How do I pass a portion of Json object to another page?

How do I pass a portion of Json object to another page?

I have the following data returned from a call to a webserver and I am passing the username, password, firstname, lastname, etc to another page to be captured and used for other purposes.
In the data posted below, how do I just pass only the tokenID to another page?
If it is easier to pass entire object, that's fine too. I would appreciate your assistance guiding me.
Thanks a lot in advance
  1. { "Value" :{ "TokenId" : 11 ,
    "LoginName" : "Jerry.Mann" ,
    "Created" : "2013-12-10T15:44:49" ,
    "Expires" : "2013-12-31T15:44:49" , "
    Token" : "61f5da50-d0d9-4326-a403-f8e4798c0f0d" ,
    "LastUsed" : "2013-12-10T15:44:49" }, "Status" : 0 , "Message" : null