jquery ui Dialog, scroll contents to specific location

jquery ui Dialog, scroll contents to specific location

Hey all

I'm new to all this and have a problem that I cannot seem to get fixed...

I'm putting an html page inside a jqueryUI dialog widget and need to scroll to an anchor in that page: <a name="xxx"></a>

I'm grabbing the href of the link I'm clicking to instantiate the dialog, something.htm#anchorname, and calling the dialog on that. The page loads in the dialog just fine, but I cannot get it to scroll to the relevant point, as a standard link would.  I've been on this for hours, but my skill level is obviously not up to the task.  I have a feeling there's a much better and more elegant way to approach this...

Has anyone done this before? - is there an alternative way to scroll to a specific content block on a page within a dialog?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!  Thanks in advance.