Select2 - Getting select2.full.min.js?ver=1.0.0:2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined error
I think I'm almost there! I am getting expected result from my php script for the following code; but for some reason, I'm getting following error: select2.full.min.js?ver=1.0.0:2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined at d (select2.full.min.js?ver=1.0.0:2) ----- $("#jobSkills").select2({ ajax: { url: ajax_object.ajax_url + "?action=autoSkills", dataType: 'json', delay: 250, type: 'POST', data: function (params) {
Can someone show me how to save the file to the database when Choose file button is chosen and have it displayed as link after it is saved using the jquery.filer? This is what my co-worker has just lets you select and it saves it to memory attached the code.
bxSlider Multiple Sliders - Prev / Next Fails
Hello, When I used one slider all works perfectly. However, introducing the second slider causes all prev / next buttons to fail to work. I have created a video which makes it more obvious. I should say, when using only one slider, it works perfectly. I have verified the Slider ID's are unique Thank you. Jay CompuMatter
cycle2: quick question...
hi, for automatic slideshows, I don't see an "autostop" option... what's the equiv of "autostop" option in cycle2? thank you...
How to substract ammount of characters from twitter fetcher
I have a twitter fetcher script and simply want to cut ammount of characters from tweets. I need to get output of Twitter fetcher, cut it and replace in HTML. So here is my code, but the problem is that it returns text without links. I'm using this pen to modify - $("#tweets .tweet").each(function() { $(this).html($(this).text().substring(0, 50)); });
Issue with Slick Carousel
Hi, So I have an Eventbrite API call that generates a bunch of divs. I want to make a slider out of those divs using Slick Carousel. When I set up the carousel manually, it works fine, but when I use my API loop it doesn't perform correctly. What the Slick Carousel plugin does is wrap the child divs in a way that creates the slider. It creates the new parent div like it should, but does not tuck the other divs underneath. Below is the code calling everything (I'm using Wordpress): // Enqueue Scripts
Binging data to jq grid on button click.
Hi Team, I am using jq grid with mvc4 and C#. I have a requirement to bind a jq grid with data on click of a button. Currently I did a sample which binds some static data to jq grid on page load itself. But I want to bind the data on click of a button once page loads. Please find by the below sample for reference that I did for referecnce. Quick response will be deeply appreciated. HTML jQuery(document).ready(function () { jQuery("#list").jqGrid( {
Hello, I'm trying to use this and I have a few questions that I couldn't find answers in the documentation. First, my option list has a dynamic "style='display:none;'" that depends on other regular dropdowns (without the plugin applied). Can Initiate the msdropdown only on the visible items and refresh it when things change ? Secondly, each "option" in the select list has an ID and style, can I add it to the generated MSdropdown in a way that each
2nd button not triggering Validate
Re-posting this question as I mistakenly checked "answered". Inherited an ASPX webform project (yeah): Master has a <asp:button id="btn1" runat="server" Text="btn1" PostBackUrl="page1.aspx"></asp> Content page2.aspx has <asp:button id="btn2" runat="server" Text="btn2" PostBackUrl="page2.aspx"></asp> When <input> fields are empty, they are expected to be invalid. click on btn1, validate kicks in, confirmed by F12, they are invalid, good. click on btn2, validate won't kick in, confirmed by F12. if
Get numbered files with ajax for slideshow
I have a two pages document and a folder with several sequenitially numbered image files. I'm making a slideshow with an ajax request between these pages. I'm using the ajax post method with json encode. What I want to know is how to get a numbered files in an ajax request (with glob function and json encode) to put them in divs to make a slideshow with html, ccs and javascript . I've tried with this but it doesn't work. page1.php <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang=""> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8">
setting a default time with timepicker
This was my attempt: $('#txt_duetime, #txt_duetime_edit').timepicker({ 'step': 15, defaultTime: '12:00am' }); This results in a blank value being displayed on the form. What is the correct way of setting defaultTime? I'm not sure if the document I found was accurate or current.
.validate().element() returns FALSE but .elementS() returns TRUE
A form has three elements. This returns TRUE (not supposed as none has value) $("#form").validate().elements();Each individual returns FALSE (correct) $("#form").validate().element("#input1"); $("#form").validate().element("#input2"); $("#form").validate().element("#input3");Must be something I missed or don't know how.
Validator website does not have full docment and reference?
While looking for a solution using Validator, I came across to this link on using Validator.element(). Also interested in the Validator.elements(), so I used the URL . Invalid page. Poked around the Validator website for document/reference, but neither the document nor reference menu link at top provide any details. Tried Categories at right didn't get it. Is it somewhere or this hard-to-find-things is a natural byproduct of open-source?
tinymce not defined .. why ?
