datepicket, problem with width when showing multiple months

datepicket, problem with width when showing multiple months

Hello, I have a problem showing multiple months in datapicker, this is the declaration (I want to show one full year):
$(function() {
        firstDay: 1,
        hideIfNoPrevNext: true,
        numberOfMonths: [2, 6],
        minDate: new Date(2010, -6, 1),
        maxDate: new Date(2010, 6, 0)

With internet explorer I get the next result:
And looking for the solution I saw that in Firefox the width of the container was higher than then content, like this:
Even when showing months in just one line with:
      numberOfMonths: 4,
The problem begins when showing more than four months, with four it shows well but with five it shows like in the image.
I tried to use four different instances of the control with three months each one, but I can't deselect a day in a datapicker when a day in other datapicker is clicked.
Does anybody know how to solver this?
Thanks in advance.
J. Leal