Jquery Accordion with integrated Cycle Slideshow - IE Bug

Jquery Accordion with integrated Cycle Slideshow - IE Bug

Hello Everyone,
I am feverishly looking for a solution to how to combine the Jquery
Accordion (http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-
accordion/) and the Jquery Cycle plugin (http://malsup.com/jquery/
A test is here: http://bentographics.com/test/accordion/index.html
The Problem:
Under IE6 & IE7 the Accordion effect does not work properly. When the
accordion slides up the slideshow does not get covered, but stays till
the end and then abruptly disappears.
On Firefox or Safari everything looks fine. Please take a look.
How can I fix this issue? Any tips greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
p.s. I tried to integrate about half a dozen other Jqyery slideshows
plugins into the accordion to no avail. It`s always the same IE issue.