If I check whether the document is ready, jquery mobile doesn't work anymore

If I check whether the document is ready, jquery mobile doesn't work anymore


I have a problem with JavaScript/Jquery/Jquery Mobile:

I want to build a Sidebarnavigation, I am using slidr. If I check whether the document is ready or not with

  1. $(document).ready


  1. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){})

my buttons turn into normal html buttons, if I don't use $(document).ready or document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){}) the buttons looks like jQuery Mobile buttons. In both ways that:

  1. $('#navigation >#navtag>#menu').click(function(){alert("H");});

doesn't work.

This is the whole file: http://pastebin.com/dtZfgAgd

I am using slidr. I am developing an app for android (cordova)