DOM Exception with JQuery Disables Debugging

DOM Exception with JQuery Disables Debugging

I created the world's simplest HTML file (and yes, the jquery JS is there locally):

  1. <html>
  2. <head> 
  3. <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-2.0.0.min.js"/> 
  4. <script type="text/javascript"> 
  5.  function boing() { 
  6.         alert("Boing!"); 
  7.  } 
  8. </script> 
  9. </head> 
  10. <body> 
  11. <button onclick="boing()">Boing!</button> 
  12. </body> 
  13. </html>

If the third line (script including JQuery.js) is removed or commented out, the file behaves as expected. With the script included there is a DOM exception and the button doesn't work. If one disables exception catching, as suggested in the thread below, the button still doesn't work and in either case, the debugger won't stop at any breakpoints.

Dom exception debugging with chrome developer tools in jquery

The exception is: : DOMException code: 12 message: "SyntaxError: DOM Exception 12" name: "SyntaxError" stack: "Error: An invalid or illegal string was specified.↵ at t.nodeType.t.documentElement.b.matchesSelector.g

This is on Mac OSX 10.8 in Google Chrome 26, but I see the same behaviour in Safari 6.0.4.

Note that I downloaded the JQuery starter kit and it has the exact same exception.

So, what am I missing here? TIA