's for all of them. Highlighting the text field works but not the dropdowns. I'm using the below code for text fields $('.MandatoryVTxt,.MandatoryVDD').each(function(){ if(this.value.length==0 || this.value==0){ t=t+1;
How to pass single column values to jquery builder dynamic drop down?
we are having requirement to pass column values to jquery builder for filter drop down ,instead of actual column names. Like FieldName City CompanyName CountryofBirth instead of City | CompanyName | CountryofBirth On the basis of that column values need to build the operator drop down list. We are able to pass the column name as field to the jquery builder. but facing problem to pass column values to QeryBuider Could you please help me? Any help will be helpful.
Jquerry chosen dropdown dissable when checkbox is enabled
Greetings I'm really new in jquerry and i'm having difficulties figuring out how to disable a drop down list by id when a checkbox is checked. The logic would look like this. 1) If a checkbox is enabled (checked) then disable drop down 2) If a checkbox is disabled (unchecked) then enable the drop down The checkbox id for example is Trivial_Order and the Dropdown id is manager_search http://jsfiddle.net/eirc/v2es7L8o/ I just can't figure out how to implement this checkbox logic in this code. Could
Input or textbox mask not working. JQuery test works but mask will not.. Please help.
Hello, I am new to JQuery but not new to ASP or HTML. I need to get an input or asp:textbox mask to work. My test page jquery works as I am able to get a simple alert("hello"); to fire off with no problem. But I have been chasing the masking issue now for days. Can someone look at what I have and see if you can spot a problem? I am using the most current versions. This is my test page. <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Using jQuery UI from the CDN</title>
TypeErrors with Yoast, jQuery in conflict?
The version 4.6 was perfect. The update to version 4.7 of Yoast have created a big problem. It not works and I can't "Rolleback" for prior versions. Only until to version 2.3.5 works. Here the errors in the browser console: https://i.stack.imgur.com/53zcb.jpg It looks like a jQuery conflict. In the page with the errors (wp-admin/post.php) are loaded jQuery 1.12.4 and jQuery 1.11.3 jQuery conflict: https://i.stack.imgur.com/iNI2u.png Suggestions?
Plugin to cut image (rectangular and circular ) and add text on real time
HI , sorry for english .Ther'is a plugin or more plugin to cut image in various format and apply a text over the image with many font ?
question about the jquery u.s. map thing..
Before I begin, I would like to say I am comfortable with javascript, and html, I kind of know php, but not enough to use it to do what i need to do. That said, any help would be welcome, but if I can get a jumpstart on what I need to do in php, thats even better, because I don't see me having 50 different html files, lol... Anyway I am using the interactive U.S. map found here: https://newsignature.github.io/us-map What I want to do is, when I click on a state, load a page with information specific
hammer.js vs jquery.touch.events vs zingtouch vs ?
I need to support touch events for a sketch tool in a hybrid mobile app (Rhomobile Rhodes). I'm interested in what jQuery plugins (or other JS libraries) others are using. I figured this would be of great interest, and didn't really find anything here from a search. I've done the sketch part before in jQuery Mobile - we adapted the venerable sketch.js - fixing the bugs and (horrible) inefficiencies - added a number of new tools, and hooked it into JQM "v" events (vmousedown, vmousemove, etc.).
Is jquery-1.11.3.min.js the most stable & optimized plugin version?
We are currently using jquery-1.11.3.min.js on our site and I wanted to know if this version was the most stable and optimized version from a speed and browser parsing perspective? We are looking to make our site load speed as fast as possible.
Adobe Muse + JQuery Amazing SLider problem
Hi guys & gals, I use Adobe muse and create my header slideshows using Amazing slider and then inserting the html into adobe Muse - works great, looks good. As soon as I add a Muse widget into this page (via any widget source) - my slider gallery disappears? (but the widget I have added works fine).. Help !! Cheers Steve
elevateZoom jQuery Plugin - How to hide ZoomLens when the mouse is not hover the images?
