[jQuery] jQuery + Validation: submit() is sending multiple form submits

[jQuery] jQuery + Validation: submit() is sending multiple form submits

I'm having a problem with validating first then submitting a form with
jQuery after success. It works however it seems like my submit()
function keeps sending multiple submits and keeps growing each time i
reuse the form (i made sure the values are reset after each submit).
I'm not sure if its my code since i've re-checked it for hours to no
avail. Here is the code in a nut-shell:
My form with id of #form-external-link is validated when submit button
is clicked:
    rules: {
        exlink_url: {
            required: true,
            url: true
    submitHandler: function(form) {
        alert('This will pop up only once as it should');
        $(form).submit(function() {
            alert('This will pop up every twice, 3x, 4x, etc. after each
validate success');
Am I missing something from my code??