Multiple checkbox toggle class

Multiple checkbox toggle class


I hope someone can help. I have some jQuery code to add and remove a class to toggle an image. It works for one but now I want it to work if I add other checkboxes. Currently all the checkboxes change the 1st div. I would like to make it toggle it's respective div. Any help would be great!

Thanks in advance!
  1. <html>
    <title>jquery to Show/Hide a Div</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">



    if ($(this).is(":checked"))


    <style type="text/css">
    #checkme { float:left;}
    #action { float:left;}
    .clip {
    background:transparent url( no-repeat scroll 0 0;height:24px;margin:0;text-indent:-9999px;width:75px;}
    .clipped {background-position:0 -24px;}
    <div style="width:196px;">
    <input id="checkme" type="checkbox" /><div id="action" class="clip"></div>
    <input id="checkme" type="checkbox" /><div id="action" class="clip"></div>
    <input id="checkme" type="checkbox" /><div id="action" class="clip"></div>
    <input id="checkme" type="checkbox" /><div id="action" class="clip"></div>