[jQuery] Tablesorter + Pager + AJAX = Problem

[jQuery] Tablesorter + Pager + AJAX = Problem

Hi, I'm using the form plugin to allow users to select a few search
criteria, my app spits back new table rows which are inserted.
Tablesorter handles this perfectly (with or without calling the update
function mind you). My problem is the pager plugin. I've chained on
the pager, as you can see below in the trigger_update function.
This causes the Prev/Next arrows to skip TWO pages instead of one. If
I perform another search, then I jump forward or back THREE pages
instead of one. It seems clear that a variable is incrementing that
shouldn't be.
Anyone have suggestions?
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var options = {
         target: '#results',
            success: trigger_update
['zebra']}).tablesorterPager({container: $("#pager")});
     function trigger_update() {
        $("#results_table").trigger("update").tablesorterPager({container: $