I use elevateZoom jQuery plugin for image zoom effects in my blog! This is the original plugin / this is a modified version EZ+ Both of them have a problem while exiting ZoomLens if mouse is not hover the images! (when mouse is not hover, the ZoomLens should be hidden!) Here is a practical Example \ (HtmlCode) The example uses the modified version (elevateZoom Plus), but the original one has the same problem too! (the EZ+ plugin code is included in the Html code from the link above) I really would
IE 11 reload page
Hi, I am using jquery 1.11.3 and want to close popup after some information is submited using POST method. To be exact, i have a page with listed calendar. User at first inserts as a filter which year and month he wans to show. When calendar appears user chooses (on popup) day to to enter event for example 15 (day) event (birthday). When user submits data and closes popup, firefox works pefectly: - reload page on filtered year and month with inserted event IE 11 reloas page without any filters ,
$.validator.addMethod not recognized
Hi, I am developping a webApp in Groovy Grails Tools Suite and i am trying to use the jQuery validation plugin to validate a field in my HTML. the problem is that even if i added the library in my project, the validator.addMethod is not recognized. Here is the part that don't work in my .js code: $( document ).ready(function() { $.validator.addMethod("regex",function(value, element, regexp) { var re = new RegExp(regexp); return this.optional(element) || re.test(value); }, "Format
Cycle2 - Trigger CSS animations in active slide
Hi there, I am using malsup's Cycle2 plugin for a simple slider. Within each slide I have an animated svg which I want to run only when the slide is active. And th rerun when the slide becomes active once more. I thought I could use the class cycle-side-active as a trigger, but cannot get it to work. Any advice? Thanks A
jquery validation not working properly on cloned elements
I have a dynamic form and I set name attribute for its elements on document ready and on cloning elements but I have problem with jquery validations when cloning elements, because after clonning elements, validations of cloned elements and next elements are not relevant and wrong: https://jsfiddle.net/4c93g5n1/
wysiwyg editor like stackoverflow for inserting code and also markdown.
Hey guys , do any of you know of a really good wysiwyg editor ? I want this editor to be able to accept code and also maybe markdown. something like how the stackoverflow editor works. The one i am using now is TINYMCE. I like the way i am able to display code in the frontend like so: But what i also want to do is insert markdown like how its done on stackoverflow, like so: Something like what you see here: Any plugin that can be useful for doing this ? Thank you. Gautam.
jQuery Validate with jQuery Credit Card Validator
I am having some problems trying to use the jQuery validator plugin along side the jQuery credit card validator (http://jquerycreditcardvalidator.com). The problem I am having with my code is after my initial form submit that uses a credit card that is not accepted, going back to the form to correct the credit card, the form is being submitted after every key up event. What I am looking for is when a user inputs a credit card that is not of an accepted type, show an alert box to the user stating
passing variables to datatable
I am trying to send some variables to a datatable: var notOrderable = "0"; var hidden = "0,2"; var sorted = "2"; $("#PlottablePersons").dataTable({ scrollY: 500, paging: true, searching: false, columnDefs: [ { orderable: false, targets: [notOrderable] }, { visible: false, targets: [hidden] } ] , sorting: [sorted, "asc"] }); This is not working! So, firstly, is this the best way to do this? Secondly
can't use simultaneously jquery.min.js and tablesorter script
Hi, i want to make a php website. i use jquery.min.js for make the menu, but then when i want to use some jquery plugin for sort table, they don't work. i try with different table-sorter plugin. in all case if i delete: <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script> the plugin work, else no. someone can help me? Sorry for my bad request but in the web i don't find some such as this..
Block UI
Hi, I have the following, although the screen locks it does not seem to show the image, is there something I am missing. Also: 1. Is it possible to hook in to the DOM busy processing, such as scrolling a nested treeview? 2. Is it possible to add a delay prior to unlocking? $.extend({
initializeUiBlocking: function () {
if (typeof ($.blockUI) != 'undefined') {
$.blockUI.defaults.css = { border: 'none', backgroundColor: 'transparent' }
$.blockUI.defaults.message = '<img src="Images/ajax-loader.gif" />';
What are the steps to install unslider for WordPress?
Hello everyone, I'm troubleshooting how to install a jQuery plugin called unslider. Unslider is a plugin that displays a slide show on your website. I never use jQuery before and after following the 4 steps on Unslider's website, I am unable to add the plugin to my website. Can you please provide me the complete steps (and pre-steps) to safely install this plugin to my WordPress website? Please click the "troubleshooting" link to see my previous steps. Cheers Brody James
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