[jQuery] How to parse XMLHttpRequest.responseText from $.ajax(complete: function())

[jQuery] How to parse XMLHttpRequest.responseText from $.ajax(complete: function())

I've tried to make this as simple as possible. I can't figure out how
to parse the value of an element in xhr.responseText...
I have a function like this (works fine):
url : 'ii.faces'
, complete : hitMe
In hitMe(), I can see the xhr.responseText and the element in question
- BUT how do I pull out the value from the responseText and into a
function hitMe(xhr){
     console.warn( xhr.responseText) ;
Here I want to get the value of iiForm:iiDude (see snippet
below) ????
Here is a snippet from the xhr:
<form id="iiForm" name="iiForm" method="post" action="/dev/ii.faces"
<input id="iiForm:iiDude" name="iiForm:iiDude" type="text" value="Show
Me The Money" />