a web OS desktop like system jquery based

a web OS desktop like system jquery based

Didnt really know where to post this and here seemed more approriate than anywhere else..

For a couple of years i have been developing a web type desktop using prototypejs/scripty/jquery..

WIth the release of jQuery 1.4 i completley ported it over to use only jquery (which gave a few performance improvements)...I am quite new to writing jQuery for apps (on its own) so it's a good learning curve for me.

The system itself relies on jquery 1.4, ui core, resizable, draggable and nothing else (though you can plugin whatever you like)..

The system is themeable (though i am not that graphical so i hacked together a theme this morning to showcase it.

I decided to not support IE6 because lets be honest its a pita !

It is cross browser (though a couple of IE7 quirks to iron out and untested on webkit but i'm sure it will be fine)

I am looking for anyone who would like to get involved in the project and help develop it - my current prototype based system is used daily in a number of businesses as a CRM / CMS and controls everything from invoicing to managing holidays for employees and everything in between. The business applications are obvious but i am sure it can be ported and mashed up nicely in a social sense.

The code and API is very simple and weighs in about 10k unpacked/non minimised and with alot that could be cleaned up so it can probably drop to around 3k.

the demo is at http://desktop.bazookawally.co.uk/ to open a window double click the "Spawn Window" element on the desktop (which is draggable) - then you can play with the spawned window (resize, drag, change tooltips and titles for the window etc etc). The code is like 0.1 release and POC really (though i know it is robust enough to be used in a live environment).

Forgot to add: (edit) .. each page is loaded via ajax so the internal page itself can be anythign you like - i simply load a php page inside it (no iframe)

If anyone would like to get involved just send me an email alex@bazookawally.co.uk. I would like to get the project on github as i think it has real potential and is very flexible indeed.