I am trying to use TINYMCE richtextbox. My html doc is HERE. Now i have the following code for initialization: tinymce.init({ selector: '#description-textbox', codesample_languages: [ {text: 'HTML/XML', value: 'markup'}, {text: 'JavaScript', value: 'javascript'}, {text: 'CSS', value: 'css'}, {text: 'PHP', value: 'php'} ], toolbar: "codesample" }); I get the following error: Uncaught ReferenceError: tinymce is not defined at index.html:33
Jquery Validate
Hi Guys, am trying to validate each step of the fuelux wizard,am working on webforms and as such i have one single form tag.Is it possible to validate elements inside a div instead of the form for every data-setp ? I am using the jquery validate plugin
Building Bootstrap megamenu - Building and Aligning columns with data
I have below data which comes from ajax call, var mydata=[{"LINKURL1":"AA1", "LINKTEXT1":"AA2"},{"LINKURL2":"AA3", "LINKTEXT2":"AA4"},{"LINKURL3":"AA5", "LINKTEXT3":"AA7"},{"LINKURL4":"AA8", "LINKTEXT4":"AA9"},{"LINKURL5":"AA10", "LINKTEXT5":"A11"}....ETC TILL 250 objects max] I need to build columns using this data <li class="col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-lg-3"> <ul> <li><a href="LINKURL1">LINKTEXT1</a></li> <li><a href="LINKURL2">LINKTEXT2</a></li> <li><a href="LINKURL3">LINKTEXT3</a></li> <li><a href="LINKURL4">LINKTEXT4</a></li>
jquery validation remote error messages
hey guys, i'm trying to find out if when making a remote connection in my validation, is it possible to return cusom error messages? here is the code i'm using at the moment. $("#reg-form").validate({ rules: { email_address: { required: true, remote: { url: "localhost/validate/email_address", type: "post", data: { email_address: function() {
validate plugin not working with master page in
I am using jquery validate plugin with my asp project. I am using Master Page and Content Page. I've downloaded all the necessary packages for using validate plugin, pleases see the image attached and followed the tutorial provided on But there is no validation showing on my pages. I checked my project pages with chrome and firefox but there were no errors showing in console too. Please can anyone help me with this
Searchable Dropdown
Hi, I have to enter the text in jquery select drop down and get the matching records from database and bind it to the same drop down. Initially drop down will have no list attached. List is to be attached only after searching database and finding the matching records. Can anybody help me to solve the problem. Thanks in advance.
How to hide Superfish Module Menu on mobile device Joomla?
Hello, My template is using superfish menu module. I don't like the way it works on the mobile device, the way it uses scrolling. I want an actual modern menu to replace it on the mobile devices. The problem I'm having is to try hiding it on the mobile devices. I don't know what suffix to use in joomla "Advanced" section to make it hide on mobile device. I would really appreciate help. Thank you!
Exclude tfoot from Tablesorter?
I'm using the JQuery Tablesorter plugin (jquery.tablesorter.min.js) and I need the last row to be excluded from the sorting, so I added that row in tfoot: <tfoot><tr><td>Static row</td></tr></tfoot> After doing this, the row is still included. How come this happens? Do I need to do any adjustments to the plugin? I need to last row to always have the same position, and stay at the bottom.
Using jquery.Printarea.js: Chrome will not print image
Using this script, Chrome (55.0.2883.87 m) seems to be the only browser (tested in IE, FF, and Safari) not printing images. I increased the setTimeout only for Chrome to still not process the image. Increasing too much will cause the user to sit and wait, and wait, and wait till the Print Preview box displays (this is unacceptable) with no image. Is there a way to fix this script so Chrome will print images or is there a better alternative that will work with all browsers? Is there a way to get in
Facing problem with jQRangeSlider 5.7.1 while upgrading to Jquery 3.1.1.
I am facing problem with jQRangeSlider. when upgrading the Jquery 2.1.4 to Jquery 3.1.1 please refer below code. $('#dateSlider') .slider() .dateRangeSlider(options) .bind("valuesChanged", function (event, ui) { valuesChanged(event, ui); }) .ready(function () { alert('ready');}); function valuesChanged(event, ui) { alert('valuesChanged'); } I noticed different behavior in chrome/IE/FF Firefox: ready event fired first
Applying different rules to different forms on a page
Hi, I am using this jquery validation plugin: on my website. I am able to apply this on single form. How can I apply this on multiple forms on same page each form with different rules? Please help. Thanks!
cycle slider transision effect change real time
Hello. I have a jquery cycle slider demo How do I change the transision effect real time by selecting one of the available radio buttons? see the demo live
User is able to check the checkbox by clicking on the error message (not the checkbox) from the jQuery Validator.
jQuery validator flags a field "Please agree to our policy" checkbox as an error when not selected. Click on the error message (not the checkbox), and the checkbox is checked. Is this an expected behavior or a bug? My user thinks this is a bug. Ths is the jQuery Demo: 1. Click on the link. 2. Then Click on submit without entering any data. This will activate the validator. 3. Next click on the error message "Please accept our policy". This action will
How to use magnific popup in a gallery with form submit
Hello. I have a code that allows to display folders content dynamically, like an image gallery with deep levels. I asked a question related to this code in I urgently need to ask another question related to magnific popup. In this code I make a request to ajax after sending form data to open a directory folder dynamically with glob function. I need to display folder content like a modal pop-up gallery using magnific-pop
Internal Server Error with retina.js
Can anyone answer this? plz? i can't fix this bug! plz somebody help me!
jquery updte problem!
