create an array of names from a jquery selector

create an array of names from a jquery selector

I'm having an issue where i need to get an array of names from an ajax page so that i can insert them into the page i did the ajax request from.

something like this:

<p><span class='childName'>Eric Steinborn</span></p>
<p><span class='childName'>Paul Steinborn</span></p>
<p><span class='childName'>Sean Steinborn</span></p>

and grab it with jquery like this:

url: 'http://wwwdev:84/missing/active_alert/currentalert.html',
success: function(code){
                    var childName = $(code).find('.childName');

i know im probably doing this completely wrong. but i need some help badly.

and if i console.log childName[0] i get E.

how can i make an array that contains
childName[0] = "Eric Steinborn"
childName[1] = "Paul Steinborn"
childName[2] = "Sean Steinborn"