Confused by ajax xml parsing

Confused by ajax xml parsing

I keep getting a parseerror using the basic AJAX function.

I know that the XML file I am sending is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

This is, obviously, only an example.

What about this is throwing a parseerror?


edit:  Yeah, adding that now:

        type: "GET",
        url: "response.php",
        success: xmlParser,
        datatype: xml,
        error: xmlError,
        ifModified: true

It actually worked CORRECTLY when I removed the "datatype" parameter, which is weird.

And, printing out the error in my function "xmlError"

function xmlError(request, textStatus, errorType)

This adds the text "parseerror" to the page, with no more details.  I also added some line breaks to my XML for readability.  I see no reason that the above XML should not parse correctly - is it possible that jquery's parser enforces no leading or trailing whitespace?  If so, I'd call that a bug.