$.ajax or $.getscript limit

$.ajax or $.getscript limit

I have a weird bug, i use ajax and getscript to load a website in piece (using php and file_get_contents. I have a multiple navigation bar that refresh the contents with ajax and getscript, the problem is there seems to be a point where ie8 just stop executing jquery... like if i navigate 13 page in one navigation or 6 in one and 7 in another, then it stop
 just stop requesting any jquery.. its a weird bug and since it only happen after exactly 13 times and only in IE8 and it doesn't give any script error, i believe it has to be some limit. my ajax are POST type.
So i told myself i would look in firebug but... it works perfect in firefox, no limit whatsoever.
Is there anything that can stop ajax and getscript from executing without giving any errors ?