[jQuery] how to use sortable and dragable on the same element?

[jQuery] how to use sortable and dragable on the same element?

I'm reading about <a href="http://jqueryui.com/demos/droppable/#photo-manager"> http://jqueryui.com/demos/droppable/#photo-manager</a>
When i try to use sortable in the same element!
I can not make it happen! When i move element to other place to sort it, the original element alwasy got back to original place! When i remove .dragable(), i can use .sortable!
Does anyone know how to use sortable and dragable on the same element?
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@name Quoc Vinh Nguyen
@email Kurei@UrbanJar.Info
@alias Vincent Nguyen
@phone (84) 98 43 34 98
@site Axcoto.Info