How to close a video (Youtube api, videojs5) in a Lightbox by click outside of the lightbox

How to close a video (Youtube api, videojs5) in a Lightbox by click outside of the lightbox

I´m working on a Lightbox where users can open it for watching videos. 
I were able to close the video by click on the "close button" for the Lightbox, but if i click outside of the Lightbox i get this error: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'stopVideo' of undefined".

I know the problem already but don´t know how to fix it.
The problem is :
var player = $ (this).closest('.modal-box').data('player');
if i cklick the close button the player can be selected, but if i click outside in the body there is no player in this container.
<div="contant with video"></div>
<div="js plugin supersized"></div>
<div="and the outside of the container where it should close"></div>

How can i fix this mistake ?