loaded div content not showing or not possible to load into textarea

loaded div content not showing or not possible to load into textarea

Hello, i loaded an div id into an <ol> but this is not showing (although it is loading in dreamweaver)

So my idea was to load this into an textarea but i did not manage to do.

So can someone please help my how to make this content visible?
  1. <html>
  2. <head>
  3. <title>testpage</title>
  4.     <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.min.js"></script> 
  5. </head>
  6. <body>
  7. <ol id="flugwetter"></ol>
  8. <script>
  9. $( "#flugwetter" ).load( "https://www.flugwetter.de/fw/berichte/uebersicht/gaforgeb/get_fw.htm?gebnr=1&amp #survey2" );
  10. </script>

  11. </body>             
  12. </html>