[jQuery] Question about jScrollPane - full body scroll

[jQuery] Question about jScrollPane - full body scroll

In looking at the code for the full body scroll. I can not seem to
understand one part of it. I am actually doing a couple of scroll
panes in a page, that resize based on the window size, and am using
the full body scroll as an example. I can not figure out what is going
on in the line with the *** in front of it. Does anyone know what this
is doing? Or how I would us it on a named div?
                // this initialises the demo scollpanes on the page.
                $('#pane1, #pane2').jScrollPane();
                var isResizing;
                // and the body scrollpane
                var setContainerHeight = function()
                    // IE triggers the onResize event internally when you do the
stuff in this function
                    // so make sure we don't enter an infinite loop and crash the
                    if (!isResizing) {
                        isResizing = true;
                        $w = $(window);
                        $c = $('#container');
                        var p = (parseInt($c.css('paddingLeft')) || 0) +
(parseInt($c.css('paddingRight')) || 0);
                        ***$('body>.jScrollPaneContainer').css({'height': $w.height() +
'px', 'width': $w.width() + 'px'});
                        $c.css({'height': ($w.height()-p) + 'px', 'width': ($w.width() -
p) + 'px', 'overflow':'auto'});
                        isResizing = false;
                $(window).bind('resize', setContainerHeight);
                // it seems like you need to call this twice to get consistantly
correct results cross browser...