Anybody Please help me! i'm using jquery v1.11.0 and i want to update my jquery to 3.1.1. i download the and using jquery.js in js linking but not working! it still loading? why?
jQuery validation removes the whole select list
Hi there, We are developing a web application using ASP.NET MVC 5. Along with the backend framework we use kendo UI as our frontend framework. The following list is the version of plugins we use. 1. jQuery v1.91 2. jQuery Validation Plugin v1.14.0 3. kendo UI v2014.3.1316 We have encountered a problem when validating the form, where the select list itself is removed totally on the second time of validation before the form is submitted Here's the scenario: 1. We have two DropDownLists on our page,
jQuery validation plugin removes form fields but displays messages after submission
Hi im quite new to jQuery and validation, basically i managed to get the plugin working with the application, however when i test validation and try to submit, it displays the error messages, but completely removes the form fields and then when i click submit again it reappears, so i'm quite confused why it is doing this. im using jQuery validator plugin, heres the code snippet... $().ready(function(){ $("#form2").validate({ rules: { gender:
Help with a code to get file location dynamically
Hello. I'm new to jquery. I'm trying to make a code for opening a directory dynamically with ajax. In my document I have two pages and multiple sequentially numbered folders. In AJAX1.php I have a form that sends a numerical variable. In AJAX2.php I have a glob function associated with this numerical variable. I'm using json to decode the PHP data properly. I'm trying to open this directory in AJAX1.php again but I do not have success with this. <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang=""> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8">
Cannot RTL owl carousel in Magento 1 Ultimo theme
Hi, I'm using Magento 1.9.2 and I'm going to Make all the slider direction Right to Left. I've found that The Sliders are using Owl Carouse jQuery. Based on owl carousel tutorials, I've done steps below: 1- Make direction: rtl for .owl-carousel class 2- Make owl items float: right 3- Add code below in my custom js file: jQuery('.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ rtl: true, loop: true, }); Slider direction turns to Right, but when I Click on navigation Prev/Next Buttons, The rest of the
Get size fo sum of file uploaded with blueimp
HI sorry for english . Im searching the way to found the sum of filesize uploaded with blueimp . I try this : <script> var sizetotal=0; $('#fileupload').fileupload({ complete: function (e, data) { $.each(data.files, function (index, file) { sizetotal=sizetotal + file.size; }); } }); console.log(sizetotal+'|'); </script>But in console i have : jquery.js:358 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined(…) The row is this : each:
Showing next div on click event
Hi Guys, Where can I find some simple script which would slide my divs up and down by clicking on up and down arrows on my screen. So if the user clicks on the up arrow will slide the section up, if they click down arrow it shows the next entry. Like a vertical carousel, but instead of the images I have elements, which need to be animated. - left handside Cotswolds Finest News. Any direction would be helpful. Thank you
Reel.js Plugin not working in chrome browser
Hi, Im using Reel.js for my projet, first it will workis correct, but when adding follwing controls its not working in chrome browsers. $(document).ready(function(){ //init next et prev var prev=0; var next=0; $('#controls') .append($('<a/>').click(function(){ $('#imgRotate').trigger('stepRight') })) .append($('<a/>').click(function(){ $('#imgRotate').trigger('stepLeft') })); }); Please Correct the code for working in also the Chrome browsers. Old Code is : function loadImgs() {
Jquery-Calx will not persist on IF function
I don't know if this is the right place to ask this question. I am using the plugin Jquery-Calx. One of the formula i am using is IF function: data formula="IF(AND(H13='dance',H14='dance'),1,IF(AND(H13='dance',H14='cook'),2,IF(AND(H13='cook',H14='dance'),3,IF(AND(H13='cook',H14='cook'),4,0))))" the calculated result does write into the database, but won't persist on form view. But other type of calculation doesn't have this problem, why is that? does that mean i have to write jquery code to persist
Hi, I am having a problem with my css code for lettering.js. I want to have two words styled differently, but cannot figure out how to differentiate the .char#'s. Here is my code. Thank you for any help. <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Working With lettering.js</title> <script src=""></script> <script src="jquery.lettering-0.6.min.js"></script> <script src="//"></script>
How to Restore form using Cookie
I am using js cookie plugin to generate json cookie. Cookies.set('myTestCookie', { cookieData },{ expires: 30 });I am also able to restive it. var $recivedCookieData= Cookies.get('myTestCookie'); alert($recivedCookieData); I am also getting alert as {"cookieData":{"country":"uk","state":"england","city":"london","location":"Baker Street", "zip":"W1U"}}if I have to fill up the form using the cookie data how should I do it? my form uses post method. Thank You.
Dropdown created using jquery not opening in Chrome
I have created a dynamic dropdown list using jquery. This dropdown will get bound to kendo grid column based on certain condition. Refer the below code The code works fine when viewed from IE. But the issue occurs in Chrome. The dropdown does not open. Please suggest. CreateDropDown: function (e, grid, defaultvalue) { var field = $("#" + grid).data("kendoGrid").columns[e.index()].field; $("#" + field).hide(); var kendoddl = $("<input id='DDL' />"); e.append(kendoddl); $("#DDL").find('select').append(
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