Offline Strategies - AJAX, JSON, PHP, MYSQL

Offline Strategies - AJAX, JSON, PHP, MYSQL

I have a Jquery Mobile app that I am building.  It has about 3 pages of, "Real-time" data, That Uses HTML, Javascript, JSON, PHP and MYSQL to populate notifications and data in real-time.  The HTML page uses javascript and calls the server side PHP files, which in turn connect to MySQL and put the data in an array, it is of course then fed back to the HTML and Javascript together to populate the notification tables...This app has been wrapped and tested in phobegap on Android and iOS, BUT, it has really got me thinking about what the heck I'm going to do for an offline strategy.

I stated reading about HTML5 Caching features, and also localStorage....I also started thinking about how SQL-lite may be able to play a role...My real time  data is mostly text data stored in MySQL, and there is one graphic for each, "Notficatin" or news item...I was hoping some people can share some of their implemented strategies, or maybe give me an idea about how far down the rabbit hole I have to go.  I'm a real KISS (Keep it simple Stupid) kind of guy, so If you know of a method that will be robust enough, and keeps the complexity to a minimum (The less hair pulling and fits of rage, the better), either way I would love to hear from anyone who has suggestion, ideas. 

If you need more information from me, just let me know, and I will do my best to provide it.

Thanks in advance.