navbar button highlighted

navbar button highlighted

So I have the following navbar code:

  1. <div data-role="navbar">
  2.       <ul data-inset="true">
  3.             <li><a class="ui-btn-active ui-state-persist ui-btn-corner-tl">a</a></li>
  4.             <li><a>b</a></li>
  5.             <li><a class="ui-btn-corner-tr">c</a></li>
  6.       </ul>
  7. </div>
This navbar is on a page inside a document with multiple pages.  So when I browse to the page with the navbar above on it, and click on the c tab for example, then press the back button, and enter this page again, the a and c navbar buttons are highlighted blue instead of just the a button.

Is there some way in jquery I can set the c button to be not highlight on pageshow?

Since no one seems to have a solution to ^that^ question, does anyone know of a workaround or another approach to this that will actually work correctly?

Thanks in advance for the help!