Function to imitate JS callback window.onBeforeUnload

Function to imitate JS callback window.onBeforeUnload

I have a script on my site that will set the window.onbeforeunload whenever an input is changed, and when the form is submitted, disable the alert, and submit the form. 

Current JS:
  1. // If any inputs are changed, enable the alert if they change pages (Unless its a .trivial form)
    // Wait til the page is fully loaded to do so, since some inputs are changed via JS
    $(window ).load(function(){
    $('form:not(.trivial)').find( 'input, :checkbox, :radio, textarea' ).change( function (){

    // When the bwizard form is submitted, disable the nav alert

    template = {
    nav_alert: function ( status ) {
    "use strict";

    if ( status === true ) {
    window.onbeforeunload = function () {
    return 'Are you sure you want to leave? All changes you have made will be lost';
    } else {
    window.onbeforeunload = null;
What I want to do though, is kinda implement my own onBeforeUnload feature, since the regular prompt is just ugly. Somewhat like Facebooks alert when you are commenting on something or adding a wall post, and try to navigate away, it will show a nice prompt.

Is there a way to basically watch if the window is going to navigate in any way? Whether it be just a HREF link, or JS onClick, or even a jQuery $('#this-item').click(){ redirectFunction(); }).. I mean anything.

I know I could do something like $('a').click(), but some redirects are done when classes or ID's are clicked, etc etc.

Also, how do I have a function continue with the default action after temporarily disabling it? Heres a small mock up script I created..
  1. $(window).load(function(){
    $( 'a' ).click(function(e){

    new Messi('Are you sure you want to navigate away?', {
    title: 'Navigate',
    buttons: [
    id: 1,
    label: 'Continue',
    val: 'continue',
    class: 'btn-success'
    id: 2,
    label: 'Cancel',
    val: 'cancel',
    class: 'btn-close'
    modal: true,
    callback: function(val) {
    if(val === 'continue'){
    // How to continue with the default action? Whether
    // its just an anchor link, an onClick attr, or even
    // something specified in JS
    else if(val === 'cancel'){
    // Dont do anything

So I cant just return true or false in a Messi callback, because that will pertain to the messi callback, not the parent function.

Anyhelp would be great! Thanks